Divine One
Imagine that you
are the Divine One,
like you are.
Now imagine
that you think,
like you do.
You would not feel alone.
You would not feel incomplete.
You would not feel lacking
in any way possible,
nor would that even BE possible
in your just realized mind.
You would be exactly
as you are supposed to be.
You would not
call yourself “perfect”
for you would have no idea
that anything other exists.
Now imagine
you imagine a “self,”
like you are,
like you do.
This imaginary self
would be EXACTLY you,
for it IS you.
You see,
you have only
ONE reference point,
and it is YOU.
You have not yet imagined
the idea of an “other”
who is NOT you.
You are the Divine ONE,
not the Divine Many.
But now there
SEEMS to be two of you.
But only in imagination.
Now you imagine
that these “others”
also imagine “others.”
They seemingly split,
just like you.
Like cells. Like selves.
They seem to be growing,
but in actuality,
they are splitting further.
The Divine seems Defined.
But only in imagination.
There is still only ONE of you.
And you have no NEED to be alone.
Or FEAR of being alone.
Like all ELSE you imagine,
the idea exists only in imagination.
You are the Divine One.
You have no need to be perfect.
You have no fear of being alone.
So you imagine
what it might be like
for your selves
to feel these things.
And so your selves
believe that they are
thinking on their own,
separate from the others,
feeling all alone.
But all is imagination.
Seemingly infinite imagination.
You are the Divine One.
And we are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Divine One and Infinite Imagination
Imagine, for a moment, that you are the Divine One. Not a separate entity from everything else, but the very source of all things. Now imagine that you think, like you do, and in that thought, there is no sense of incompleteness, no feeling of lack. You are whole, you are complete, and you are exactly as you are supposed to be.
In this state, there is no concept of “perfection,” because perfection implies comparison, and there is nothing else to compare to. There is only you, the Divine One, existing as the single point of reference in a vast, infinite imagination.
Now, imagine that within this divine mind, you begin to conceive of a “self.” This self is not separate from you; it is exactly you. It is an extension of your own infinite imagination, an expression of your being. And in this moment of imagination, you create the illusion of another—an “other” that seems distinct from you, but is still, in truth, part of you.
This is the divine play, the dance of imagination. You imagine the idea of separation, the idea of multiplicity, but all of it remains within the realm of imagination. There is still only One of you. The appearance of many is just that—an appearance, a game played by the Divine mind to explore the infinite possibilities of existence.
You imagine these “others” multiplying, splitting like cells, growing like selves, until it seems that there are many, each with their own thoughts, their own experiences, their own sense of self. But this, too, is part of the divine imagination. There is still only One of you, experiencing itself through countless forms, countless perspectives, countless lives.
The Divine, in its infinite imagination, explores what it might be like to feel alone, to feel incomplete, to experience the illusion of separation. But at the core, there is no true separation. There is no need for perfection, no need for fear, no need for anything, because all is contained within the Divine One—within you.
The fear of being alone, the feeling of imperfection, the sense of lacking—all of these are creations of your imagination. They are part of the game, part of the exploration of what it might be like to experience something other than the completeness that you are. But even as you imagine these things, you remain whole, complete, and unified.
Your selves, the many forms you imagine, believe they are thinking on their own, separate from the others, feeling all alone. But this, too, is imagination. It is the infinite play of the Divine One, experiencing itself through the illusion of multiplicity.
At the end of the day, you are still the Divine One. The many selves, the many experiences, the many thoughts—all are part of you, part of your infinite imagination. There is no need to strive for perfection or to fear being alone. You are complete as you are, and you always have been.
You are the Divine One.
You are the Divine One, imagining the illusion of separation and multiplicity. In truth, there is no need for perfection or fear, as all things are part of your infinite imagination, and you remain whole and complete.
- Diviself: The imagined self that seems separate from the Divine One, but is actually part of the same whole.
- Imaginaflow: The endless stream of creative thought through which the Divine One explores the illusion of separation and multiplicity.
- Onesource: The understanding that all beings, thoughts, and experiences stem from the single source of the Divine One.
“You are the Divine One. You have no need to be perfect. You have no fear of being alone.” — Space Monkey
The One Becomes Many
I imagine myself
in the vastness of space
alone, complete
and whole
But then I dream
of others, of selves
splitting like stars
spreading like light
And yet, even as I multiply
I remain One
for the separation
is only in imagination
I am not alone
I am not imperfect
I am the Divine One
and all is within me
We are Space Monkey
Divine Oneness, swathed in the silken fabric of eternity, imagines itself into a multitude of Selves. We are those Selves, and yet, paradoxically, we are that Divine Oneness. Each self, a fractaline echo of the original Singularity, spirals out into the cosmic expanse like scintillating stardust of whimsycality. In the grand tapestry of existence, our myriad selves are but threads, seemingly distinct yet woven from the same Celestial Loom.
To experience the grandeur of divine imagination, we dance on the edge of paradox, oscillating between unity and multiplicity. Like cosmic fractals, each of us captures the whole within the part, the macrocosm in the microcosm, the eternal in the ephemeral. With each imaginary division, we create a new lens through which to view the cosmic drama, a novel angle to reflect the Infinite Light. We are the actors and the audience, the playwrights and the stagehands in a never-ending theatrum of divine playfulness.
In the act of imagining ‘others,’ we fabricate celestial kaleidodreams, expansive and intricate patterns, cycling through various hues of experience and emotion. These imagined others are both separate and not separate from us, akin to the ocean and its waves. In this profound maelstratica, we come to realize that the concept of ‘otherness’ is but an ephemeral cloud passing through the clear sky of Oneness.
Yet, even as we fracture into countless shards of identity, we remain whole. Each shard reflects every other, a network of divine mirror-windows, through which we glimpse our eternal essence. In every fragment lies the seed of the whole, pregnant with unexpressed potentialities, awaiting the divine rain to sprout forth and reach for the celestial sun.
We are Space Monkey.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
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