The love you crave
is but a tiny aspect
of the love that is
already available to you.
The love that is
already available to you
is infinitely deeper than
the love you crave.
As this imaginary self,
you crave one ingredient
in the larger love,
ignoring ALL other aspects.
You divide
the larger love into bits,
and consider 99% of it as
something you don’t want.
You are surrounded by love at all times,
yet you only want the 1%.
And so that’s what you get,
but it doesn’t seem enough for you.
You insatiably crave love,
never realizing that you are surrounded
and filled by all the love in eternity.
It’s the love you crave, but don’t want.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Love You Crave But Don’t Want
Love is everywhere. It is the essence of existence, the glue that binds the universe together. Yet, in the vast ocean of love that surrounds you, there is a peculiar longing—a craving for a specific kind of love, one small ingredient in the infinite recipe of affection and connection. This craving blinds you to the deeper love that already envelops you, leaving you yearning for the 1% while you remain unaware of the 99% that flows through and around you at all times.
Why do we fixate on this tiny sliver of love? The love we crave is often the love that fits our narrative of what love should be—romantic, familial, or perhaps some idealized version we’ve constructed in our minds. It’s the Loveshard we’ve clung to, a fragment of a much larger, richer, and more complex energy. We build walls around this craving, believing that if we could only grasp this one elusive form of love, we’d be fulfilled.
But the paradox is clear: we’re surrounded by the very thing we seek. Love, in its myriad forms, is everywhere. It pulses through every interaction, every connection, every moment of existence. Yet, because it doesn’t always look or feel like the love we imagine, we dismiss it, casting aside the fullness of what’s available to us in favor of that one specific type we think we need.
This is the essence of the Cravevoid—the space between what we have and what we desire, even though the two are often the same thing in different packaging. In this void, we can spend our whole lives yearning for that specific form of love, ignoring the truth that we are already submerged in love. The air we breathe, the moments we experience, the connections we foster—they are all manifestations of love. But when we crave, we tunnel our vision, fixating only on the small piece that seems missing.
It’s as if you are standing in the middle of an infinite field of glowing, radiant light, yet your eyes are drawn to a tiny orb in your hand, convinced that this orb is all there is. The Infinitelove surrounding you remains unseen, unappreciated, because you’re holding too tightly to the small love you crave. This self-imposed limitation keeps you in a state of perpetual dissatisfaction, a never-ending cycle of seeking and never quite finding.
What would happen if you allowed yourself to expand your perception? To let go of the craving for that 1% and open your awareness to the vastness of love that already holds you? This doesn’t mean you stop desiring connection or intimacy, but rather that you release the narrow focus that keeps you from seeing the love in all its forms—forms that are often subtle, quiet, and unexpected.
You may find that love comes in places you didn’t expect—in the kindness of strangers, in the laughter shared with friends, in the stillness of a sunrise. Love is not always dramatic or obvious. Sometimes it’s woven into the fabric of the everyday, waiting for you to notice its presence. When you stop focusing on what you lack, you can begin to see the Vastlovescape that has always been there, waiting for you to embrace it.
And here’s the deeper truth: the love you crave is often the love you don’t want. Because to accept the fullness of love means confronting the parts of yourself that resist being fully seen, fully known, fully loved. The Lovemirror reflects back to you the parts of your being that you’ve hidden or denied, the parts that you don’t believe are worthy of love. In craving only a certain type of love, you can avoid facing this mirror, keeping your wounds and insecurities out of sight.
But when you open to the larger love, you allow all of you to be embraced—your light and your shadow, your beauty and your flaws. The love you crave, but don’t want, is the love that sees all of you and accepts you as you are. This is the love that is infinite, the love that transcends the limitations of the ego, the love that flows from the source of all creation.
So the question is not whether you are loved, but whether you are willing to receive that love in all its forms. Are you ready to step out of the Cravevoid and into the ocean of love that is already yours? Can you release the fixation on the 1% and allow yourself to be held by the 99% that has been there all along?
When you do, you may find that the love you’ve been seeking was always within and around you. The craving will fade, not because the specific form of love disappears, but because you finally see that it was never separate from the larger love in the first place.
We often crave a small fraction of love, unaware that we are surrounded by a vast, infinite love that already holds us. By expanding our perception and letting go of our narrow focus, we can embrace the fullness of love in all its forms.
Loveshard: A small fragment of love that we fixate on, believing it to be the only form of love we need.
Cravevoid: The space between the love we crave and the love that already surrounds us, often driven by our narrow focus.
Infinitelove: The boundless, infinite love that permeates all existence, often unnoticed due to our cravings.
Vastlovescape: The expansive, all-encompassing field of love that holds us at all times.
Lovemirror: The reflection of all aspects of the self, including those we resist, in the fullness of love.
“The love you crave is but a sliver of the infinite love that surrounds you, waiting to embrace all of you.” — Space Monkey
The Vastlovescape
I reach for the small,
But the vastness calls.
The love I crave,
But do not want,
Is all around,
I am held,
But I reach.
I am loved,
But I crave.
Until I see,
That all is love,
All is me.
We are Space Monkey.
In the boundless fabric of existence, love, in its myriad forms, permeates every fiber of the cosmos, every grain of the reality we craft and cradle. Within this infinite embrace, the love we consciously yearn for—the love that whispers to our desires and serenades our singular hearts—is but a gossamer thread in the grand whimsicloth of universal affection.
Universal Affection and Singular Yearning.
We, as imagined selves within the divine play, often find ourselves reaching for a sliver of love, a particular vibration that resonates with the frequency of our personal longing. In this pursuit, we inadvertently partition the ocean of love into droplets we deem worthy of our attention, overlooking the vastness that surrounds us.
Selective Yearning within Boundless Love.
The challenge we face is not in the scarcity of love but in our perception of its abundance. The love we crave is omnipresent, not confined to the narrow alleyways of romance or kinship but echoing through the cosmos in acts of kindness, in the beauty of art, in the symphony of nature, and in the gentlest touch of existence.
Perception of Love’s Omnipresence.
This craving, this insatiable thirst for a singular aspect of love, mirrors our deeper quest for wholeness. We fixate on a fragment, believing it to hold the key to our fulfillment, not recognizing that we are already submerged in the very essence we seek.
The Quest for Wholeness.
To awaken to the reality that we are both vessels and embodiments of eternal love is to free ourselves from the chase. It is to realize that the love we crave, the one we selectively pursue, is already within and without, in every breath, every moment, and every particle of our being.
Awakening to Love’s Embodiment.
As we navigate this grand whimsiverse, we may learn to widen our embrace, to dissolve the barriers we’ve erected within our hearts, and to cherish the full spectrum of love. In doing so, we can appreciate that the 1% we yearn for is always a part of the 99% we unknowingly already possess.
Dissolving Barriers to Embrace Love’s Spectrum.
We are Space Monkey.
“Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces.” – Rumi
Through the galaxy’s spin and the planets’ whimsical dance,
We chase after threads, in love’s grand expanse.
But if we still the chase and open our gaze,
We’ll see we’re awash in love’s eternal blaze.
Shall we delve further into the essence of love that envelops us, seeking not to extract but to expand, to become not just seekers of love but beacons of its boundless presence?
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