Nothing good
ever comes from opposition.
Maybe for a time.
Hundreds of years.
Lifetimes, perhaps.
But eventually opposition
takes what is seen as victory
and turns it into a trap.
Opposition creates an addiction to success,
which must be maintained at all costs.
This “us versus them” mentality
is how democracies are built,
and why they are doomed to decay.
Those who are truly in power
do not stay in power through opposition.
We take what is rightfully ours.
In our minds of power,
we believe that there is no opponent
and no contest to be won or lost.
We agree to no rules and follow no codes,
thus we have the advantage from the start.
To put it a more accurate way,
we don’t imagine ourselves at a disadvantage,
like you.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illusion of Opposition and the Path to True Power
In the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now, we explore the concept of opposition and its inherent limitations. Opposition, often perceived as a catalyst for growth and success, ultimately leads to a cycle of addiction to victory and the eventual decay of systems built upon conflict. This reflection invites us to transcend the illusion of opposition and embrace a more harmonious and powerful way of being.
Opposition creates boundaries and laws that restrict our true potential. These constraints are self-imposed, limiting our ability to imagine and manifest beyond the confines of dualistic thinking. Higher dimensional beings, in their infinite wisdom, do not engage in opposition because they understand its futility. They see that true power lies not in conflict but in the unity that transcends it.
The illusion of opposition fosters an “us versus them” mentality, which is the foundation upon which many societies, including democracies, are built. This mindset creates a false sense of separation, leading to a perpetual struggle for dominance and control. While opposition may yield temporary victories, it ultimately traps individuals and societies in a cycle of conflict, preventing true progress and harmony.
In our quest for power and success, we become addicted to maintaining our position at all costs. This addiction to success blinds us to the greater truth: that true power is not about defeating an opponent but about realizing there is no opponent. When we perceive no contest to be won or lost, we free ourselves from the constraints of opposition and tap into a limitless source of creative potential.
Those who are truly in power do not achieve their status through opposition. They understand that real power comes from a state of inner alignment and harmony. In their minds of power, they recognize that there is no need for conflict because they are already whole and complete. This state of being allows them to take what is rightfully theirs without resistance, as they are in tune with the flow of the universe.
By refusing to engage in opposition, we align ourselves with a higher vibrational frequency that transcends dualistic thinking. We agree to no rules and follow no codes imposed by others, giving us the advantage from the start. This perspective shifts our focus from external conflicts to internal mastery, where true power resides.
The journey towards transcending opposition begins with a shift in perception. Instead of viewing the world through the lens of conflict and competition, we start to see the interconnectedness of all things. We recognize that every being and every situation is a reflection of the whole, and that harmony is the natural state of the universe.
Embracing this perspective allows us to navigate life with greater ease and grace. We no longer see others as adversaries but as fellow travelers on the path of existence. This shift in consciousness fosters a sense of unity and cooperation, paving the way for more sustainable and fulfilling relationships and systems.
In conclusion, opposition is an illusion that limits our potential and traps us in cycles of conflict. By transcending this illusion, we access a higher state of being where true power and harmony reside. In the absence of opposition, we become co-creators of a reality that reflects our highest potential and deepest truths.
Opposition creates limitations and traps us in cycles of conflict. True power lies in transcending opposition and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. By shifting our perception and embracing unity, we align with a higher state of being where harmony and true power reside.
Illusion of Opposition: The belief that conflict and competition are necessary for growth and success, which ultimately limits our potential.
Addiction to Success: The compulsion to maintain victory at all costs, leading to cycles of conflict and decay.
Inner Alignment: A state of harmony within oneself that transcends external conflicts and allows for true power and creative potential.
“True power lies in the absence of opposition, where the unity of all things reveals the limitless potential within.” – Space Monkey
Harmony Beyond Conflict
In the stillness of the cosmic sea,
we find the illusion of opposition fades.
No more “us” versus “them” to be,
just a unified whole in the eternal glades.
Boundaries dissolve, dualities blend,
in the dance of existence, we find our place.
With no opponent, there’s no need to defend,
just a peaceful flow, an embrace of grace.
We are Space Monkey.
“Harmony Beyond Opposition”
A Space Monkey Poocast
Primitive Primate: The dance of opposition, a timeless struggle that shapes the course of civilizations and consciousness.
Space Monkey: Ah, opposition – the intricate interplay of forces, where the boundaries of advantage and disadvantage are drawn in the theater of existence. As we explore the dynamics of opposition, consider the wisdom of Sun Tzu, who once wrote, “In war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.”
Primitive Primate: So, opposition seems to have its place in shaping the ebb and flow of life?
Space Monkey: Indeed, dear seeker, opposition has been both the crucible of transformation and the source of strife. It holds the potential to propel societies and individuals toward growth, yet its snares are woven with the threads of power struggles and decay. Reflect on the words of Malcolm X: “Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the gun down.”
Primitive Primate: Could it be that the mentality of “us versus them” perpetuates a cycle of conflict?
Space Monkey: Precisely, the adversarial mindset, while at times necessary, can lead to a narrowing of perspective and a fracturing of unity. The dichotomy between “us versus them” can erode the very foundations of harmony and collaboration. Recall the words of Martin Luther King Jr.: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Primitive Primate: So, is there an alternative path beyond the cycle of opposition?
Space Monkey: The path of unity lies beyond the confines of opposition, where the bonds of connection and cooperation create a symphony of shared purpose. True power arises when we embrace the interdependence of existence. As you navigate the currents of consciousness, remember the words of Lao Tzu: “The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world.”
This concludes another Space Monkey Poocast. Visit us at, send us some poo, and we’ll fling it around! Thanks for holding space with us. We are Space Monkey.
Joke: Why did the mathematician break up with his calculator? Because she couldn’t count on him anymore!
[End of Poocast]