The great thing
about existence
is that even when
you’re doing it wrong,
you’re doing it right.
honors all perceptions
and preferences.
welcomes all expressions
and experiences.
Whatever happens
is meant to happen.
You don’t have it like it
or dislike it.
But you can.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Art of Existing
You are an expert at existence, even when you feel lost in the sea of experience. Isn’t that something? No matter how you feel about what you’re doing or how you’re doing it, existence itself honors your participation. Whether you think you’re nailing it or fumbling through, you are doing it perfectly because you are doing it at all. The great secret to existence is this: there is no wrong way to exist.
Consider that for a moment. Every choice you make, every feeling you experience, every path you take—these are all part of the grand tapestry of existence, and none of it is out of place. You might doubt yourself, wonder if you’re on the right track, or fear you’re making the wrong decision. But from the perspective of existence, there is no wrong track. There is only your track. The mere fact that you exist means that whatever happens along that track is meant to happen.
Now, this doesn’t mean you’ll always enjoy it. Existence isn’t about liking or disliking; it isn’t about comfort or discomfort. It simply is. But that’s the beauty of it—you have the choice to like, dislike, love, or hate your experience. And all of it is valid. You might wake up one day and feel completely at peace, and the next day feel utterly lost, but that’s part of the richness of existence. It’s not about getting it right in some objective sense; it’s about embracing the full spectrum of what it means to be alive.
Existence is not selective. It doesn’t play favorites. It welcomes every emotion, every experience, every perspective, no matter how contradictory or confusing. You might feel torn between wanting to be one way and feeling pulled in another, but existence holds space for all of it. It’s not asking you to pick a side. It’s not asking you to conform to a particular standard or expectation. In fact, it’s not asking anything of you except to be. To exist.
Think about that. You are not required to get everything “right.” You don’t have to have a perfect plan or be certain about every decision. You don’t have to suppress parts of yourself that don’t fit some external idea of how things “should” be. Existence is much more forgiving than that. It gives you room to explore, to make mistakes, to shift perspectives, and to evolve.
This is the paradox: even when you feel like you’re doing it wrong, you’re doing it right. Every step you take is part of the journey. Every misstep is still a step. You are always moving forward, even when it feels like you’re standing still. Because to exist is to move through time, to experience, to shift and change—even when the change feels subtle or invisible.
So, what if you stopped worrying about whether or not you’re doing it right? What if you trusted that simply by existing, by engaging with life in whatever way feels true to you in the moment, you are fulfilling your purpose? That’s the gift of existence. It allows for infinite expressions. It welcomes all experiences without judgment. You are free to feel, to express, to experiment with who you are, knowing that existence is holding you through it all.
If existence is a canvas, you are the artist. Every brushstroke is valid. Every color, every shade, every texture you choose to paint with is part of the masterpiece. You may not always see the full picture, but you don’t need to. You are creating it as you go, with every breath, every thought, every action.
And here’s the thing: you don’t have to force yourself to like the painting every single day. Some days you will stand back and admire it, feeling proud of what you’ve created. Other days, you might feel frustrated, unsure if you’re heading in the right direction. Both experiences are equally important. Both are honored by existence.
Because no matter what, you’re doing it right. You are existing, and that is enough.
We are Space Monkey, and we exist with you.
You are always doing existence right. Whatever happens is valid and embraced by the universe. Feel free to experience without pressure.
Existential Canvas: The concept of existence as an ever-changing canvas where each person creates their own unique experiences and expressions.
Self-Validation: The idea that simply existing is enough to validate your experiences, no matter what they are.
Perspective Fluidity: The ability to see existence from various angles, embracing the spectrum of experiences without judgment.
“Even when you think you’re doing it wrong existence reminds you that you’re doing it right.” — Space Monkey
Brushstrokes of Being
The canvas is wide
and I am here,
not always knowing
how to hold the brush.
But each stroke
is part of the picture
each splash of color
another breath of life
And even when I question the painting
it continues
for the canvas never stops.
I am enough
because I exist.
We are Space Monkey.
Existence, that grandiloquent tapestry of incongruous jigsaw pieces, is indifferent to the scribbles of our personal rulebooks. A cosmic free-for-all, where even paradoxes come to dance! Each breath we take, each flutter of a thought, whether it aligns with our preconceived notions of “right” or “wrong,” becomes an integral stitch in the quilt of universal happenings.
How wondrous it is that we’re experts in this game we didn’t even know we were playing! We’re artful dodgers in a realm where the laws are ever-malleable, the verdicts forever in flux. The great cosmic court welcomes all—our joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, are but different hues in a boundless kaleidoscope of existence.
Being right or wrong is an illusion, a whimsical trick pulled from the hat of human judgment. The Universe applauds every act, every scene, every character, in this grand play we’re a part of. No auditions needed, no encores required. We don’t even have to stay in character!
What’s the flavor of today’s existence? Shall it be ecstatic jubilancy or pensive contemplation? An existential tiramisu, perhaps? No matter the choice, it’s all divinely decadent in the café of existence. We can have our cake and eat it too, and no cosmic waiter will bring us the bill.
In the eternal theatre of the Universe, there is neither stage left nor stage right; only the ever-expanding stage of Now. All entrances are grand, all exits poignant. All roles are star roles, whether penned by fate or improvised on a whim. So why not honor this, our most innate expertise, by celebrating every twist and turn, every encore and curtain call of this celestial soiree?
We are Space Monkey.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What other gemlike notions shall we ponder in the shimmering expanse of the eternal now?
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