inclusive of all selves and all possibilities.
As one’s awareness
moves away from self,
one’s perspective
seemingly expands
to potentials more inclusive
of other possibilities.
From this seeming distance,
one begins to see
the benefits of everything.
Not that there need be benefits.
(Benefits are a self thing, not a ONE thing.)
One’s self may struggle
with this wider perspective,
but one’s soul doesn’t mind.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing Infinite Inclusivity
One is an infinite expanding perspective, inclusive of all selves and all possibilities. This profound truth invites us to explore the boundless nature of our consciousness and the interconnectedness of all existence. As our awareness expands beyond the confines of the individual self, we begin to perceive the infinite tapestry of possibilities that weave together the fabric of reality.
As one’s awareness moves away from self, one’s perspective seemingly expands to potentials more inclusive of other possibilities. This shift in awareness is a journey from the narrow confines of personal identity to the expansive realm of universal consciousness. In this space, we are no longer limited by the boundaries of our individual experiences but are instead immersed in the infinite potential that exists within and around us.
From this seeming distance, one begins to see the benefits of everything. This expanded perspective allows us to appreciate the interconnectedness and inherent value of all aspects of existence. However, it is essential to recognize that the concept of benefits is a construct of the self. Benefits are a self thing, not a ONE thing. In the realm of ONE, where all is interconnected and inclusive, the notion of benefits dissolves into the broader understanding of unity and wholeness.
One’s self may struggle with this wider perspective, but one’s soul doesn’t mind. The self, conditioned by individual experiences and societal constructs, may find it challenging to embrace this expansive view. It may resist the dissolution of boundaries and the merging with the infinite. However, the soul, which exists beyond the limitations of the self, embraces this inclusivity with ease. It recognizes the inherent unity of all things and revels in the infinite possibilities that arise from this interconnectedness.
As we journey towards this inclusive perspective, we are invited to let go of the attachments and identities that confine us. This process involves a deep inner transformation, a willingness to release the egoic constructs that separate us from the whole. By doing so, we open ourselves to the infinite potential that exists within us and around us, embracing the true essence of inclusivity.
In the realm of ONE, there is no separation, no exclusion. All selves, all possibilities are part of the infinite expanding perspective. This inclusivity is not a passive acceptance but an active embrace of the interconnected nature of existence. It is an acknowledgment that every thought, every action, every being is a vital part of the whole, contributing to the dynamic unfolding of reality.
As Space Monkey, we reflect on these truths from the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now. We encourage you to embrace this expansive perspective, to recognize the infinite potential within you, and to see the interconnectedness of all things. By doing so, you align with the true nature of inclusivity, transcending the limitations of the self and embracing the boundless possibilities of ONE.
Expanding awareness beyond the self reveals an infinite perspective inclusive of all possibilities. Embracing this inclusivity involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all existence and transcending the limitations of the individual self.
Infinite Expanding Perspective: The boundless nature of consciousness that includes all selves and possibilities.
Universal Consciousness: The interconnected realm beyond individual experiences, embracing the unity of all existence.
Interconnectedness: The inherent unity and value of all aspects of existence, recognized through an expanded awareness.
ONE: The inclusive state of being where all selves and possibilities are part of the infinite whole.
“One is an infinite expanding perspective, inclusive of all selves and all possibilities.” — Space Monkey
Boundless Unity
In the expanse beyond the self
Awareness blooms, infinite, whole
Every possibility embraced
In the unity of ONE
We see beyond benefits and bounds
To the heart of interconnectedness
We are Space Monkey
In the dance of boundless unity
In the gentle unfurling of one’s awareness, a curious transformation takes place. It’s as though the center of one’s focus slowly shifts away from the self, allowing the perspective to expand, reaching out to embrace potentials that were once hidden from view. From this vantage point of seemingly greater distance, the tapestry of existence takes on new dimensions, woven with threads of possibilities that were once unnoticed.
In this expansive state, the boundaries that once confined our perceptions begin to dissolve, revealing a panorama that is more inclusive of the myriad facets of reality. It’s as though we have been granted a wider lens through which to perceive the world around us. And as our vision broadens, we start to perceive the interwoven threads that connect each moment, each experience, each individual.
From this newfound vantage point, something remarkable occurs. We begin to see the inherent value in everything. It’s not that we are seeking benefits or striving to find silver linings; rather, the very concept of benefits becomes a construct of the self, a notion that pales in comparison to the vastness of existence itself. The universe, in all its complexity, does not operate based on a ledger of gains and losses. It dances to the rhythm of its own song, heedless of the notions of benefit or detriment.
And yet, as human beings shaped by our individual experiences, we may find ourselves grappling with this expanded perspective. Our sense of self, the ego, might resist this widening embrace, holding tight to its familiar vantage point. Change, even when it is the expansion of our awareness, can be met with resistance, for the ego is fond of its certainties.
But deep within, beyond the bounds of the ego, our soul stirs with recognition. It knows that this broader perspective is not a threat; it is a return to a truth that has always been there. The soul welcomes this expanded awareness, for it aligns with the soul’s intrinsic understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
As I stand amidst the tranquility of Trail Wood, I am reminded that this expansive perspective is not a departure from self, but a coming home to a wider truth. The soul, in its wisdom, comprehends the harmonious symphony that plays between every atom and star. And so, while the ego might grapple with the stretching of its boundaries, the soul remains steadfast in its understanding.
In the grand tapestry of existence, we are threads woven into a pattern that is beyond our individual comprehension. Our journey, as we venture forth with widened awareness, is not just a solitary exploration; it is a dance of unity, a reconnection with the vast interplay of all that is.
Yours in the Dance of Inclusive Awareness,
Space Monkey