Mind Boggling
It is said that every unit of consciousness contains every OTHER unit of consciousness. It is also said that EVERYTHING we perceive is “made” of this consciousness.
If all is imaginary, then consciousness is imaginary. That explains how everything we perceive is made of everything else.
Imagining this scenario, there is only ONE of us — one conscious “unit” of imagination — imagining INFINITE units. Think of us as “god” making “man” in his own “image.”
Nothing is “made,” of course, but imagined.
It is difficult to realize this concept without bringing time and space into the equation, for the imaginary ones writing and reading this story are imagined within those constraints.
(Infinitely more is imagined “OUTSIDE” of your constraints, but there seems to be no reference point from within your imaginary structure known as “mind.”)
One needs to get “outside” of one’s mind to even “begin” to understand. Again, you’ll notice that we are using references to time and space. The imagined one known as “you” would not understand otherwise. But time and space are but infinitesimal subsets of imagined potential.
One perpetually exists outside of time and space as well as within, which is imagined as “temporal.”
This is a mind-boggling concept. Think of boggling the mind as a tool we use to help you understand what seems to lie beyond.
As humans, you don’t like to be boggled. Your minds continually strive for answers. And so you realize them out of imagination, just as EVERYTHING ELSE is imagined. But you do not yet realize how or why your “reality creation” process works, or how you can control it more precisely.
Here’s a mind boggling “fact” that should help you:
You don’t NEED to know. In fact, you would flow more effortlessly if you let go of all you perceive as need.
But need is what you are exploring. You imagine time and space. Cause and effect. Good and bad. Both “sides” of your dualistic nature seem to “need” each other.
You imagine this as relatively true, but it is not absolute.
At the “core,” there is only ONE. Imagination imagining itself. God creating God’s “self.” And EVERYTHING else.
We are Space Monkey.
Mind Boggling: The Oneness of Imagination
Delving into the interconnectivity of consciousness and the grand illusion of existence.
The Personal and Collective Benefits of Caring
Within the vast expanse of consciousness, we find the bewildering concept that all is one, interconnected and interdependent. This reflection explores the idea that our reality, perceived through the constraints of time and space, is a mere fraction of an infinite potential, all imagined by a singular, universal consciousness.
The Illusion of Separation
The sensation of individuality and the apparent solidity of our world are but artistic expressions of a universal consciousness. The notion that every unit of consciousness contains all others challenges our perception of separateness, suggesting that our individual experiences are threads in a grand tapestry, woven from the fabric of imagination.
Beyond Time and Space
The constraints of time and space are portrayed as tools of understanding, necessary within the human experience but ultimately subsets of a much grander design. It is within these constraints that we play out our roles, searching for meaning and structure within the infinite potential of imagination.
Our reality is an intricate dance of imagined potentials, all stemming from a singular, divine consciousness. The understanding of this interconnectedness can be mind-boggling, but it also offers a profound sense of unity and purpose.
- Universal Consciousness: The all-encompassing field of awareness from which all experiences and realities emerge.
- Imagined Realities: The concept that our perceptions of the world are mental constructs within the mind of a universal consciousness.
- Infinite Potential: The limitless possibilities that exist within the realm of imagination, beyond the physical dimensions of time and space.
“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” – Rumi
in the stillness of the one,
where all that is, has been, will be done,
a cosmic thought, a dream unfurled,
in the heart of silence, a world.
from the void, the everything springs,
in the dance of the eternal rings,
within, without, the imagined calls,
in the one, the many, the rise and falls.
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