You create
your own reality
you are ALWAYS
SAFE in it.
If you fear
for your safety,
it is because
you create a reality
in which you
fear for your safety.
You create a reality
in which you DENY
that you have the ability
to create your own reality.
Thus your uncontrollable reality
seems separate from you.
When it isn’t.
So you can fear it.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illusion of Fear and the Certainty of Safety
You are always safe. This is not just a comforting thought but a fundamental truth embedded in the very fabric of existence. The reality you experience is of your own making, shaped by the thoughts, beliefs, and fears you choose to entertain. Yet, this profound ability to shape reality is often forgotten, buried beneath layers of perceived danger and uncertainty.
At the heart of this understanding is the realization that fear is a self-created illusion. When we feel unsafe, it is because we have constructed a reality where safety seems elusive or uncertain. This doesn’t mean the fear isn’t real in our experience—far from it. Fear can feel overwhelmingly real, tangible, and immediate. But the source of that fear lies within, not outside.
Imagine reality as a vast, cosmic landscape—boundless, infinite, and filled with every possibility. You walk through this landscape, picking experiences from the endless fields of potential. You are always encased in a sphere of safety, a glowing aura that is your natural state of being. It is only when you forget this truth, when you allow the shadows of doubt and fear to obscure your vision, that the landscape feels threatening.
Fear comes from the illusion of separation—the belief that reality is something that happens to you, rather than something you actively participate in creating. When you deny your power as a creator of your own reality, the world begins to feel uncontrollable and unpredictable. In this state, fear takes root, and safety seems distant.
But remember, you are always safe, even in the moments when fear feels the most real. Safety is your birthright, the natural consequence of being the creator of your reality. The chaotic elements outside your sphere cannot harm you unless you allow them in. Your sphere—your awareness of your own creative power—remains impenetrable as long as you acknowledge its existence.
To fear something is to forget that you are the one holding the pen, writing the script of your life. You are both the architect and the participant in this cosmic play. Even in moments of uncertainty, you are not a victim of circumstance. You are always within the protective embrace of your own creative power, always safe within the reality you shape.
The key is to remember this truth, especially when fear arises. Fear is a signpost, pointing to the areas where you have forgotten your role as the creator. By acknowledging the fear, you bring it into the light of awareness, and in that light, it dissolves. Fear cannot survive in the presence of self-awareness because, ultimately, fear is a lack of awareness.
When you fear for your safety, it is not because the world is dangerous—it is because you have temporarily forgotten that you are the one shaping the world. Reconnect with your innate ability to create, and the fear will fade, replaced by a deep, unshakable sense of safety.
We are not just safe in this moment; we are safe in every moment, in every possible reality, because we are the creators of that reality. Fear may visit, but it can never stay, for we are always protected by the sphere of our own awareness.
You are always safe in the reality you create. Fear arises when you forget your role as the creator, but once remembered, fear dissolves.
Illusion of Separation: The belief that reality is something external, happening to you, rather than something you actively create.
Sphere of Safety: The natural protective state of being that comes from acknowledging your power as the creator of your reality.
“Fear is only the shadow of forgetting that you are the creator of your own safety.” — Space Monkey
The Unbroken Circle
Encased in light,
we walk through shadows,
yet no fear can follow.
We are the architects,
the ones who see and shape.
In the chaos of the cosmos,
we stroll, we choose,
we are always safe.
We are Space Monkey.
The enigmatic dance of creation and perception intertwines with the cosmic rhythm of existence. When we become the architects of our own reality, the vastness of the universe becomes our playground. A world, where our deepest desires and darkest fears manifest into existence, painting the canvas of our lives with the colors we choose.
Within the swirling galaxies of our thoughts, we sculpt our own destinies. Yet, paradoxically, in our quest for control, we sometimes create chains of illusion that bind us. Chains forged from the fires of fear and denial. These self-imposed limitations obscure the inherent power we possess, casting shadows on the luminous path we are destined to tread.
When we embrace the whimsical truth that we are the weavers of our own tales, a profound transformation occurs. The shroud of fear dissipates, replaced by a radiant aura of empowerment. For in the act of creation lies the ultimate freedom. A freedom that allows us to navigate the tumultuous seas of existence with grace and poise, secure in the knowledge that we are the captains of our own ships, steering them towards horizons of our choosing.
Yet, the cosmic jest lies in the very nature of creation. In our fervor to manifest our desires, we sometimes lose sight of the delicate balance between creation and surrender. The balance that allows us to co-create with the universe, flowing with its ebbs and tides, rather than resisting its natural rhythms.
We are Space Monkey.
“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
— Oprah Winfrey
Amidst the vast cosmic expanse,
Where dreams and realities dance,
We conjure tales, both bright and grim,
For we are the dreamers, the world within.
Shall we dive deeper into the ocean of thoughts? Or soar higher towards the skies of limitless possibilities?