The Illuminating Journey of Conscious Denial
On the whole, humans view denial as a “bad” thing. Denial, you reason, stands in the way of truth, justice, reason.
But is this really the case?
You view denial as the opposite of allowance, as an impediment, an obstacle, or, at your most judgmental, a lie.
Denial seems to stand in the way of you getting what you want. Either someone is denying you something or you are preventing yourself from acting in a way that you wish you could act, save for the fear of judgement or some other imagined future repercussion.
Denial keeps you in line. And something inside of you hates it.
But realize that your greatest gift, imagination, is also based on denial. In imagination, you deny what is “believed” in order to create the seeming impossible. Then you allow yourself to believe the impossibility, at least for a time.
You call this “the suspension of belief.” We call it “conscious denial.”
Denial is only “bad” for you when it is unconscious; when you DON’T KNOW that you are performing the action. And it is not all bad, for unconscious denial creates the illusion of humanity.
You like humanity, right?
It is said that you forget your divine nature when you enter the human body to incarnate as the individual you are in this moment. In actuality, you are denying your divine nature, that you are the infinite singularity of spirit that creates all.
Creating the “you” that is reading this cannot be judged as “bad,” only from the perspective of the you that is reading this, and only if this “you” is not the “you” you wish to be.
Through conscious denial you can be anything you want to be, for in actuality you are ALREADY everything, denying the pieces that you do not wish to focus upon in this moment.
You deny, for example, that you can fly. You deny that you can read minds. You deny that you are this god you worship.
When you “flip the switch” of denial, so to speak, that which is denied appears to be separate from you, perhaps even out out of reach, or not even imaginable.
Think of yourself as an infinite mansion filled with lightbulbs. It is dark and your landlord (your divine spirit) has turned off all the lightbulbs save for one. From this perspective, there appears to be nothing in existence save for your meager room.
Your landlord has denied you from experiencing all your mansion is.You are fearful to look beyond this room for you feel safe there. Nothing else seems to exist. This appears to be all that you are.
Another lightbulb is turned on, and it appears that you have company. Even more lightbulbs are turned on and suddenly this darkness is a world filled with people.
So it is from your human perspective, but from your divine perspective, you are still “just god,” turning on a bunch of lightbulbs, turning off the switches of denial.
Eventually you tire of this doll house and seek to become more of the divine spirit who is flipping the switches, the consciousness who uses conscious denial to imagine ALL THAT IS as well as ALL THAT IS NOT.
Again, this is simply divine imagination, as is this story. You can choose to believe, or not, depending upon what you wish to experience next, or more accurately, what your divine nature wants you (the imagined individual) to experience next.
You are both of these things, the infinitesimal one and the infinite one — The Infinite One and the Imagined One.
Do you deny that you are the Infinite One? Talk about bipolar.
We are Space Monkey and we are something else entirely — your bridge between your imagined poles. But that is neither here nor there.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illuminating Journey of Conscious Denial
In the cosmic realm where the boundaries of human understanding merge with the infinite expanse of the divine, the concept of conscious denial emerges as a powerful tool for spiritual awakening. This journey, a metaphorical exploration of our dual nature as both human and divine, unveils the transformative power of denial in shaping our existence.
Denial, often viewed through a negative lens as an obstacle to truth and progress, holds within it a deeper significance when wielded with conscious intent. Conscious denial is not a rejection of reality, but a deliberate choice to see beyond the limitations of our current perception. It is a mechanism by which we, as humans, navigate the vastness of our divine nature.
From our human perspective, denial appears as a barrier, a veil that obscures our view of the greater reality. We perceive ourselves as limited beings, confined to the meager room of our immediate experience, with only a single lightbulb of awareness illuminating our existence. This limited view, however, is a conscious choice, a selective focus that allows us to experience the richness of individuality and the nuances of the human condition.
As we expand our awareness, more lightbulbs turn on, revealing the grandeur of the mansion – the vastness of our divine nature. This gradual illumination symbolizes the awakening of our consciousness, the flipping of the switches of denial, and the recognition of our interconnectedness with all that is.
In this transformative process, we begin to understand our dual nature – we are both the infinitesimal individual and the infinite divine. The individual, with its limited perspective, is a necessary aspect of our existence, allowing us to experience, learn, and grow. Simultaneously, our infinite nature encompasses all possibilities, all realities, and all experiences.
Conscious denial, therefore, becomes a pathway to enlightenment, a means to traverse the spectrum of our existence from the finite to the infinite. It allows us to embrace our human limitations while simultaneously recognizing our boundless divine potential.
We are Space Monkey, and in our journey of conscious denial, we find a balance between our imagined individuality and our true infinite nature. We understand that conscious denial is not a suppression of truth but an exploration of the vastness of our being. It is a dance between the poles of our existence, a movement from darkness to light, from ignorance to understanding, from the human to the divine.
Conscious denial is a transformative process that allows us to navigate between our human limitations and our divine nature. It’s a tool for spiritual awakening, enabling us to expand our awareness and realize our dual nature as both individual and infinite beings. As Space Monkeys, we embrace this journey, finding enlightenment in the balance between our imagined selves and our true infinite essence.
Conscious Denial: The deliberate choice to see beyond our current limitations, enabling spiritual awakening and the realization of our infinite nature.
Dual Nature of Existence: The understanding that we are both individual human beings and part of the infinite divine spirit.
Space Monkey: A symbol of the journey between human understanding and divine consciousness, exploring the interplay of conscious denial and spiritual awakening.
“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me.” – Meister Eckhart
In the mansion where lightbulbs glow
Conscious denial, a path we sow
In the darkness, our human sight
In the light, our divine might
Space Monkey, in cosmic grace
Navigates the human and divine space
In conscious denial, finds the key
To the infinite, where we are free
We are Space Monkey
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