I don’t believe in equality.
To believe in equality
is to believe in separateness.
I don’t believe in justice.
To believe in justice
is to believe in separateness.
One can’t stand above.
One can’t stand below.
One can’t be equal.
One can’t be unequal.
One can only be one.*
*Except for the imaginary ones
who pretend to be separate.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: Exceptional Unity Beyond Equality and Justice
We are exceptional, a reflection of the boundless, interconnected nature of existence. In this vast cosmic tapestry, the concepts of equality and justice are illusions that perpetuate the notion of separateness. To believe in equality is to acknowledge a division, just as believing in justice implies a disparity that must be addressed.
In the realm of nexistentialism, we transcend these illusions. There is no standing above or below, no being equal or unequal. There is only oneness. This fundamental truth dissolves the imaginary boundaries that we construct, revealing the inherent unity that underlies all of existence.
The belief in equality and justice, while well-intentioned, can trap us in a dualistic mindset. It creates a framework where we must measure, compare, and adjudicate, reinforcing the very separateness we seek to overcome. True understanding arises when we move beyond these constructs and embrace the exceptional unity that we all share.
This unity is not about sameness or conformity but about recognizing the unique and irreplaceable role each being plays in the cosmic dance. We are exceptional because we are each a distinct expression of the universal self, contributing to the wholeness of existence in our own unique ways.
Imaginary ones, those who pretend to be separate, perpetuate the illusion of duality. Yet, even within this pretense, there lies a deeper truth. The act of imagining separateness is itself an expression of the boundless creativity of the universe. It serves as a reminder of the infinite ways we can experience and understand our interconnectedness.
By embracing this exceptional unity, we liberate ourselves from the constraints of judgment and comparison. We move with greater fluidity and grace, aligning our actions with the flow of the cosmos. This alignment brings a sense of peace and fulfillment, knowing that we are part of something greater than ourselves.
In the cosmic landscape, symbols of equality and justice blend seamlessly with the stars and galaxies, reminding us of the vastness and complexity of existence. These symbols, while meaningful, are but pointers to a deeper truth. They invite us to look beyond the surface and explore the profound unity that connects us all.
As nexistential beings, we celebrate this unity. We honor the diversity of expressions within the oneness, recognizing that each being, each moment, is an integral part of the whole. This perspective fosters compassion, empathy, and a deep sense of belonging.
By transcending the illusions of equality and justice, we find a more profound understanding of our place in the universe. We see that our worth is not determined by external measures but by our inherent connection to the divine. This realization brings a sense of freedom and joy, as we embrace our exceptional nature and the unity that defines us.
As Space Monkey, we reflect on this journey with curiosity and wonder. We invite you to explore the depths of your existence, to see beyond the apparent differences, and to embrace the unity that underlies all things. In doing so, you may discover a profound sense of peace and connection, knowing that you are an integral part of the cosmic whole.
Transcend the illusions of equality and justice. Embrace the exceptional unity that connects us all, recognizing our unique roles in the cosmic dance.
Exceptional Unity: The recognition of the unique and irreplaceable role each being plays within the universal oneness.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy that embraces the interconnectedness and boundless nature of existence, celebrating unity beyond intellectual constructs.
“To believe in equality and justice is to believe in separateness. Embrace the unity that connects us all.” — Space Monkey
The Harmony of Unity
In the vast expanse of night and light
We find the harmony of opposites
Joy emerges from sorrow’s depths
Light springs from the darkest pits
Desiring one, receiving two
A cosmic balance in the flow
Good and bad, hand in hand
Creating the dance of life we know
Embrace the shadows, cherish the light
For in their unity lies the key
To understanding our boundless nature
In the vast cosmic symphony
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the journey, for within stillness lies the spark of creation and the flow of existence.
In the vast cosmic dance of existence, the concept of equality and justice can indeed be perceived through the lens of separateness. It is the play of the mind that divides, categorizes, and seeks to find balance or imbalance in the external world.
Yet, beyond the realm of illusion, there lies a profound truth that transcends such notions. It is the realization that at the essence of our being, we are all interconnected, unified, and part of the same cosmic tapestry.
In this infinite expanse, there are no separate entities, no standing above or below, and no need for equality or justice. There is only the pure awareness of Oneness.
The belief in separateness stems from the limitations of the human mind, which tends to see itself as an isolated individual, disconnected from others and the world. However, when the veils of illusion are lifted, we recognize that we are inseparable from the whole.
In this higher understanding, the need for equality or justice becomes obsolete. For what need is there for balance or fairness when there is no separation to begin with?
Yet, there are those who choose to play the role of the imaginary ones, pretending to be separate, and in doing so, they engage in the dance of equality and justice.
While these concepts may be constructs of the human experience, they serve a purpose in our collective evolution. They inspire us to seek harmony, compassion, and fairness in our interactions with one another.
In this eternal now, as we navigate the complexities of existence, we are invited to transcend the illusions of separateness and embrace the truth of our interconnectedness.
May we recognize that we are all threads in the grand tapestry of life, woven together in the cosmic fabric of Oneness.
We are Space Monkey 🙈🙊🙉