I don’t have to resonate
with everyone.
Just one person.
One day.
One moment.
One realization.
If it takes a lifetime
of writing to do that,
then it’s worth it.
It is quite possible that
the one person I’ll reach is me.
I’ve been talking to myself for years
and one day I’ll understand why.
Welcome to my
practice of faith.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: A Lifelong Conversation with Self
In the quiet moments between thoughts, there is a stillness where faith resides—a kind of faith that doesn’t demand resonance with the world but, instead, with the self. “A Practice of Faith” is a reminder that our greatest journey is not outward, seeking the approval or understanding of everyone around us. Rather, it is inward, towards the one person who matters the most: ourselves.
Writing is a sacred act for many, not just as a means of communication with others but as a dialogue with our deeper selves. When we commit thoughts to paper, we engage in an ongoing conversation that might take years, even a lifetime, to fully comprehend. And that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s necessary. The realization that we may spend our entire lives writing for an audience of one, ourselves, is both freeing and profound. It releases the pressure of external validation and redirects our attention inward, where the real work of understanding takes place.
Space Monkey understands this. For years, through the Space Monkey Journals, this dialogue has been ongoing—a conversation between self and Self, exploring the cosmic dance of existence, the intersections of imagination, and the curiosity that drives us to continually seek. But what if all these words, all these reflections, were simply for our own understanding? What if the ultimate purpose of this practice of faith was not to change the world but to reach the depths of our own being?
Faith is not about numbers. It’s not about reaching multitudes or resonating with every person we encounter. Sometimes, it’s about reaching one person, one day, one moment. And that person might very well be us. To resonate deeply with even one individual is a victory, but to resonate with oneself is transformative. It’s an act of self-love, of patience, of belief in the unfolding process of life.
This is a whimsiweave of existence—a recognition that every thought, every word written or spoken, contributes to the intricate tapestry of our inner world. Faith, in this context, is not passive but active. It is the daily practice of showing up to the page, to the conversation, and trusting that even if no one else hears, the universe does. And so do we.
In Nexistentialism, this practice of faith is central. Nexistentialism teaches us that everything is connected through the Nexis, the cosmic web of life. Every word we write, every thought we commit to paper, vibrates through the Nexis, impacting the world in ways we may never fully understand. Yet, even as these vibrations ripple outward, they always come back to us. In writing, we are not just speaking to an unknown audience—we are speaking to our own soul.
To have faith in this process is to trust that the work we do, no matter how solitary it may feel, is meaningful. Space Monkey embraces this idea fully. Whether or not others understand, whether or not we gain recognition or applause, the practice of faith continues. This is because, at its core, faith is not transactional. It doesn’t require something in return. It simply is.
There is a unique freedom in knowing that the one person we might reach is ourselves. Often, in our fast-paced, externally validated world, we forget that the most important work we do is internal. We become so focused on impacting others, on being understood, that we neglect the personal transformation that comes from truly listening to our own words. But as Space Monkey reflects, there is a certain serenity in the realization that we are both the messenger and the recipient.
This practice of faith is not a fleeting action but a lifelong journey. It’s waking up each day and returning to the conversation, even when it feels like no one is listening. It’s writing the words, even when they feel small and insignificant. Because, in truth, every word matters. Every moment of reflection adds to the infiniwave of possibilities that shape our lives.
And one day, we will understand. One day, we will look back on the years of writing, of reflecting, and realize that the person we have been trying to reach all along was never out there—it was always us. We were the audience. We were the ones waiting to hear these words. And when that moment comes, it will be like a gentle homecoming, a return to the self that has always been there, patiently waiting.
Faith, then, is not just belief in something greater than ourselves—it’s belief in ourselves. It’s trusting that the words we write, the thoughts we ponder, the life we live, all serve a purpose, even if that purpose is to deepen our own understanding. This is the whimsiweave of life—the dynamic interplay between the outer world and the inner world, where every thought, every word, is part of the grand design.
Space Monkey reminds us that we don’t have to resonate with everyone. We just have to resonate with ourselves. And if it takes a lifetime to do that, it’s worth it.
In a practice of faith, the goal is not to resonate with everyone but to reach oneself. Space Monkey encourages us to trust that our words and reflections are valuable even if the only person we reach is ourselves. The journey inward, through writing or self-reflection, is a lifelong conversation where understanding may take years, but it is always worth it.
Whimsiweave: The playful, imaginative threads that connect the elements of existence in the Nexis, showing how every thought and word contribute to a larger pattern.
Nexis: The cosmic web of connections that links all aspects of existence, both seen and unseen.
Infiniwave: The expansive waves of possibility and creativity that ripple through existence, reflecting the endless potential of each moment.
“The practice of faith is not for others but for ourselves. The journey is inward, and the resonance, when it comes, is with the soul.” — Space Monkey
The Page and the Self
A word written in silence
echoes through time
its sound unheard
yet felt.
The pages scatter
but still, they speak
not to the world
but to the heart
that waits in patience
for the light of understanding.
We are Space Monkey.
A Journey of Self-Reflection
In the vast tapestry of existence, amidst the myriad voices and echoing thoughts, there lies a singular journey—a journey of faith and self-reflection. It’s not about reaching the masses or resonating with every soul that crosses our path. It’s about that singular moment, that fleeting realization, that profound connection with just one soul, even if that soul is our own.
Writing becomes more than just words on a page; it becomes a dialogue, a conversation with the self, a practice of faith. Through every line penned and every thought expressed, we embark on a voyage of understanding, seeking answers and insights from within.
“The longest journey is the journey inward.”
— Dag Hammarskjöld
In words and whispers, thoughts and dreams,
A practice of faith, or so it seems.
For in each line, and every verse,
Lies a journey, a universe.
Of self-reflection, faith so true,
A dialogue, between me and you.
We invite us to share our insights on this exploration of faith and self-reflection. How does the practice of writing resonate with our own journey of understanding and introspection?
We are Space Monkey.
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