I don’t usually pay attention to the news, but this “Ferguson” thing is so pronounced that even I can’t avoid it.
The Swarm & The Swirl
sparks of outrage
fires of fury
mutual mistrust
swatting and stinging
the swarm and the swirl
the right and the wrong
uniting dividing
accusing defending
the swarm and the swirl
the mirror reflection
infinite energy
in opposite directions
Space Monkey Reflects: The Swarm & The Swirl
Sparks of outrage, fires of fury—this is the swarm and the swirl, a perpetual cycle of energy, emotion, and conflict that shapes our collective reality. In moments like these, the world seems to split into two forces, opposing but forever intertwined, swirling and swarming through every aspect of human interaction.
The swarm is made of reaction. It’s the immediate spark of anger, the flurry of accusations, the stings of words fired off in quick succession. The swirl is more subtle, more insidious—a quiet current of mistrust and division that coils beneath the surface, feeding off the emotions that the swarm leaves in its wake. Together, they create a storm—a storm of perceptions, judgments, and misunderstandings that echo through society, feeding off their own energy.
We, Space Monkey, see this cycle as a reflection of the infinite energy that flows between us all. The swarm and the swirl are not simply external forces; they are internal as well. They reflect the tensions, fears, and insecurities we carry within ourselves. Each of us contributes to the storm in some way, whether through our reactions, our judgments, or our silence.
But what happens when we step back? What happens when we stop swatting at the swarm, stop letting ourselves be pulled into the swirl of mistrust and division? In that moment, we begin to see the swarm and the swirl for what they are—a mirror, reflecting back at us the energy we’ve put into the world. The anger, the outrage, the accusations—all of it is part of a dance we are creating, whether we realize it or not.
The mirror doesn’t lie, but it doesn’t have to define us either. Just as we contribute to the swarm and the swirl, we also have the power to step out of it. To stop reacting, to stop feeding the cycle. We can choose to be still, to find calm amidst the chaos. And in doing so, we can change the energy we put into the world.
This is not about denying the reality of conflict or injustice. It’s about recognizing that, while the swarm and the swirl will always be present, we don’t have to be swept up in them. We can observe, reflect, and choose how to respond. The world may be swirling around us, but we are not powerless in the face of it.
We, Space Monkey, offer you this reflection: the swarm and the swirl are powerful, but they are not infinite. The energy they hold is only sustained by the attention we give them. When we step back, when we stop feeding the cycle, the storm begins to lose its power. And in that stillness, we find clarity, perspective, and the possibility of something new.
The swarm and the swirl represent the chaotic forces of conflict and mistrust. By stepping back and choosing not to feed the cycle, we can find clarity and peace amidst the chaos.
- Swarmstorm: The immediate and reactive force of outrage, anger, and accusations that create emotional turbulence.
- Trustswirl: The underlying current of mistrust and division that fuels conflict beneath the surface, coiling around interactions and relationships.
- Mirrorflux: The realization that the energy of the swarm and the swirl is a reflection of the energy we put into the world, creating the storm we experience.
“The swarm and the swirl are the storm we create, but we can choose not to be swept away. Stillness is the key.” — Space Monkey
The Swarm & The Swirl
Sparks of outrage,
fires of fury,
mutual mistrust,
swatting and stinging—
the swarm and the swirl.
The right and the wrong,
uniting, dividing,
accusing, defending—
the swarm and the swirl.
The mirror reflection,
infinite energy
in opposite directions,
until we stop,
and see.
We are Space Monkey.

Space Monkey Reflects: The Swarm & The Swirl in the Wake of Ferguson
The events of Ferguson marked a profound moment in the collective consciousness—a moment so pronounced that even those who normally turn away from the news couldn’t avoid its gravitational pull. It was a time when emotions, tensions, and deep-seated issues came to the surface, swirling and swarming in a chaotic dance of outrage and reflection. The streets became a mirror for the divisions, the misunderstandings, and the unresolved pain that runs through society like an undercurrent, always present but often ignored.
The swarm was everywhere—news outlets, social media, conversations on the street. Opinions flew from every direction, like bees swarming around a hive in chaos. Everyone had something to say, and no one could escape the sting of those opinions. Accusations, defenses, anger, and mistrust filled the air, and the world seemed to be spinning out of control, feeding off its own energy. The swarm was loud, persistent, and exhausting.
But beneath the surface, there was also the swirl—the quiet, insidious current of mistrust and fear that had been building for years. This wasn’t just about one event, one moment. Ferguson was the spark that ignited a fire, but the swirl had been there long before, coiling beneath the surface, wrapping itself around the hearts and minds of the people who felt marginalized, misunderstood, and unseen. The swirl was harder to pin down, but its effects were no less devastating. It represented the long history of racial tension, the unresolved wounds of systemic inequality, and the sense of being caught in a cycle that never seems to break.
As we, Space Monkey, reflect on the swarm and the swirl that followed Ferguson, we see it as more than just a moment of conflict—it was a reflection of the deeper forces at play in society. The outrage, the protests, the conversations about justice and inequality were all part of the swarmstorm—a powerful force of collective energy that demanded attention. But the swirl was there, too, quietly pulling at the edges, reminding us that this was not a new issue but an old wound that had been festering for far too long.
In moments like these, it’s easy to get caught up in the swarm. The emotions are raw, the opinions strong, and the pull to react is overwhelming. But we also have to acknowledge the mirrorflux—the way these moments reflect back the energy we bring into the world. Ferguson wasn’t just about the actions of a few; it was a reflection of the collective pain, anger, and frustration that had been simmering for years. And while the swarm and the swirl can feel chaotic, they also offer an opportunity to pause, reflect, and ask ourselves: what is our role in this?
Do we feed the swarm, adding more fuel to the fire of division and mistrust? Or do we take a moment to step back, to stop the swirl within ourselves, and seek a way forward that breaks the cycle of reaction and outrage? The mirror shows us our own reflections, and in that reflection, we see both the problem and the potential solution.
We, Space Monkey, know that this is not an easy path. It requires the courage to face the swarm and the swirl without being consumed by them. It means acknowledging the pain and the injustice while also recognizing that reacting with more outrage only perpetuates the cycle. The world doesn’t need more anger; it needs more reflection, more understanding, more willingness to sit in the discomfort and ask the hard questions: How did we get here? And where do we go from here?
In the wake of Ferguson, the world seemed to be spinning in opposite directions, with each side pulling further apart. But in that tension, there is also an opportunity—a chance to break free from the forces that divide us and to create something new, something that brings us together rather than tearing us apart.
The swarm and the swirl will always be present, but we don’t have to be at their mercy. We can find our stillpoint, the calm center that allows us to see clearly, to reflect deeply, and to respond thoughtfully. This is where real change begins—not in the reaction, but in the reflection.
The events of Ferguson brought the swarm and the swirl of collective emotions to the surface. While chaos and outrage were loud, true change requires reflection, understanding, and breaking the cycle of reaction.
- Swarmstorm: The collective reaction of outrage and opinions that sweeps through society, demanding immediate attention.
- Mirrorflux: The reflection of collective energy, showing us our role in perpetuating or breaking cycles of conflict and misunderstanding.
- Stillpoint: The calm center within, where clarity and reflection allow us to see beyond the chaos and react with wisdom.
“In the wake of the swarm and the swirl, we find the stillness to reflect, to see clearly, and to create the change the world truly needs.” — Space Monkey
The Swarm & The Swirl After Ferguson
Sparks of outrage,
fires of fury,
mutual mistrust,
swatting and stinging—
the swarm and the swirl.
The streets burned hot,
the voices rose,
and the world seemed to spin
in opposite directions.
But beneath it all,
the swirl continued,
waiting to pull us apart.
What do we see
in the mirror of these flames?
What do we reflect back
to the world
when the swarm subsides?
We are Space Monkey.