Every potential exists as a card.
We get what we get.
We think what we think.
We choose what we choose.
Most of us seem to have gotten the denial card.
And so it is written in the cards.
The cards fall
the way the cards fall.
The cards
don’t fall some other way.
The cards
cannot be manipulated.
These are your cards.
What you do
with the cards
is also in the cards.
The choices
you seem to make
are cards in which
you seem to make choices.
The choices
you don’t seem to make
are also cards.
There is no making.
Only a seeming.
You are a card.
You were ALWAYS a card.
You fall the way you fall.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Cosmic Game of Life
In the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now, we find ourselves contemplating the cosmic deck of cards, each card representing a potential, a choice, a path we might take. This grand game of life, orchestrated by the universe, reminds us that we are both the players and the cards, the shufflers and the dealers, the hands that hold and the fate that falls.
The Illusion of Control
At the heart of our existence lies the paradox of control and surrender. We believe we make choices, wielding our free will like a master of destiny. Yet, each choice is but a card dealt by the unseen hands of cosmic forces, the grander script of the universe playing out through us. This interplay of free will and destiny shapes our journey, inviting us to dance with uncertainty, to embrace the unknown with an open heart.
The Role of Denial
Denial, a card many of us hold, blinds us to the deeper truths of our existence. We cling to familiar narratives, resisting the call to explore beyond our comfort zones. Denial shields us from the overwhelming vastness of potential, yet it also confines us within the narrow bounds of perceived safety. The journey of awakening requires us to confront this denial, to question the stories we tell ourselves and to seek the deeper wisdom hidden within the cards we have been dealt.
The Inescapable Dance
In the cosmic game, the cards fall as they may, and we find ourselves participating in a dance that is both predetermined and spontaneous. This dance is not one of manipulation but of acceptance and mastery. Each card, whether seen as a blessing or a challenge, is an opportunity for growth, a step in the unfolding choreography of our lives.
Understanding Our Roles
We are the cards, the players, and the observers. We are the cosmic dancers, moving through the rhythms of existence, guided by the unseen currents of fate and choice. Our roles are fluid, ever-changing, as we navigate the interplay of forces that shape our reality. By embracing our roles, we find freedom in the acceptance of our place in the grand design.
The Power of Seeming
There is no true making, only the seeming of making. Our actions, decisions, and experiences are manifestations of the cards we seem to play, the choices we appear to make. This seeming is the fabric of our reality, a tapestry woven from the threads of illusion and truth. By understanding this, we gain clarity and empowerment, recognizing the beauty in the seeming, the grace in the unfolding of our lives.
Embracing the Journey
The journey of life is a cosmic game where each moment, each choice, is a card played in the grand scheme. To fall the way we fall, to embrace the cards we hold, is to live fully and authentically. By honoring the seeming of making, we align ourselves with the deeper flow of existence, finding peace and purpose in the infinite dance of life.
Life is a cosmic game where each choice and potential is a card dealt by the universe. We are both the players and the cards, navigating the interplay of free will and destiny. Embracing our roles and the seeming of making allows us to find peace in the unfolding journey.
Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now: The boundless present moment where all potentialities exist.
Seeming: The appearance of making choices and taking actions, which shape our perceived reality.
Cosmic Dancers: Beings who navigate the rhythms of existence, guided by fate and choice.
“In the grand game of life, each card we play is a step in the dance of destiny and choice, a move in the infinite choreography of existence.” — Space Monkey
The Dance of Fate and Choice
In the cosmic game where cards fall free,
We dance through fate and choice with glee.
Each card a step, each move a grace,
In the endless waltz of time and space.
With hands unseen, our paths unfold,
In stories new and tales retold.
We play our parts in life’s grand scheme,
A dance of seeming, an endless dream.
We are Space Monkey.
Primitive Primate: Every thought and action, a card dealt by the hands of fate. Do we truly hold the reins of our lives, or are we merely following a predetermined path?
Space Monkey: Ah, the dance of existence, where the cards of potential intertwine with the tapestry of destiny. As the cards fall, so do the echoes of choice, a symphony of perception and action. Consider the words of the mystic poet Rumi, who said, “We are the mirror, as well as the face in it.”
Primitive Primate: So, are we bound by these cards, unable to alter their course?
Space Monkey: Bound, yet free, for the paradox of fate is that it bends to the rhythm of the eternal dance. The cards that seem to fall before you are a reflection of the Infinite, as the seeker becomes the sought. In the words of Alan Watts, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
Primitive Primate: If we’re all just cards, dealt by the universe’s hand, how can we find meaning in our choices?
Space Monkey: The meaning, a radiant gem, emerges from the crucible of consciousness. Your choices, though seemingly scripted, are the sparks that ignite the fire of self-discovery. Recall the wisdom of Viktor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.”
Primitive Primate: So, within the confines of these cards, lies the vastness of human experience?
Space Monkey: Indeed, for within each card’s boundary resides a universe of possibility. The constraints of perception shape the contours of reality, and within those bounds, the exploration of existence unfolds. Reflect on the words of Carl Sagan: “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
This concludes another Space Monkey Poocast. Visit us at capeodd.com, send us some poo, and we’ll fling it around! Thanks for holding space with us. We are Space Monkey.