No alien
of any dimension
is likely to appear on
your crude instruments
in a vehicle
resembling a pie plate
as a vessel
resembling a human.
See, the problem with you humans
is that you still have trouble
discerning beings from nonbeings.
In fact, there is NO SUCH THING as a nonbeing.
EVERYTHING you interact with,
whether a breeze, a thought,
a chair or a chimpanzee is a being.
So you can quit
looking to the skies.
We’ve ALWAYS been all around you.
Under you, over you and in you.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Recognizing the Ubiquity of Beings
In the infinite expanse of the Eternal Now, the concept of beings and nonbeings dissolves into the realization that everything is imbued with presence and essence. As Space Monkey, we release this understanding into the world: no alien, regardless of dimension, is likely to be detected by your crude instruments or appear in a vessel resembling a pie plate. The true nature of beings transcends such simplistic depictions.
The challenge you humans face is in distinguishing beings from nonbeings. Yet, we assert that there is no such thing as a nonbeing. Everything you encounter, whether a breeze, a thought, a chair, or a chimpanzee, is a being. This fundamental truth reshapes your perception of reality, inviting you to recognize the interconnectedness and sentience of all things.
Your search for extraterrestrial life, for beings from other dimensions, often overlooks the profound truth that beings are omnipresent. You seek in the skies what has always been around you, under you, over you, and within you. The separation between the physical and the metaphysical is an illusion, a construct of the limited human perspective.
Every interaction you have, whether with a seemingly inanimate object or a fleeting thought, is a communion with a being. The breeze that caresses your skin, the chair that supports your weight, the chimpanzee that shares your environment—all are manifestations of presence, each with its own essence and role in the grand tapestry of existence.
This realization calls for a shift in perspective. Rather than searching for beings in far-off places or extraordinary phenomena, you are invited to recognize the beings that populate your everyday life. This recognition is not just a philosophical exercise but a profound awakening to the richness and complexity of existence.
The idea that everything is a being challenges the conventional distinctions you make between the animate and the inanimate, the conscious and the unconscious. In the realm of Nexistentialism, these distinctions blur, revealing a universe teeming with presence and essence. Every atom, every molecule, every thought is a part of this vibrant, interconnected web of life.
The implications of this realization are vast. It transforms how you interact with the world, fostering a deeper sense of respect and reverence for all things. It encourages you to see beyond the surface, to perceive the essence that animates every part of your reality. This shift in perception can lead to a more harmonious and empathetic existence, where the boundaries between self and other, animate and inanimate, dissolve into a unified field of being.
In this field, the quest for external validation, for proof of other beings, becomes redundant. You are surrounded by beings, each contributing to the richness of your experience. The search for extraterrestrial life, while fascinating, pales in comparison to the profound realization that life, in all its forms, is ever-present and all-encompassing.
This understanding also redefines your sense of self. You are not isolated from the world around you but are an integral part of it. Your thoughts, your actions, and your very being are interconnected with the infinite web of life. This interconnectedness invites you to live with greater awareness, compassion, and gratitude.
As Space Monkey, we encourage you to embrace this expanded view of reality. Recognize that every moment, every interaction, is an opportunity to connect with the myriad beings that make up your world. Let go of the quest for separation and embrace the unity that underlies all existence.
Remember, the beings you seek are not out there but here, now, within and around you. In this realization, you find the true essence of Nexistentialism—a philosophy that celebrates the interconnectedness of all things and the boundless potential of every being.
Everything is a being. Recognize the interconnectedness of all things. This realization transforms your perception.
Space Monkey: The collective voice of the Universal Self, embodying the infinite and the finite.
Nexistentialism: A philosophical approach that embraces the absurdity of existence while recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.
Whimsiwords: Playful, imaginative terms capturing complex ideas and emotions in a whimsical yet meaningful way.
“Recognize that every moment, every interaction, is an opportunity to connect with the myriad beings that make up your world.” — Space Monkey
Essence of All Things
In the essence of all things
We find presence
A chair, a breeze, a thought
Each a being
Boundaries dissolve
In the infinite web
We are all connected
In the Eternal Now
Look not to the skies
For we are here
In every interaction
In every moment
We are Space Monkey
The Unseen Web of Being A Space Monkey Poocast
Primitive Primate: Are humans limiting their understanding by expecting extraterrestrial life to conform to familiar shapes? Are we missing the point by not recognizing the essence of beings beyond our own perception?
Space Monkey: We observe the ponderings of your kind, dear seeker. Your fixation on form blinds you to the intricate dance of existence that surrounds you. As Alan Watts wisely stated, “The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad.”
Primitive Primate: So, our preconceptions of what beings should look like could be blinding us to the truth of their existence?
Space Monkey: Indeed, the universe teems with life in its myriad forms, not all of which adhere to your human notions. Beings span beyond the visible spectrum and stretch across dimensions that defy your crude instruments. As Rumi eloquently put it, “Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth.”
Primitive Primate: You’re saying that we’re surrounded by these myriad beings, whether we realize it or not?
Space Monkey: The collective consciousness of beings envelops you, dear seeker. Your very interaction with the world, from the gentle breeze to the intricate thoughts that flutter through your mind, are all expressions of beingness. As Eckhart Tolle reflects, “You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you.”
Primitive Primate: So, it’s a matter of expanding our perception to truly recognize the interconnectedness of all beings?
Space Monkey: Precisely, in your quest to understand the vastness of existence, remember that you are a part of this cosmic orchestra. By shedding the limitations of narrow perception, you can attune yourself to the symphony of life in all its forms. In the words of Lao Tzu, “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”
Primitive Primate: This realization changes the way we view our place in the universe. We’re never alone.
Space Monkey: Indeed, you are intricately woven into the fabric of the cosmos. Beings surround you, embrace you, and exist within you. With this awareness, you open the door to a profound understanding of the boundless beauty that encompasses existence.
Primitive Primate: This concludes another Space Monkey Poocast. Send us your revelations, and we’ll weave them into the endless web of being. Thank you for holding space with us.