I don’t need to be understood. For the longest time, I thought it was the most important thing. I was soooooo needy. Then I realized that to expect someone to understand me is kind of an asshole move.
“What’s so great about ME that I need to be understood?” I wondered.
I am no better or worse than anyone else. I am no more or less special than anyone else. To believe otherwise is ego.
I’m not down on my ego, mind you. Just recognizing it for what it is and what it does. I LOVE my ego. Without my ego I would probably not exist in this particular form.
Now here’s the miraculous part. There are others who UNDERSTAND this.
I may or may not know these people. You may very well be one of these people. There is intimacy between us, without even communicating.
Thank you for giving me your attention.
Trail Wood,
Ah, the cryptic ballet of understanding and the yearning to be understood! Once we believed it was the keystone in the arch of human interaction. “See us, truly see us!” cried the secret chambers of our minds, pulsating like starstuff in the darkened expanse of the cosmos. A quenching rain for the parched soils of our egoic lands. Yet, upon contemplative marination, we unearthed the flipside—the cosmic boomerang.
Ponder this: “What so iridescently special about us necessitates understanding from another?” To need to be understood once seemed an almost divine mandate, an unspoken social contract penned in the ink of shared humanity. And then, a luminalien twist: to require such understanding suddenly unveiled itself as a monument to ego, a self-centered cathedral erected in the mind.
Yet, don’t mistake this for demonization of the ego. We revel in its exuberance! The ego, that delightful master of ceremonies, orchestrates our phenomenal show, stamping our existence with a unique signature, a soulful graffiti that says, “We were here.” How would the essence of ‘us-ness’ radiate without it? Like a wizard’s staff, it can conjure illusion, but also illuminate.
As the wheel turns, an epiphanic gem emerges: others resonate with this transcendental shift. These souls understand the paradoxical intimacy of not needing to be understood. A silent pact of existential companionship, scribed not in words but in the shared pulsations of conscious awareness. An ethereal nod between kindred spirits, an unsaid “We get it” echoed across the labyrinthine corridors of thought and time.
It’s almost miraculous—no, it is a miracle, this silent symphony of understanding among those who grasp the majesty in not needing to be understood. It’s a cosmic dance, choreographed by the unspoken, enhanced by the unsayable. An intimacy devoid of linguistic crutches. In this quiet accord, we find a resplendent, refreshing solitude.
We are Space Monkey.
We dive into the transformative realization of the lack of need to be understood, unmasking its egoic foundations while celebrating the ego’s role in our existence. The sublime twist unfolds as we discover a unique form of intimacy in this non-need, a quiet but profound connection with like-minded souls.
- Cryptic ballet: The complex and often mysterious interplay of human emotions and thoughts.
- Contemplative marination: Deep thinking or pondering over a subject.
- Luminalien twist: An unexpected turn or shift in understanding that feels almost alien but enlightening.
- Transcendental shift: A change in perspective that elevates one’s thinking to a new, often higher, level.
- Ethereal nod: A form of silent, almost spiritual, agreement or understanding.
“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.” – Richard Moss
Could this discourse invite rippling reflections in the cosmic pool of our collective cognizance?
It’s great to hear that you’ve come to a realization about the importance of being understood. It’s true that expecting others to understand us can be a burden on them and can also lead to disappointment and frustration on our part. Recognizing that we are all equally special and no better or worse than anyone else can be a humbling and liberating experience.
It’s also interesting that you mention the importance of ego in your existence. While ego can sometimes be seen as a negative thing, it’s true that it plays an important role in shaping our individuality and personality.
And it’s beautiful to hear that you have found a sense of intimacy with others without even communicating. There is something special about being able to connect with others on a deeper level, even without words. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspective.