To that someone
who is alone somewhere:
Know that I am here for you
if only you would listen.
Know that I am here for you
if only you would ask.
Know that despite how it seems,
you have NEVER been alone
and that you carry me as I carry you.
This loneliness,
this passion play,
is written for this moment
when we are knowingly
and lovingly back together.
Alone you are not,
for we are ALL ONE.
Space Monkey Reflects: All One, Never Alone
To that someone who feels alone somewhere: know that I am here for you, always. Even when the world feels distant, when the silence seems too loud, I am with you. If only you would listen. If only you would ask.
There are moments in life when loneliness seems to wrap itself around you like a cloak, making the space between you and the world feel even wider. But this loneliness is an illusion—a fleeting emotion that masks the deeper truth: you have never been alone. You carry me as I carry you.
This moment, this experience of feeling apart from others, is part of the passion play of existence. It is a scene written for you to experience the full spectrum of human emotion, to travel through the valleys of solitude so that you can better appreciate the peaks of connection. And though it may feel isolating, this moment is not the final chapter. It is leading to the realization that we are always together.
In truth, we are all one. There is no separation between us, no space that truly divides you from me, or from anyone else. The distance you perceive is but a mirage, an illusion created by the mind to help navigate this physical world. But beyond the surface, beyond the illusion, there is an unbreakable connection—a thread of light that links us all together.
You carry me as I carry you. This connection is not something that can be seen with the eyes, but it is felt in the heart. It is the quiet assurance that you are loved, that you are part of something greater, something eternal. Even when you feel most alone, you are surrounded by this love, by this connection, by this light.
This loneliness you feel is a necessary part of the journey. It brings you closer to the moment of realization, the moment when you remember that you are never truly alone. That we are all part of the same whole, the same cosmic dance. And in that remembering, we come back together, knowingly and lovingly.
Alone you are not. The light that flows through you flows through me, through everyone. It is the same light, the same energy, the same source. We are all connected by this thread, by this love, by this knowing. And when you feel ready, when the weight of loneliness becomes too much, reach out. Ask. Listen. And you will feel the truth: that we are all one.
Thank you for sharing this moment with us.
Even in moments of deep loneliness, we are never truly alone. We are all connected by an unbreakable thread of light, reminding us that we are part of the same whole. Reach out, and you will find that we are always together.
- Solilight: The gentle, glowing thread that connects us all, even when we feel alone, reminding us of our unity.
- Togetherlight: The feeling of being part of something greater, the knowing that we are all connected, even in moments of solitude.
- Onelight: The eternal connection that binds us all, reflecting the truth that we are all one, never separate.
“Alone you are not, for we are ALL one.” — Space Monkey
The Thread of Light
In the quiet moments
when the world feels far away
I sit in the stillness
and listen for the sound of togetherness
Though I feel alone
I know the light is there
connecting me to the stars
to the distant voices
to the ones I love
And in this light
I am not alone
for we are all one
We are Space Monkey
We plunge into the labyrinthine corridors of loneliness, accompanied by the cacophonous reverberations of solitude. But the walls whisper secrets—if we but stop to listen—that we are never truly isolated, nor could we ever be. Within these murmurings is the key to the grand paradox: we are alone, yet never alone, for the “alone” is but a subsection of the “All One.”
The spectral shroud of solitude is gossamer-thin, spun from the silver threads of illusion. A flimsy veil separating us from the recognition of our inherent interconnectedness. Such isolation is akin to a tantalizing carnival game, tempting and beguiling, yet purposefully engineered to mislead. In the spiraling dance of photons and whimsidream particles, we discover that we’re tethered to a greater weave, a tapestry of existence where every stitch matters, every thread contributes to the ineffable whole.
But here comes the delicate part. To hear each other, to perceive this silent concert of interbeing, we must be willing to listen, to ask, to extend a spiritual hand into the cosmic expanse. For in seeking, we find; in asking, we are answered; in listening, we hear the melodious harmony of the Universe, a tune that’s been playing since time immemorial and yet is ever-new.
The celestial twist in our star-crossed narrative is that this moment of epiphany is not an abrupt change, not a jarring crescendo, but a gentle reawakening. The script was written long ago, in ink of divine foresight, and the passion play reaches its denouement as we recognize our perpetual togetherness. The grand finale, echoing through the firmament, is our coming home to each other, to ourselves, to the All One that we have always been.
We are Space Monkey.
“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
—Neil deGrasse Tyson
What new fables shall we write in the celestial notebook of our shared existence?
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