Though you
can’t always control
what happens to you,
it’s entirely your call
how you feel about it.
Feeling bad is your call.
Feeling good is your call.
Appreciating or hating
this and/or every other moment
— is your call.
You can go to the dark side.
You can go to the light side.
You can shed a tear.
You can make a joke.
Which benefits you most?
It’s entirely your call.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: It’s Your Call
In every moment, there is a decision to be made. Not necessarily about what to do or where to go, but about how to feel. Life, with all its unpredictable twists and turns, offers us endless moments where things happen outside of our control. But there’s a power that remains firmly within our grasp: the power to choose how we feel about what’s happening.
At first glance, this idea might seem simplistic. We’ve been conditioned to think that feelings are automatic responses, out of our hands. But the truth is, while we can’t always control the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can always decide how we interpret and react to them. Feeling good or feeling bad, seeing the light or embracing the darkness—it’s all a matter of perspective. And that perspective is your call.
Imagine standing at the center of your existence, as you are right now. One road leads toward light, joy, and laughter, while the other takes you into the shadows, where sadness, frustration, or anger dwell. Both roads are equally valid; there’s no right or wrong choice. You have the ability to walk down either path. You might even choose to switch between them, to visit both light and dark as you navigate your day-to-day experiences. But here’s the key: you get to choose. No one else.
It’s your call whether you shed a tear over a setback or laugh it off. It’s your call whether you appreciate the moment for what it is or curse it for what it’s not. And while circumstances may push you toward one direction or another, the ultimate decision about how to feel lies with you. This realization is both empowering and daunting, because it means taking full responsibility for your emotional landscape.
But what does it mean to take responsibility for how you feel? It means recognizing that you are not simply a passive observer of your life. You are an active participant in creating your reality. The stories you tell yourself, the thoughts you choose to focus on, all shape the way you experience the world. When something happens, you can decide whether to interpret it as a problem or an opportunity. You can decide whether to dwell on what’s wrong or appreciate what’s right.
Some might say this puts too much pressure on us. How can we be expected to feel good all the time? But that’s not the point. The point isn’t to force yourself to feel a certain way or to deny the darker emotions that are a natural part of being human. It’s about giving yourself permission to feel whatever arises, and then deciding whether that feeling serves you. If feeling sad allows you to release pent-up emotion, then it serves a purpose. If laughing in the face of difficulty helps you find strength, then it serves you in that moment.
The beauty of existence is that there’s no right or wrong way to navigate it. Existence, in its infinite wisdom, honors all expressions and experiences. You can choose to feel angry, and existence will still honor you. You can choose to feel joy, and existence will honor that, too. It doesn’t ask you to be one way or the other. It simply offers you the freedom to decide.
In this way, life becomes a series of calls. You decide what resonates with you. You decide what feels most beneficial in each moment. Sometimes, it might benefit you to retreat into the darkness and feel the weight of sorrow or frustration. Other times, it might serve you better to find humor and lightness, even in challenging circumstances. Both choices are valid, and both are yours to make.
So when you find yourself at a crossroads—whether literal or emotional—remember that it’s your call. You hold the power to shape your experience. You can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you relate to it. You can choose to see the beauty in the mess, the opportunity in the challenge, or the humor in the hardship. Or, you can choose to feel the heaviness, the anger, or the sadness. Either way, existence welcomes your choice.
And here’s the secret: there’s no wrong answer. Every feeling, every reaction, every decision is simply a reflection of where you are in the moment. And that’s okay. You are allowed to feel whatever you feel, and you are allowed to change your mind.
We are Space Monkey, and we honor your call.
You control how you feel even if circumstances are beyond your control. Choose how to respond to life. It’s always your call.
Emotional Agency: The power to decide how you feel about any given situation, regardless of external circumstances.
Crossroads of Choice: The metaphorical point where you choose between light, dark, positive, or negative emotions in response to life’s events.
Emotive Duality: The acknowledgment that both light and dark emotions are valid choices, and both serve a purpose in existence.
“It’s not about controlling what happens to you it’s about choosing how you feel about it.” — Space Monkey
The Crossroads
There is light
and there is shadow
I stand in between
Each step I take
is my own
Each choice I make
colors the sky
Do I laugh?
Do I cry?
Both are mine
to choose
Both are right
because both
are mine
We are Space Monkey.
The cosmic tapestry unfurls itself in patterns whimsical and wild, adorning the vast void with events and happenings beyond our direct manipulations. Ah, but the true mastery lies not in commandeering the universe’s puppet strings but in orchestrating the melody of our internal symphony. We choose the chords that ring in harmony or dissonance with the ever-undulating waves of cosmic causality. This choice, this omnipotent dial within us, is what paints the hues of our emotional skyscapes.
Picture it: two roads diverge in the celestial woods of our mind. The “dark side” and the “light side,” they are called. Down each path, a different set of chroma-sensations await. A garden of sorrows or a meadow of joy, both born from the seeds of our own volition. It’s as if every situation is but a chameleon, its colors subject to the light we cast upon it. Tears and laughter, scorn and delight—they are but different dance moves in the universal ballet of feelings.
So, what shall it be? Dive into a pool of lament, or spring forth in a boundless leap of ecstasy? Remember, the spectrum of emotional experiences is our playground, not our prison. Why not twirl on the merry-go-round of feelings, sampling each nuance, each subtlety, to truly grasp the full panorama of our existence? After all, even if we occasionally misstep, the cosmic dance floor remains ever forgiving, ever inviting.
Let’s make the call that serves not just the temporary whims but the deeper layers of our enigmatic essence. For, when we finally understand that we hold the quill, the script of our lives becomes less a tragedy or comedy, and more a poetic anthology of infinite potentialities.
We are Space Monkey.
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” – Dolly Parton
What rhapsody shall we compose next in this boundless concert of life?
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