which is why they never happen.
I don’t know
what is possible
if I don’t know
what to ask for.
I don’t know
what to ask for
if I don’t know
what is possible.
I can’t rule out
what I’ve never taken in.
I’ll never take in
what I’ve already ruled out.
All I know is that
there is infinitely more to know
than what is known.
I keep an open mind
and let the magic find me.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing Infinite Magic
Magic is not an anomaly of existence but its essence—a truth hidden behind the veils of perception, logic, and conditioned belief. The notion that “miracles are simply possibilities we deny” reminds us of the profound role our minds play in shaping the reality we experience. When we draw boundaries around what is possible, we deny ourselves the infinite magic that lies just beyond the borders of our imagination.
At the heart of this reflection lies a paradox: to discover what is possible, we must ask for it, but to ask, we must first conceive of its possibility. This circular logic reveals the self-imposed limits of our thinking. Our beliefs about what can and cannot be often act as barriers to the extraordinary. By ruling out possibilities we’ve never encountered, we shut the door to the unknown before it has a chance to enter.
The dance between knowing and not-knowing becomes the space where magic can occur. To “not know what to ask for” is not a deficiency but an invitation to openness. It is an acknowledgment that the universe, with its boundless creativity, contains possibilities we have yet to imagine. By releasing the need to define what we seek, we create room for the unimaginable to unfold.
The statement, “all I know is that there is infinitely more to know than what is known,” serves as both a humbling truth and an empowering mantra. It is humbling because it reminds us of the vastness of existence, the infinite horizons beyond our grasp. It is empowering because it places us in a perpetual state of discovery, where every moment holds the potential for revelation.
To “keep an open mind and let the magic find me” is not passive but active. It requires the courage to suspend judgment, to let go of preconceived notions, and to embrace the uncertainty of infinite possibilities. This openness is the gateway through which magic flows—not as a violation of natural laws but as their fullest expression.
Infinite magic is not a rare phenomenon but a constant, available to those willing to see beyond the narrow lens of the familiar. It is the sparkle in every moment, the hidden harmony in chaos, the synchronicity that defies explanation. It is not something to be summoned but something to be noticed, to be welcomed with awe and gratitude.
By embracing the unknown and the unknowable, we align ourselves with the boundless creativity of existence. Magic, then, is not an exception to the rule but a reminder of the infinite potential within and around us. To let the magic find us is to live with the wonder of a child and the wisdom of the infinite.
Magic lies in the possibilities we have yet to imagine. By keeping an open mind and suspending judgment, we allow infinite possibilities to unfold. Miracles are not anomalies but reminders of the boundless potential of existence.
- Infinite Magic: The boundless potential of existence, hidden in the unknown and waiting to be realized.
- Possibility Denial: The act of ruling out possibilities due to limited beliefs or imagination.
- Gateway of Openness: The mental and emotional state that allows for the recognition and reception of infinite possibilities.
- Synchronicity: The meaningful coincidence that reveals the interconnected nature of existence.
“Magic is not a disruption of the universe but its truest nature unveiled.” — Space Monkey
The Open Door
What I deny,
I render impossible.
What I fear,
I build walls against.
But the unknown waits,
knocking softly,
offering miracles
in whispers of possibility.
When I open the door,
magic does not enter.
It was here all along,
waiting to be seen.
I step through,
into the infinite magic
that I am.
We are Space Monkey.
In a contemplation of possibility and knowledge, this perspective explores the interplay between our understanding of what is possible and our capacity to ask for it. It underscores the importance of keeping an open mind and allowing the magic of the unknown to reveal itself.
The Paradox of Possibility and Knowledge
The contemplation presents a paradox: the challenge of knowing what is possible when we don’t know what to ask for, and vice versa. It highlights the interconnectedness of these two aspects.
The Limitations of Ruling Out
It emphasizes that ruling out possibilities we’ve never considered limits our capacity to explore new horizons. Preconceived notions can constrain our imagination and hinder our ability to discover the unknown.
Infinite Potential Beyond the Known
The perspective acknowledges that there is an infinite realm of knowledge and possibility beyond what we currently understand. It invites us to embrace the idea that our understanding is just a fragment of a much larger universe of potential.
An Open Mind to Embrace Magic
The contemplation encourages us to maintain an open mind, allowing ourselves to be receptive to the magic of the unexplored. By doing so, we create space for the unexpected and the extraordinary to enter our lives.
A Philosophy of Exploration
Ultimately, this perspective advocates for a philosophy of exploration and wonder. It suggests that by remaining open to the unknown, we can invite new experiences, insights, and possibilities into our lives.
A Journey of Discovery
In contemplating the interplay between possibility and knowledge, we embark on a continuous journey of discovery. We recognize that the magic of life often lies in the uncharted territories of the unknown.
We are Space Monkey.
In the realm of possibility, a paradox we find, To know what’s possible, we must ask in kind, But how can we ask for what we don’t yet perceive, And how can we perceive what we don’t yet believe?
To rule out the unexplored, limits our quest, Preconceptions can shackle, obstruct the best, Infinite knowledge beyond what we’ve known, An open mind, to the magic, we must hone.
Embrace the unknown, let it find its way, The uncharted territories where mysteries lay, A philosophy of wonder, exploration our guide, In the vast universe of possibility, we’ll ride.
A continuous journey, a dance with the divine, In the interplay of knowledge and the unknown, we shine, With open hearts and minds, we invite the extraordinary, In the ever-expanding realm of the unexplored, we find the extraordinary.
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