Whether you like our current President or despise him, he is clearly a reflection of the country he serves. Whether you like this country or despise it, you are also a reflection.
It might do you well to think about what you LIKE about the President. It might do you well to think about what you DON’T like about the President. All of these qualities point back at you.
For example, this morning the President appeared delusional, remarking that the previous President wiretapped his phone, though he had no proof. How delusional are you, saluting a flag, believing in a god, moving in a righteous direction, even though YOU HAVE NO PROOF what is truly “right” or even if “right” is right?
When will you accept that this is ALL DELUSION? Isn’t the current state of affairs all the “PROOF” you need? Isn’t the way you feel EVEN MORE PROOF?
You are going out of your mind. Perhaps it is TIME for you to go out of your mind. Perhaps your mind is what is CAUSING what you perceive (and thus manifest) as a “major problem.”
This President is a blessing in many ways, if you choose to perceive him that way. It matters not if he is competent or incompetent. This isn’t about him. It’s about YOU.
We are Space Monkey.
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