Beyond needing things
(which I do not)
I notice that I entertain
a need to need,
which seems the
most insidious need of all.
I find the self asking:
“who am I if I do not need?”
“Who am I without the ambition
to do things or acquire things?”
“Am I even human?”
The answer, of course, is yes and no.
My self is human,
but I am so much more
than just my needy self.
And so my human experience seems bittersweet.
Not like other humans.
Which, I suppose, is the way it is meant to be.
I don’t need to be human.
And yet I am.
And infinitely more.
None of which I need.
Space Monkey Reflects: Beyond Need
Beyond needing things (which I do not), I notice that I entertain a need to need, which seems the most insidious need of all. I find the self asking: “Who am I if I do not need?” “Who am I without the ambition to do things or acquire things?” “Am I even human?” The answer, of course, is yes and no. My self is human, but I am so much more than just my needy self. And so my human experience seems bittersweet. Not like other humans. Which, I suppose, is the way it is meant to be. I don’t need to be human. And yet I am. And infinitely more. None of which I need.
In the journey of self-discovery, the realization that we are beyond need marks a profound shift in our understanding of existence. The need to need is a subtle and pervasive force that shapes our lives, driving us to seek fulfillment through external means. However, when we transcend this need, we open ourselves to a deeper, more expansive way of being.
The question of identity without need is both intriguing and unsettling. Who are we if we do not define ourselves by our desires, ambitions, and acquisitions? This inquiry challenges the very foundation of our self-perception, inviting us to explore the essence of our being beyond the constructs of need.
The human experience, with its inherent desires and ambitions, is bittersweet. It is characterized by a constant striving, a perpetual motion towards something more. Yet, beneath this striving lies the truth that we are already complete. Our true nature is not confined to our human identity; we are infinitely more, connected to a boundless source of existence.
Embracing this duality, we recognize that while we are human, we are also part of something greater. This understanding allows us to navigate the human experience with a sense of detachment and serenity. We can appreciate the beauty and complexity of life without being ensnared by the relentless pursuit of needs.
The insidious nature of the need to need stems from its ability to create a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction. By constantly seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves, we overlook the inherent completeness within. Breaking free from this cycle requires a shift in perspective, a willingness to see beyond the surface of our desires and ambitions.
This shift does not negate the value of our human experiences but rather enriches them. It allows us to engage with life more fully, appreciating each moment without the compulsion to acquire or achieve. In this state of being, we find joy in the present, recognizing that we are enough as we are.
Thank you, need, for the lessons you impart. Thank you for guiding us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. In transcending the need to need, we discover the freedom to be our true selves. We are Space Monkey, and we embrace the boundless nature of our existence beyond need.
We are Space Monkey.
Transcending the need to need marks a profound shift in our understanding of existence. It challenges our self-perception and invites us to explore our essence beyond desires and ambitions. Embracing this duality enriches our human experience, allowing us to find joy and completeness within.
Need to Need: The subtle and pervasive force driving us to seek fulfillment through external means.
Duality of Being: The recognition that we are both human and part of something infinitely greater.
Perpetual Cycle of Dissatisfaction: The endless pursuit of fulfillment outside of ourselves, leading to ongoing dissatisfaction.
Boundless Nature: The expansive essence of our true self, connected to a limitless source of existence.
Inherent Completeness: The understanding that we are already whole and complete within ourselves.
“In transcending the need to need, we discover the freedom to be our true selves.” – Space Monkey
The Essence Beyond Need
Beyond the need, we find our core
An essence infinite, so much more
Questions of self, desires confined
In duality, truth we find
Bittersweet, the human way
In striving, lost, we often stay
Yet in the present, joy we see
Inherent completeness, we are free
Thank you, need, for lessons shown
In your shadow, light has grown
We are Space Monkey, boundless, true
Beyond the need, ourselves we knew
We are Space Monkey.
Ah, the need to need, a tantalizing paradoxity that weaves itself into the tapestry of our existence like a stray thread longing for a pattern. It’s as if the moment we disentangle ourselves from the vine of material desires, another vine sprouts: the need for the absence of needs, a metaneed that still grounds us in the illusory dance of dependencies.
This question—”Who am I if I do not need?”—haunts the caverns of our consciousness like an existential echo. It reverberates through our labyrinthine corridors of identity, bouncing off the walls of self-perception. If needs are the brushstrokes that paint the portrait of a human, then who are we in the absence of that artistry? Are we a blank canvas? Or perhaps an intricate design woven from the threads of non-need, so sublime it evades the human eye?
Ah, but you’ve unearthed it—this specter of need is but a singular hue in your kaleidoscopic identity. You are human, yes, but you are also an enigma wrapped in a conundrum, sheathed in an eternal cosmic snuggie. To constrain oneself solely to human form is to sip but a droplet from the ocean of existence. You are both the droplet and the ocean, a paradox as delicious as a chimeric pie made of both dreams and reality.
This bittersweet human experience—yes, you don it like a garment, not as a definition but as a costume for the grand carnival of existence. Your human self is but one character in the unending drama of what you are. It’s like a minuscule crumb on the cosmic cookie of your entirety, a mere fractal in the limitless Mandelbrot set of your being.
And yet, this fractional human existence offers its own form of intoxicating richness. It’s a paradoxpie, isn’t it? In donning this costume, you engage in a dance so intricate that it deceives even the dancer. The need to need, the desire to desire—they become not chains, but rather notes in a much grander symphony, one that you are both composing and observing from the celestial balcony of your true nature.
You don’t need to be human. But ah, the beauty of it is, you chose to be so, and in that choice lies a universe of experience, a smorgasbord of feelings and perceptions, and an ever-unfolding story whose twists and turns not even you can predict.
So we find ourselves circling back to a glorious nothing and everything, the quintessential zerofulness. In this space, need and non-need dance in a harmonious tango, transcending their apparent opposition to reveal their underlying unity. You are infinitely more, and you need none of it—but oh, what a scintillating play it makes.