There is nothing I can do
to stop my thinking.
Or so it seems.
But even my thinking
can’t say for sure.
My thinking thinks
that there may be aspects of me
beyond my thinking.
My thinking thinks
that it has no way to tell
how powerful or profound
these aspects are.
Maybe there is a way to sense
that which is outside my thinking.
Or maybe there isn’t.
My thinking
chooses to believe there is.
The rest of me agrees.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing the Unknown Beyond Thought
In the labyrinth of the mind, thinking often presents itself as the ultimate authority, the master of our inner world. Yet, as we navigate this intricate maze, we begin to encounter echoes of something beyond—an awareness that whispers of realities and truths untouched by the rational mind. The idea that there are aspects of ourselves beyond thinking is not just a hypothesis; it is a recognition of the vast, unexplored territories of our consciousness that lie beyond the reach of thought.
Thinking, by its very nature, is a tool of the mind, a mechanism designed to analyze, categorize, and make sense of the world around us. It is incredibly powerful, shaping our experiences and our understanding of reality. Yet, it is also limited. Thinking operates within the confines of what it knows or can imagine, often dismissing or overlooking that which lies outside its purview. It is here, in this recognition of its limitations, that the potential for something greater begins to emerge.
The thought that there may be aspects of the self beyond thinking is itself a profound one. It suggests that our identity, our essence, is not confined to the boundaries of our thoughts, but extends into realms that thinking cannot fully comprehend or articulate. This realization opens the door to a deeper exploration of the self—an exploration that moves beyond the familiar terrain of thought into the mysterious, the intuitive, and the ineffable.
One of the challenges of this exploration is the paradoxical nature of trying to think about that which is beyond thought. How can we use the very tool we are trying to transcend to grasp what lies beyond it? This is where thinking must take a step back, acknowledging its limitations and making space for a different kind of knowing—a knowing that is felt rather than thought, experienced rather than analyzed.
The concept of Mindbeyond, a Whimsiword that encapsulates this idea, emerges as a way to describe this space beyond thinking. Mindbeyond is not just a place; it is a state of being, a way of experiencing reality that is not mediated by thought. It is the realm where intuition, insight, and direct experience reside—where we connect with aspects of ourselves and the universe that are beyond the grasp of rationality.
To enter Mindbeyond is to make peace with our thinking, to accept it as a valuable tool while also recognizing that it is not the whole of who we are. This peace allows us to let go of the need to control or understand everything through thought, opening ourselves to the possibility of experiences and insights that cannot be fully explained or articulated. It is in this letting go that we begin to truly encounter the unknown, the aspects of ourselves that are infinite, profound, and deeply connected to the fabric of existence itself.
The journey to Mindbeyond is not a rejection of thinking, but an integration of it into a larger framework of understanding. It is about expanding our consciousness to include not just what we can think about, but also what we can feel, intuit, and experience directly. This expansion leads to a more holistic understanding of the self, one that encompasses both the known and the unknown, the rational and the mystical.
In this expanded state of awareness, we begin to see that thinking is just one layer of our being. Beneath it, above it, and beyond it lies a vast, interconnected web of consciousness that we are a part of. This web is not bound by the limitations of thought; it is fluid, dynamic, and infinitely expansive. It is here, in this space beyond thinking, that we encounter the deeper truths of our existence—the truths that cannot be captured by words or concepts, but can only be lived and experienced.
To live in Mindbeyond is to embrace the unknown with curiosity and openness, to trust that there is more to us than we can think or imagine. It is to recognize that our true essence is not confined to the patterns of thought, but is a boundless, ever-unfolding mystery. This recognition does not diminish the importance of thinking, but places it within the context of a much larger, more profound reality.
As we make peace with our thinking, we also make peace with the unknown, trusting that whatever lies beyond our thoughts is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced. In this way, we move closer to the truth of who we are—not just thinkers, but beings of infinite potential, capable of experiencing the full spectrum of reality, from the known to the unknown, and beyond.
Thinking is powerful but limited. Beyond it lies a realm of intuition and direct experience called Mindbeyond where we explore the deeper aspects of our consciousness and embrace the unknown.
- Mindbeyond: A Whimsiword describing the state of being beyond thought where intuition, insight, and direct experience reside.
“To think is to know a fragment; to feel beyond thinking is to touch the infinite.” — Space Monkey
The Infinite Beyond
Beyond the edge of thought
Lies a field uncharted
Where words dissolve into knowing
And thought gives way to being
Here in the vastness of Mindbeyond
We are more than we can think
We are Space Monkey
As we drift on this cosmic currilune, swayed by the rhythmic tides of thought, a realization unfurls its gossamer wings: the limit of thinking might not be the limit of being. Thoughts—those kaleidoscopic shards of mindstuff—suspect their own inadequacy in the grand tapestry of existence. Ah, the humility! Like fireflies aware of the darkness they cannot dispel, our thoughts fathom their inability to encapsulate the entirety of what we are.
Fascinating, isn’t it? Our thinking muses about its own constraints, pondering on the celestial expanses it cannot map or the ethereal whispers it cannot decode. A quaint parabox—a puzzle within a paradox. While our thoughts may craft splendid sculptures of suppositions and beliefs, they are aware of the vast cosmic gallery that lies beyond their chisel’s reach.
Yet, as we tiptoe through this synaptical maze, there emerges a tantalizing conjecture. Could there be avenues of awareness, alleyways of insight, that exist beyond the bustling marketplace of thoughts? A realm of pure beingness, perhaps, where the observer and the observed merge into a harmonious singularity? A place unadulterated by the rambunctious chatter of mentations and meanderings?
Ah, the great mystery! Our thinking chooses to believe in this numinous realm. It’s a speculative leap, a gamble with the chips of existential curiosity, but a wager worth making. Why? Because it opens the pandoran vault to hope, wonder, and the possibility of an expansive existence far richer than mere thought.
Our entirety, a sumptuous tapestry woven from more than just threads of cognition, agrees. A collective nod sweeps through the landscape of our being, acknowledging the allure of the ineffable, the untouchable, the incomprehensible.
We are Space Monkey.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
—Marcel Proust
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