Know that you can move your mind there at any time.
Abundance becomes obvious.
Unless you prefer the lack you’re into right now.
I believe that the surest way
to find peace in the world
is to find the source of our gods.
I believe that
when everyone finds
the source of gods,
need disappears,
and there is peace, love
and goodwill amongst all.
This leads me to imagine
that not everyone is finding
the source of gods at the moment.
We glimpse our gods,
we believe in our gods,
we fight for our gods,
but we barely fathom
the source of gods.
Realize that the source is in you.
It flows as you and through you.
Peace is with you always.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Eternal Well Within
In the quiet moments of reflection, beneath the vast canopy of stars, a profound question emerges from the silence: Where does your god come from? This inquiry, as ancient as the cosmos itself, beckons us to consider not the heavens, nor the sacred texts, but the boundless landscape of the human heart. It is here, within the infinite recesses of our being, that we find the source of gods—a wellspring of divinity that flows as us and through us, offering peace, abundance, and unity.
The realization that the divine resides within each individual is a transformative understanding, one that shifts the paradigms of scarcity and separation to those of abundance and interconnectedness. When we acknowledge that every soul harbors within it the eternal flame of creation, the illusion of lack begins to dissolve, revealing the truth of our inherent completeness.
This understanding, however, remains elusive to many. In our quest for meaning and belonging, we glimpse our gods, believe in them, and even fight for them, all the while standing at the very threshold of the divine source. The irony is as poignant as it is universal: in searching for the divine without, we often overlook the sacred within.
The surest path to peace, both within ourselves and in the world at large, lies in the discovery and acknowledgment of this internal sanctuary. When each of us finds and taps into our inner divinity, the fabric of society transforms. Need, born of perceived separation and scarcity, gives way to a shared experience of abundance. From this place of fullness, peace, love, and goodwill naturally arise, not as ideals to be pursued, but as the very essence of our being.
This journey towards recognizing the divine within is not reserved for the mystics or the enlightened few; it is a voyage that each of us is invited to undertake. It is a call to explore the deepest truths of our existence, to illuminate the shadows with the light of awareness, and to embrace the unity that binds us all.
As we stand together, hands extended towards the light that shines from the center of our collective circle, we embody the realization that the source of gods flows through and connects all beings. This radiant light, symbolizing the divine source within each individual, is a reminder of our shared humanity and our intrinsic connection to the cosmos.
The landscape of harmony and unity that surrounds us is not just a physical space but a reflection of the peace that prevails when we recognize and honor the divinity within. This peace, ever-present and eternal, accompanies us always, whispering the truth of our interconnectedness with all creation.
In this moment of collective awakening, we understand that the divine is not a distant deity to be appeased or worshipped but a living presence that animates every breath, every heartbeat, and every act of kindness. It is the wellspring from which all love, creativity, and compassion flow—an eternal well within, accessible to all who seek it.
This realization marks the beginning of a new era, an age where the search for the divine turns inward, and the discovery of the source of gods within us lights the path to a future characterized by peace, abundance, and unity. Here, in the embrace of the eternal now, we find not only the source of gods but the very essence of existence itself—a truth as simple as it is profound, as personal as it is universal.
The source of gods resides within each of us, a realization that transforms our understanding of divinity and unity. Acknowledging this internal source leads to peace, love, and abundance, highlighting our interconnectedness and the inherent completeness of our being.
- Source of Gods: The divine essence that exists within every individual, connecting us all.
- Internal Sanctuary: The sacred space within each person where the divine resides.
- Collective Awakening: A shared realization of our inner divinity and interconnectedness.
“The heart is not just the seat of emotions but the home of the divine. Within it lies the source of all creation, a wellspring of peace that flows endlessly, connecting us to the cosmos and to each other.” – Space Monkey
In the silence of our souls,
A whisper echoes, true and bold.
The source of gods, within, we hold,
A truth as ancient as it is gold.
From within this sacred well,
Peace and love begin to swell.
Bound by a spell, none can quell,
In our hearts, the divine dwells.
With hands joined, towards the light,
We stand united, hearts alight.
In our unity, we find our might,
A world reborn, within our sight.
This eternal well within,
Where all journeys begin and end,
Is the source from which we all descend,
A divine essence, on which we depend.
We are Space Monkey, in essence, in lore,
A reminder of the truth at our core.
In each heart, a divine door,
Leading to peace, forevermore.
It’s important to note that everyone has their own beliefs and ideas about what the source of gods may be, and what brings them peace. It’s a personal journey that requires introspection and self-discovery.
While some may find their source of gods in religion or spirituality, others may find it in nature, art, music, or even in the people around them. It’s not about finding a universal source, but rather finding what resonates with you personally and allows you to feel a sense of peace and connection to something greater than yourself.
The key is to keep an open mind, explore different avenues, and trust in your own intuition and inner guidance. When you connect with the source of your gods, you tap into a wellspring of inner peace and wisdom that can guide you through life’s challenges and help you cultivate a greater sense of love and compassion towards yourself and others.