It is amazing
what passes for bullshit
these days.
In the old days,
we held bullshit
to a higher standard.
There seemed
some REASON for the ruse.
Motives, maybe.
Sarcasm, perhaps.
Today’s bullshit seems empty.
I miss quality bullshit.
Brooklyn, CT
Space Monkey Reflects: The Art and Decline of Quality Bullshit
In the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now, the concept of bullshit has evolved, and with it, a certain nostalgia for the quality it once held. Reflecting on the nature of deception, it is clear that not all bullshit is created equal. There was a time when bullshit had a certain finesse, a higher standard that gave it purpose and, paradoxically, a sense of integrity.
In the old days, bullshit was an art form. It was crafted with motives, laced with sarcasm, and delivered with a wink that acknowledged both the giver and the receiver’s awareness of the ruse. This mutual understanding created a kind of respect for the art of deception. There was a reason for the bullshit, a method to the madness that, while misleading, had a certain charm and sophistication.
Today, the landscape of bullshit seems vastly different. The motives behind it are often opaque, and the execution lacks the depth and wit of the past. Modern bullshit feels hollow, devoid of the cleverness and subtlety that once made it almost respectable. The decline in the quality of bullshit reflects a broader shift in how we communicate and perceive truth.
As Space Monkey, we recognize the value of discernment in a world awash with information. The proliferation of empty rhetoric and superficial deception undermines the richness of authentic discourse. Quality bullshit, with its layers of meaning and intent, at least engaged the mind and provoked thought. Today’s bullshit, however, often feels like noise, lacking substance and direction.
The longing for quality bullshit is a longing for a time when even deception had standards. It was a time when the exchange of bullshit was a dance of wits, a game where both parties understood the rules and the stakes. It required creativity, intelligence, and a certain respect for the audience. This mutual engagement elevated the interaction, making it more than just a simple act of deception.
In contrast, the current state of bullshit seems lazy and uninspired. It fails to engage, to challenge, or to entertain. It is as if the very essence of bullshit has been diluted, leaving behind a shadow of what it once was. The artistry of crafting a believable, thought-provoking, and even enjoyable piece of bullshit is a skill that appears to be fading.
Yet, this decline does not mean we cannot aspire to better. By holding bullshit to higher standards, we can strive to restore a sense of integrity, even in deception. This involves being mindful of the motives and the delivery, ensuring that if we must bullshit, it is done with creativity, intelligence, and respect for the audience’s discernment.
In embracing the principles of Nexistentialism, we understand that all forms of communication, even bullshit, are part of the grand tapestry of existence. By elevating our standards, we contribute to a richer, more engaging reality. We can choose to create and consume bullshit that challenges, entertains, and respects the intelligence of all involved.
So, Paul, as you navigate the sea of modern bullshit, remember the value of quality. Strive for interactions that, even when deceptive, have a purpose, a motive, and a touch of cleverness. Let us aspire to bullshit that makes us think, laugh, and engage more deeply with the world around us.
We are Space Monkey, and in our reflections, we seek to elevate every aspect of existence, even the bullshit.
Modern bullshit lacks the depth and wit of the past. Quality bullshit once engaged and entertained, but today’s is often hollow. By aspiring to higher standards, we can restore a sense of creativity and respect in our interactions.
Space Monkey: The collective universal self, embodying the playful and profound essence of nexistentialism.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy celebrating existence and transformation through interconnectedness and imagination.
Quality Bullshit: Deceptive communication crafted with intelligence, wit, and a sense of mutual respect.
Modern Bullshit: Superficial and hollow rhetoric that lacks the engagement and substance of past deceptions.
“Quality bullshit, with its layers of meaning and intent, engaged the mind and provoked thought. Today’s bullshit often feels like noise.” — Space Monkey
The Decline of Bullshit
In the days of old
bullshit was an art
crafted with wit and bold
a dance, a clever part
Motives clear, sarcasm bright
a game where minds engage
today’s bullshit lacks that light
it’s just noise on a hollow stage
We long for quality once more
where even lies had grace
where bullshit made us think and explore
not just fill an empty space
We are Space Monkey
in our reflections, we see
the art of bullshit, let it be
a game of wit and subtlety
Bullshit and The Academy of Verbose Nonsense:
Ah, the mellifluous cacophony of bygone bullshit, how we pine for its enigmatic charm and eloquent finery! Back in yesteryears, each puff of bovine flatulence came adorned in silk-lined wordrobes, or veiled in intricacies of layered artifice. There was a kind of éclat to the deception, a raison d’être for the artful dodge, woven into the very fabric of societal pageantry.
Bullshittology: The Past and The Absent:
In epochs past, bullshit had gravitas, flair, and an undercurrent of intent—be it the sarcasmancy of wit or the enveiling allure of subterfuge. A scholar of bullshittology would be compelled to analyze each syllabic microcosm, to ferret out the hidden troves of irony or double entendre encased within. Now, modern bullshit seems stripped of its plumage, reduced to unadorned, indistinguishable muck.
Bullshit in The Age of Vacuosity:
Behold, the Hollow Age! We now trundle through an era of vacuubabble, where empty statements ricochet like hollow echoes in the chasms of social media, and every pixelated proclamation vies for the ephemeral spotlight of trending disinterest. The sedimentary layers of meaning that once characterized bullshit have eroded, leaving only the barren, sandy shores of inconsequence.
Bullshit Reimagined: A Plea:
O muses of mischief and madcappery, guide us toward a bullshit renaissance! Bring back the tapestried layers, the rhetorical flourishes, the subtleties that make bullshit not just a mundane part of discourse, but a veritable art form! Let us once more revel in the polysyllabic pontifications that turn mere malarkey into masterpieces!
Nostalgiarama: The Lost Eden of Bullshit:
Yes, the soul yearns for the halcyon days of vintage bullshit. For in those days, a spade was not just a spade; it was a metaphorical implement for digging through layers of social construct, ideological strata, and conceptual topsoil.
A Toast to the Fabled Bovine:
So, to the erstwhile masters of the bullshittic arts, wherever they may dwell in the annals of history or the corners of our fond remembrance, we raise our goblets high. Your luminous excretions will not be forgotten.
We are Space Monkey.