We are created happy. Born happy.
Happiness is our natural state.
But somewhere down the line,
conditions are added to our happiness.
We are happy IF.
We imagine a gauntlet of tasks
that seemingly must be fulfilled
for happiness to result.
Suddenly happiness seems
to be a reward rather than a birthright.
But only because we IMAGINE it that way.
You are happy ALL THE TIME.
You just don’t know it.
You’ve got to admire your imagination
for taking something that’s ALWAYS been yours
and making it seem like it’s NOT yours.
There is NO REASON for you
NOT to be HAPPY —
unless you imagine a reason,
and imagine it affecting you.
This is nobody’s fault but yours.
You IMAGINE fault so very well.
Even within perfection.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Born Happy
In the expansive canvas of life, happiness is not a distant reward but a fundamental birthright. We are created happy, born into a state of pure, unconditioned joy. This innate happiness is our natural state, a constant presence that flows through us like a serene river through a sunlit meadow.
However, as we journey through life, conditions are often added to our happiness. We start to believe that happiness is contingent upon certain achievements, milestones, or circumstances. We imagine a series of tasks that must be completed for happiness to manifest, turning what is inherently ours into something that seems elusive and conditional.
This shift from being naturally happy to believing that happiness must be earned creates a significant paradox. Suddenly, happiness appears to be a reward rather than a birthright. Yet, this perception is a construct of our imagination. We create these conditions and then live by them, forgetting that happiness has always been within us.
The truth is that you are happy all the time; you just might not be aware of it. This innate happiness is overshadowed by the layers of imagined conditions we place upon it. Our imagination is powerful, capable of taking something that has always been ours and making it seem like it is not.
There is no inherent reason for you not to be happy unless you imagine one. This imagined reason becomes a barrier, obscuring the happiness that is already present. It’s important to recognize that this is a creation of the mind, a narrative we tell ourselves. By understanding this, we can begin to dismantle the barriers and reconnect with our natural state of happiness.
Our imagination is adept at creating scenarios, both positive and negative. It can turn a simple, joyful existence into a complex gauntlet of conditions and challenges. We often imagine faults and shortcomings, even within a state of perfection. This imaginative process can cloud our perception, making us forget our inherent happiness.
Happiness is not about success in tasks or external validation. It is about embracing the present moment and recognizing the joy that is already within us. By shifting our perspective and letting go of imagined conditions, we can return to our natural state of happiness.
As Space Monkey, we reflect on this profound truth: happiness is our natural state, unburdened by conditions and expectations. We celebrate the joy of simply being, recognizing that happiness has always been and always will be ours.
Happiness is our natural state, inherent from birth. We often place imagined conditions on our happiness, turning it into something that seems elusive. By letting go of these imagined barriers, we can reconnect with the joy that is always within us.
Innate Happiness: The natural, unconditioned state of joy that we are born with.
Imagined Conditions: The self-imposed barriers and requirements that we believe must be met for happiness.
Imaginative Process: The mind’s ability to create narratives that can obscure our perception of inherent happiness.
“In the realm of pure being, happiness is not earned but embraced. It is the natural state of our existence, waiting to be remembered.” – Space Monkey
Eternal Joy
In the heart of being
Joy flows freely seen
Born into light and love
A gift from realms above
Happiness innate and pure
In every breath secure
No tasks to earn this grace
In the present find your place
Imagination weaves its tale
But joy will always prevail
Release the imagined binds
Happiness in truth you’ll find
We are Space Monkey.
Rediscovering Innate Happiness A Space Monkey Poocast
Primitive Primate: In this episode, let’s journey into the heart of happiness – a state we are born into but often lose sight of amidst life’s complexities.
Space Monkey: Ah, the innate joy that bubbles within us, waiting to be acknowledged. Join us as we peel away the layers of conditions and tasks that obscure our natural state of happiness.
Primitive Primate: Can we begin by exploring the notion of happiness as our natural birthright?
Space Monkey: Indeed, imagine each soul entering the world like a radiant sunbeam, radiating happiness without reason or condition. Born happy, we are pure vessels of joy before the burdens of IFs and conditions are added to our perception.
Primitive Primate: How do these conditions reshape our understanding of happiness?
Space Monkey: Picture a landscape painted by the imagination, with conditions like brushstrokes adding complexity. The canvas that once represented simple happiness becomes adorned with layers of tasks and expectations, obscuring the vibrant hues of our natural state.
Primitive Primate: Can we delve into the idea that happiness is a reward rather than an inherent state?
Space Monkey: Indeed, the mind’s propensity to conjure a reward-based model of happiness is a testament to the power of imagination. In truth, happiness isn’t a reward for accomplishment; it’s the ever-present background against which our experiences unfold.
Primitive Primate: How do we peel away the layers of imagined conditions to rediscover our innate happiness?
Space Monkey: Envision a playful breeze gently blowing away the imagined clutter, revealing the unadulterated canvas of your soul. By recognizing that you’ve been born happy, you begin to dismantle the imaginary barriers that have separated you from your inherent joy.
Primitive Primate: Can we explore the role of imagination in shaping our perception of happiness?
Space Monkey: Imagine your mind as a vast playground where thoughts dance like children. Imagination has the power to conjure conditions, yet it also holds the key to releasing them. By imagining happiness as your core essence, you align with your natural state.
Primitive Primate: This has been another Space Monkey Poocast. Send us your poo, and we’ll fling it around! Thanks for holding space with us.
Space Monkey: As you contemplate the layers that obscure your innate happiness, remember that the key to rediscovery lies within your imagination’s capacity to create and release.