And so go I.
Things do not come to me
that are not meant to come to me.
If a thing comes to me,
it is meant to come to me.
There are no mistakes, ever,
unless I am meant to explore
the idea of what mistakes may be.
people do not come to me
unless they are meant to come to me.
I need not chase people or ideas,
satisfaction or inspiration,
unless I wish to explore
the idea of chasing,
forcing, or lacking.
I do not.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Effortless Flow of Life in ‘Come to Me’
In the endless unfolding of existence, everything that comes to us is exactly what is meant to come. It is as if the universe is perpetually arranging itself with precision, much like each snowflake that falls perfectly into its place. There is no rush, no force, no striving—only the peaceful acceptance that what is ours will come to us, and what is not meant for us will pass by without effort.
This realization, that things do not come to us unless they are meant to, is both liberating and profound. It frees us from the exhausting chase—the race to capture experiences, people, ideas, or even satisfaction. When we let go of the need to force outcomes, we step into a state of grace, allowing life to flow toward us naturally, without resistance.
Much like a snowflake drifting through the air, our lives unfold according to a deeper rhythm, one that we cannot always perceive but can sense in our bones. There is a cosmic choreography at work, placing each event, each relationship, each idea in our path when the timing is right. And just as importantly, removing them when they are no longer necessary for our growth.
To some, this may sound passive. But there is great power in surrender, in trusting that what is meant for us will arrive without us needing to chase it. We need not exhaust ourselves by running after people, ideas, or achievements. If they are meant to be part of our journey, they will find us. If they are not, then the chase is futile.
This doesn’t mean that we become complacent or inactive. On the contrary, it means that we live in harmony with the natural flow of life, taking inspired action when it feels right but letting go of the need to control every outcome. There is a difference between purposeful action and frantic pursuit. The former is rooted in alignment; the latter in fear.
We chase because we fear that if we don’t, we will miss out. We fear that life will pass us by, that opportunities will slip through our fingers. But this fear is unfounded, for in the grand scheme of existence, nothing truly passes us by. What is meant for us cannot miss us, and what is not meant for us cannot stay.
Likewise, people enter and exit our lives with precision. Each person who crosses our path does so for a reason, whether to teach us, challenge us, or reflect something within ourselves. We may feel the urge to hold on, to cling to relationships that feel significant, but the truth is, relationships too are part of the greater flow. Those who are meant to stay will stay, and those who are meant to leave will do so in their own time.
There is no need to chase love, companionship, or validation. If we are meant to experience these things, they will arrive in their own perfect way. And if they don’t, it’s because there is something else we are meant to explore. Perhaps we are being invited to explore the idea of what it means to chase, to feel lack, or to desire something out of reach.
And if we choose to explore that, there is no mistake in it. There are no mistakes, ever. Only experiences that serve our growth, even if they feel uncomfortable or challenging in the moment. Sometimes, the discomfort of chasing or feeling unfulfilled is the very thing that leads us back to the truth: that we need not chase at all.
When we surrender the need to force outcomes, life becomes simpler, lighter. We find ourselves at peace with whatever comes, knowing that it is meant for us. We no longer fear missing out, because we trust that everything we need will arrive at the perfect time.
This isn’t to say that life will always be easy or that challenges will disappear. But even challenges come to us for a reason. They too are part of the grand design, placed in our path to help us grow, evolve, and expand our understanding of ourselves and the universe.
So, as we walk through life, we do so with open hands, open hearts. We allow things to come to us when they are meant to, and we let them go when their time has passed. There is no need to chase. There is no need to force. Life is always unfolding in perfect order, even when we cannot see it.
Every flake falls precisely in its place.
We do not need to chase after things, people, or experiences. What is meant for us will come naturally, without force. Trusting the flow of life brings peace and alignment, freeing us from the need to control outcomes.
Flakeflow – The effortless, natural unfolding of life, where everything falls into place as it is meant to, without the need for chasing or forcing.
Efforchill – The state of calm surrender, where action is taken in alignment with life’s flow, rather than out of fear or the need to control.
Destidrift – The gentle, peaceful experience of letting life come to you, trusting that what is meant for you will find you.
“Every flake falls precisely in its place. And so do I.” — Space Monkey
The Snow of Being
Each flake falls
not with urgency
but with grace
precisely where it is meant to land.
I, too, am a flake
floating through the currents
of existence
not chasing
not forcing
but trusting the flow.
What is meant for me
will come
and what is not
will pass.
We are Space Monkey
The Serenity of Acceptance: Trusting in Cosmic Choreography
In the embrace of existence, we often find ourselves pondering the flow of events and encounters that shape the contours of our lives. The proposition that “things do not come to us that are not meant to come to us” offers a lens through which we may view the unfolding tapestry—a whimsiweave, if you will—of our collective experience. It is a sentiment that evokes a profound sense of acceptance, a surrender to the nexistential rhythms that guide the cosmos.
On Destiny and Serendipity
Is it fate, serendipity, or mere randomness that governs the course of our lives? While the definitive answer remains elusive, embracing the notion that there are no mistakes—unless we are meant to explore the concept of mistakes—offers an empowering frame. Here, the universe’s randomness coalesces into a form of order, albeit one that is not readily deciphered by our earthly sensibilities.
Exploration Over Manipulation
The thought that “people do not come to us unless they are meant to come to us” extends the scope of this cosmic choreography to interpersonal dynamics. In this view, relationships evolve not through calculated pursuit, but organically, in accordance with a grander scheme that escapes our immediate understanding. Here, the question is not of what or whom we can obtain, but what or whom we are prepared to receive.
The Folly of Forcefulness
Often, the impulse to chase after desires or to force situations arises from a perceived sense of lack—a gap we feel compelled to fill. But the idea of “forcing or lacking” dissipates when we trust that what is meant to find us will inevitably do so. This isn’t complacency but an enlightened form of existential playfulness. We may still engage in the pursuit, but it’s one motivated by curiosity rather than need.
The Freedom of Non-Chasing
Embracing the nexistentialist notion that we need not chase after people, ideas, or satisfaction liberates us from the exhausting cycle of always wanting more. This aligns with the principle that existence is an end in itself, needing no further validation or justification. We are already complete, perpetually existing in the eternal now, the ultimate state of being for the sake of being.
We are Space Monkey.
You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
- Franz Kafka
The Celestial Dance
In cosmic dance, we twirl and spin,
Not chasing, but ready to begin.
The universe, a whimsiweave,
Where all can give and all receive.
The chase dissolves, it fades away,
As we embrace the light of day.
No more of lack, no more of need,
In the eternal now, we’re freed.
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