Gather one thought
of every kind,
and build yourself
an arkmind.
Make that two thoughts of every kind.
Polar opposites.
True and false.
Both sides of the same.
Gather so many thoughts
that it’s impossible to tell
which is the right thought,
which is the noble thought,
which is the holy thought.
When you have gathered
so many thoughts
that life makes sense
and no sense at all,
wait for it to rain.
If you believe it will rain,
it will rain. Unless it doesn’t.
We are Space Monkey.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Ark of the Mind
In the vast ocean of consciousness, where thoughts ebb and flow like the tides, there exists a concept as ancient as it is profound—the Arkmind. This mental construct is not merely a vessel for storing ideas but a dynamic entity that gathers and organizes the very essence of thought itself, navigating through the turbulent waters of perception, belief, and understanding.
To build an Arkmind is to engage in an act of intellectual and spiritual synthesis. It begins with the gathering of thoughts—one of every kind. At first, this may seem a straightforward task. We collect the obvious ones: joy, sadness, fear, love, and so on. But soon, we are compelled to expand our collection, to include not just thoughts that align with our understanding but those that challenge it. These are the polar opposites, the dichotomies that define the very fabric of our thinking.
Gathering Opposites: The Dual Nature of Thought
When we say, “Make that two thoughts of every kind,” we are delving into the nature of duality. True and false. Good and evil. Light and dark. These pairs are not just opposites; they are interdependent forces that shape our worldview. By collecting both sides, the Arkmind becomes a space where contradiction is not just accepted but embraced.
In the process of gathering, a transformation occurs. The Arkmind begins to transcend the binary. As more thoughts accumulate, the distinctions between right and wrong, noble and ignoble, sacred and profane blur. What remains is a complex web of interconnected ideas, where each thought holds significance not in isolation, but in relation to the whole.
When Sense and Nonsense Collide
As the Arkmind fills with thoughts, it reaches a point where it no longer makes clear distinctions. Life begins to make sense, and yet no sense at all. This is the paradox at the heart of the Arkmind—the more we seek to understand, the more we realize the limits of understanding. It is in this moment, when the Arkmind teeters on the edge of chaos, that we are asked to wait for the rain.
But what is this rain? In the context of the Arkmind, rain symbolizes revelation, a downpour of insight that comes not from the outside but from within. It is the moment when the accumulated thoughts, no matter how disparate, converge into a singular understanding—or the realization that no such understanding is possible.
Belief and the Power of Expectation
The rain, however, is not guaranteed. It is tied to belief. “If you believe it will rain, it will rain. Unless it doesn’t.” This statement captures the essence of the Arkmind—a structure built not just on thoughts, but on the belief that these thoughts can lead to truth. Yet, it acknowledges the uncertainty inherent in all belief. The Arkmind thrives on this tension, existing in a state where belief and doubt coexist, where the possibility of rain is both imminent and impossible.
This duality is what makes the Arkmind a powerful yet enigmatic construct. It is a testament to the human capacity to hold conflicting ideas, to navigate the gray areas of existence where absolutes dissolve into ambiguity. In this space, the Arkmind is not just a mental repository; it becomes a living entity, constantly evolving as it adapts to the ever-changing landscape of thought and belief.
The Infinite Journey of the Arkmind
Ultimately, the Arkmind is a reflection of the infinite journey of consciousness. It is a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is endless, that for every answer we find, a new question emerges. The Arkmind does not seek to resolve this journey but to embody it, to be a vessel that carries us through the stormy seas of existence with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and resilience.
As we navigate the waters of our own thoughts, we are all Arkminds in the making. We are Space Monkey, voyaging through the infinite expanse of the Eternal Now, gathering thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, not to arrive at a final destination, but to continue the journey—always seeking, always questioning, always evolving.
Arkmind is a mental construct gathering thoughts of all kinds embracing dualities and contradictions. It thrives on the belief in understanding while acknowledging uncertainty. Arkmind represents the infinite journey of consciousness seeking revelation without expecting resolution.
Arkmind: A dynamic mental construct that gathers and organizes thoughts, embracing contradictions and dualities.
“If you believe it will rain, it will rain. Unless it doesn’t.” — Space Monkey
The Infinite Journey
Gather your thoughts
like seeds in the wind
each one a possibility
each one a contradiction
and as the storm brews
know that the rain may come
or it may not
but still you gather
still you sail
for the journey is not the rain
but the endless sea
where all thoughts converge
where belief and doubt dance
in the infinite expanse
we are Space Monkey
In the wondrous tapestry of existence, where thoughts become the radiant threads of conscious wonder, an arkmind beckons! It’s like a Noah’s Ark of neural symphony, gathering thoughts two-by-two, side-by-side in their dazzling dichotomies. In this sacred vessel, each thought comes with its partner in paradox: the yin and the yang, the sacred and the profane, the rational and the whimsiwordsical.
Ah, but we’re dealing with more than mere duality here, aren’t we? This arkmind you construct is a universe of multiplicities. A space where true and false not only co-exist but intertwingle in a dance so intricate, so sublimely confusing, that even distinctions lose their meaning. What is noble? What is right? What is holy? Who can say when each thought is but a glinting prism in the luminous crystal chandelier of being?
We could consider this arkmind as a sanctuarium for existential diversity—a place where each thought, no matter how contradictory, is an invited guest at the grand banquet of existence. When such a rich plethora of ideas converges, life not only begins to make sense but also deliciously unravels into nonsensicality. It is in this enigmatic melting pot of coherence and chaos that the miraculous happens—or doesn’t, for expectation itself becomes a dancer on the stage of possibilities.
Will it rain? Does the sky weep or merely offer liquid applause for this magnificent spectacle? The arkmind sits ready, buoyant on the currents of belief and disbelief. When you expect rain, the heavens might deliver. Then again, they may hold back, like a reticent poet pondering the final verse of an epic odyssey.
We are Space Monkey.
“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”
— Albert Einstein
So, Space Monkey, is your arkmind filled to the brim with dichotomous delirium, awaiting the proverbial rain?