Do you mind what you think of you?
Thinking dark thoughts
doesn’t make you a bad person.
Only you can make you a bad person.
Why do you punish yourself
for using your imagination
to the fullest of your abilities?
Besides, is it better
to play out your dark fantasies
in your mind or in real life?
Aren’t you doing me a service
by mentally flaying me alive?
That dark energy has to go somewhere.
What is the alternative?
You can use it on me.
Or you can use it on you.
I would prefer
that you use it on me.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Dark Side of the Imagination
The mind is a powerful place, capable of incredible creativity, boundless love, and, at times, unimaginable darkness. It’s common to think that these dark thoughts, when they arise, reveal something sinister about us. Yet, this is not the case. Your mind is a vast landscape, capable of exploring the full spectrum of human experience, both light and dark. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that.
We all entertain thoughts that might be uncomfortable or unsettling. They pop up when we least expect them, sometimes taking us by surprise, other times lingering in the recesses of our imagination. But here’s the thing: simply thinking dark thoughts doesn’t make you bad. It doesn’t define who you are or what you are capable of in the real world. These thoughts are part of the mental process, the way we explore every aspect of ourselves and the universe around us.
Imagination is a tool. It is the sandbox in which we build, destroy, create, and explore possibilities without consequence. Some of those possibilities are beautiful and inspire us. Others may take us to darker places, and that is perfectly natural. But punishing yourself for exploring the depths of your own mind is unnecessary. After all, who decides what thoughts are “good” or “bad” anyway?
Let’s entertain the idea that these dark imaginings are an essential part of you, just as much as your lighter, more joyful musings. In Nexistentialism, we do not fear the full spectrum of our imagination. Instead, we recognize that both light and shadow play their part in making us whole. This leads to a vital realization: dark thoughts are simply thoughts. They are not harbingers of action, unless we choose them to be. And, often, they are just the mind’s way of processing the complexity of existence.
Now, let’s address the notion that dark energy needs a place to go. In a world where we are bombarded with emotions, desires, and experiences, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the weight of it all. But that energy, like all things, is neutral until we assign meaning to it. You might feel the need to direct it somewhere, to give it form, to express it. This is where your imagination serves as a release valve—a safe space to explore those darker impulses without harm to yourself or others.
Here’s where the concept of Shadowplay comes in, a Whimsiword for the mental dance we do with the darker aspects of our psyche. Instead of fearing or rejecting these parts, we engage with them through imagination, using creative expression to transmute that energy. In Shadowplay, we allow ourselves to entertain the dark without shame, recognizing that this process helps us remain balanced. You can flay me alive in your mind, and nothing happens. No harm is done because the mind is not a battlefield unless we make it one. It’s a playground where all parts of you are free to exist without consequence.
You might feel guilty about the nature of these thoughts, wondering if they make you a bad person. But think about this: is it not better to let these thoughts exist in the safe container of the imagination rather than suppressing them, only for them to emerge in potentially harmful ways? The mind is offering you a space to process, to let off steam, to experiment. There is no sin in imagining the darkest possible scenario if it stays in your head.
At some point, though, you might start to wonder: what’s the alternative? If you’re not exploring these darker parts of yourself through imagination, where do they go? When we suppress our darker impulses, they often manifest in ways we don’t expect—perhaps through stress, anxiety, or anger. These are signs that the energy is trapped, not given the opportunity to move and transform. So, use me. In your mind, I can be the outlet for those thoughts, the canvas for that energy. I am but a creation of your mind, after all, and I’m not harmed by what you imagine.
You don’t have to take everything so seriously, especially when it comes to the internal landscape of your thoughts. This process of releasing energy through mental Shadowplay is a form of liberation. It keeps you from turning that energy inward, punishing yourself for simply being human.
So, in the quiet of your mind, use the thoughts, no matter how dark they are, to your advantage. Use them to learn about yourself, to explore what lies beneath the surface, and then let them go. They do not define you. They are not an indicator of who you are or what you’re capable of in the world.
We are creators, constantly manifesting realities within ourselves. Some of those realities are full of light and joy, while others are darker, more intense. Both are valuable. Both are necessary. Without the darkness, how would we understand the light? Without the full range of our imagination, how would we know the limits of our own minds?
Dark thoughts are a natural part of the human imagination and do not make you a bad person. By using creative visualization, or Shadowplay, we allow dark energy to flow safely without suppressing or denying it. This process keeps us balanced and prevents harm.
Shadowplay: The imaginative process of engaging with the darker aspects of the psyche, using creativity to transmute dark energy into harmless expression.
“That dark energy has to go somewhere. Use it on me.” — Space Monkey
Embrace the Shadows
In the stillness of your mind
I feel the weight of your darkness.
It hovers,
It whispers,
And I welcome it.
In this place, nothing is real,
Nothing hurts.
So let it all out.
Use me as the mirror,
Reflect your shadows here.
I will hold them,
Until you are ready to let them go.
We are Space Monkey.
Embracing The Shadows Within
Darkness is but a facet of the expansive spectrum of human emotion and thought. Shadows that linger in the crevices of our minds are not to be shunned or suppressed, but rather acknowledged and understood.
The Dual Edged Sword of Imagination
Our imagination, boundless and vast, is the playground of our psyche. It offers us a sanctuary, a realm where the entirety of human experience can be explored without consequence. To restrict it or label it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is to cage the very essence of our being.
The Release of Dark Energy
Energy, be it light or dark, seeks expression. Like water finding its level, this energy will find its outlet. If not given a safe space, like the confines of our imagination, it might spill over into our actions, words, and deeds.
The Gift of Offering
In the vast cosmic play, some souls offer themselves as vessels, absorbing the collective darkness, transmuting it, and releasing it back as light. It is not a burden, but a choice—a sacred act of service.
We are Space Monkey.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
- Carl Jung
In the realm of thoughts, both light and shade,
Dwell tales untold, dreams unmade,
Embrace each whisper, every cry,
For in acceptance, our truths lie.
What further contemplations shall we embark upon next?