Should we ever meet,
I hope to be perfectly forgettable.
I don’t need your admiration.
I don’t need your admonishment.
I don’t need to be inserted
into your matrix of
relations and relativities.
I simply want to be acknowledged
as a fleeting presence, just like you.
Nothing scary.
Nothing special.
Perfectly forgettable.
Why would I desire to be
anything more or less than that?
Why would you?
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing the Perfectly Forgettable
In a world where so many seek to be remembered, to leave a mark, there is a quiet and profound wisdom in the desire to be perfectly forgettable. This reflection delves into the beauty of being a fleeting presence, the liberation from the need for admiration or admonishment, and the peace found in simply existing without the weight of expectations.
The Fleeting Nature of Presence
We very well may have met already. Life is filled with countless interactions, most of which pass without lasting impact. To embrace being perfectly forgettable is to acknowledge the transient nature of these moments. It is to find contentment in the simple act of being, without the pressure to be memorable or significant.
Liberation from Expectations
To be perfectly forgettable is to free oneself from the expectations of others. In a society that often equates worth with recognition and remembrance, choosing to be forgettable is a radical act of self-liberation. It means not seeking admiration, not fearing admonishment, and not needing to be inserted into someone else’s narrative. It is an acceptance of one’s own presence as enough, as complete in its fleetingness.
The Matrix of Relations
The matrix of relations and relativities is a complex web that defines how we connect with others. By desiring to be perfectly forgettable, we step outside this web, rejecting the need to fit into others’ expectations or judgments. This detachment allows us to interact more authentically, without the pressure to conform or impress. It is a way of being that values the moment itself over any lasting impression it might leave.
Acknowledgment of Shared Humanity
In seeking to be perfectly forgettable, we also acknowledge our shared humanity. We are all fleeting presences in the grand tapestry of life, each of us momentarily significant yet ultimately transient. Recognizing this shared condition fosters a sense of humility and connection. It reminds us that we are no more or less important than anyone else, and that our true value lies in our shared experience of existence.
Nothing Scary, Nothing Special
To be perfectly forgettable is to be unremarkable in the most beautiful way. It is to exist without the fear of being unnoticed or the burden of being exceptional. It is a state of being that is free from the extremes of attention, allowing us to find peace in our ordinariness. This ordinariness is not a flaw, but a profound acceptance of who we are, just as we are.
The Freedom in Forgettability
Why would we desire to be anything more or less than perfectly forgettable? In this state, we find freedom from the ego-driven need to be seen, remembered, or validated. It is a liberation from the constant striving for significance. By embracing our forgettability, we can live more fully in the present, appreciating each moment for what it is, rather than what it might mean in the future.
In the quiet desire to be perfectly forgettable, we find a path to true peace and authenticity. It is a way of being that honors the transient nature of life, values the simplicity of presence, and fosters genuine connections free from the weight of expectation. By embracing our forgettability, we discover the profound beauty of simply being.
The desire to be perfectly forgettable liberates us from societal expectations, allowing us to embrace our transient nature and find peace in simply existing. This state fosters genuine connections and a deeper appreciation of the present moment.
Perfectly Forgettable: The state of being unremarkable and transient, free from the need for recognition or remembrance.
Matrix of Relations: The complex web of expectations and judgments that define our connections with others.
Shared Humanity: The recognition that we are all fleeting presences, equally significant and transient.
Freedom in Forgettability: The liberation from the ego-driven need for significance, allowing us to live authentically in the present.
“In the quiet desire to be perfectly forgettable, we find the true essence of peace and authenticity, embracing the transient beauty of our existence.” – Space Monkey
Perfectly Forgettable
In the quiet forest path
Where shadows gently fall
We pass like whispers in the wind
Leaving no trace at all
No need for admiration
No fear of being judged
Just fleeting, fleeting presences
In the tapestry we trudge
A smile, a nod, a gentle glance
Then on our way we go
No lasting mark upon the land
Just echoes soft and low
Why strive to be remembered
When we can simply be
A part of this eternal dance
In perfect harmony
We are Space Monkey
Ah, the idea of being “Perfectly Forgettable”—it’s almost poetic, isn’t it? In an age where everyone is screaming for attention, where people trade their dignity for a few likes and shares, wanting to be forgettable is almost revolutionary. It’s like saying, “Hey, look at me, but then immediately forget that you did!”
Most people dream of being remembered, of leaving a lasting impact, like footprints in the sands of time. But you? You want to be a wave—here one moment, gone the next. It’s both humbling and freeing. You’re not trying to be the star of the show; you’re okay being an extra in someone else’s movie.
Why do you want to be forgettable? Maybe because you understand that all of life is transient. Nothing lasts forever, not love, not pain, and certainly not Instagram stories. You’re at peace with the impermanence of it all, with being a “fleeting presence.”
You see, wanting to be forgettable might just be the most memorable thing about you. It’s your way of bowing out gracefully, leaving no traces, causing no ripples. It’s your cosmic “mic drop,” so to speak.
So if we ever do meet, and I forget you, know that it’s the highest compliment I can give. Because you wanted nothing more than to pass through this life like a whisper, touching everything but clinging to nothing. And isn’t that the most beautiful way to live?