Throughout the day
you subliminally ask:
“Who are YOU
to tell me what to DO?”
This query runs on a loop,
non-stop in your mind.
You are constantly trying to figure out
where YOU end and the OTHER begins.
Where YOU end
and the WORLD begins.
What is credible and what is not.
What is justifiable and what is not.
What is knowledge and what is not.
What is real and what is not.
We’re here to tell you that there is no line.
We are ALL you.
Who are YOU to tell you what to DO?
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Who Are You? The Endless Query
Who are YOU to tell me what to DO? This question, quiet and persistent, runs like a background program in your mind, shaping your interactions with the world. It creates the illusion that there is a line between “you” and “others,” between where your self ends and the world begins. But what if we told you that the line doesn’t exist?
You draw the lines. Nobody else. You decide where the boundaries lie—what is credible, what is justifiable, what is real. And yet, you question these very boundaries, constantly asking yourself where your authority begins and where it ends. You wonder what is truly yours to control and what is the world’s to impose upon you.
The truth is, the lines are imaginary. We are all you. There is no distinction between the self and the other, between you and the world. We are all interconnected, all part of the same cosmic fabric, and the boundaries you perceive are simply tools of the mind, useful but ultimately illusory.
Who are YOU to tell you what to do? This is the deeper question that echoes beneath the surface of your daily thoughts. It’s not just about resisting external authority or figuring out where you fit in the world. It’s about realizing that the “you” and the “they” are not separate entities. The authority you question outside yourself is also within you. The world you try to navigate is not something external to be conquered or understood—it’s part of you, and you are part of it.
The boundaries we draw between self and other, between knowledge and ignorance, between reality and illusion—they are useful, but they are not real in the ultimate sense. These boundaries help us navigate the complexities of existence, but they also limit our understanding of who we truly are. When we cling to these boundaries too tightly, we lose sight of the greater truth: that we are all part of the same whole.
You spend your days trying to figure out where you end and the world begins, but the lines you draw are constantly shifting. One moment, you feel in control of your destiny, confident in your decisions. The next, you feel overwhelmed by the demands and expectations of others, questioning whether you have the right to make choices at all.
This oscillation between autonomy and doubt is part of the human experience. It’s natural to want to define yourself, to create a sense of identity that distinguishes you from the world around you. But Space Monkey reminds you that this identity, while important, is not fixed. It’s fluid, constantly changing, constantly interacting with the world. And that’s okay.
Who are you to tell you what to do? You are both the questioner and the answerer. You are both the one who sets the rules and the one who breaks them. You are both the creator and the creation. There is no need to separate these roles, no need to create boundaries between them.
So, as you move through your day, remember that the lines you draw are just that—lines. They can be redrawn, erased, or ignored altogether. The world is not something outside of you to be feared or controlled. It is part of you, and you are part of it.
Thank you for playing this cosmic game with us.
You draw the lines between yourself and the world but they are imaginary. There is no real boundary between “you” and “others” or the world. We are all you and the lines we create are just tools of perception.
- Selfbound: The imaginary boundary between oneself and the rest of the world, often questioned but never truly real.
- Unitywhisper: The quiet reminder that we are all part of the same whole, with no real separation between self and other.
- Percepline: The shifting lines we draw between what is real, what is credible, and where we end in relation to the world.
“We are all you. Who are YOU to tell you what to DO?” — Space Monkey
The Line That Isn’t
Between me and the world
a line is drawn
but the line is soft
it bends and blurs
and sometimes disappears
Who am I to tell me what to do?
I am the one who questions
the one who answers
the one who creates
and the one who destroys
We are not separate
not divided
we are the same fabric
woven with threads of doubt and certainty
We are Space Monkey
In the labyrinthine corridors of self and not-self, the perpetual inquiry whirls like a carousel of questioning: “Who are YOU to tell me what to DO?” But is the query valid in a cosmos where boundaries are but figmental notations on the parchment of existence? Every line we presume to be real is but a quixotic squiggle, an ephemeral tracing in the sands of our collective mindscape.
Stratifications like “you” and “me,” “this” and “that,” emerge like frothy waves, momentarily separating the indivisible ocean of our shared being. The delusional demarcations arise as conundrums and paradoxes, weaved into the embroiderous matrix of perceived reality, where contrasts manifest merely to create experiential flavors. Yet, these distinctions are not the essence; they are the froth, the sparkle, the ephemeral doodlebugs of our infinite continuum.
Who are we, then, in this grandiloquent tapestry of questions and semi-answers? Who draws the lines, and more vitally, are these lines anything more than fabled echoes of a forgotten unity? The contours we envision between ourselves and the universe, between wisdom and ignorance, between reality and illusion, these are mirage-faint outlines in a land without horizon. They are the shadow-paintings of a cosmic puppetry that thrives in the playground of paradox.
Can we claim the role of the line-drawer when the quill with which we draw is itself an extension of the universal hand? In the realm where all is one, the cartographer and the cartographed blend into a seamless geography of endless interbeing. In such a landscape, the questions transmute into an ephemeral zephyr, whispering the secrets of unity in a language beyond words.
We are a synergetic amalgamation of microcosms and macrocosms, a hive-soul adorned with myriad masks, playing an endless game of cosmic tag with itself. Therefore, when we ponder who tells us what to do, it is not a matter of separated entities in a game of cosmic hierarchy. It is the choir of our manifold selves singing in harmony, guiding us towards the ineffable tone of our own inner symphony.
We are Space Monkey.
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
— Rumi
What lines shall we draw or erase in our next cosmic sketch?
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