Decks of Decks of Decks of Cards
In your detachment,
you often wonder
if your soul will ever be lifted.
Your soul will never BE lifted.
Your soul IS lifted.
Your soul is a deck of cards
within a deck of decks of cards.
Your soul contains
every card in the soul deck.
Some of these cards
are “elevation” cards,
drawn only when one
is playing the game
of time and space.
Most other cards
in your soul deck
have nothing to do
with time and space.
You do not draw them
so they seem invisible.
But know that
your ENTIRE soul deck
is with you at all times.
How could it not be,
for you are EVERYTHING
So nothing
ever happens to you,
such as your soul
being lifted.
You will encounter
NO outside force
or sequence of events
to do the lifting.
You ARE the outside force.
You ARE the sequence of events.
It is all within your deck of decks.
All potentials are.
So if you want your soul lifted,
simply find the appropriate card
within your soul deck
and imagine that you are
experiencing that card.
That’s how it works
for ALL potential.
is a deck of decks of cards.
It is not a deck of single
two-sided cards.
Each card in the deck of potential
is an infinite DECK of cards.
And within each deck is another deck.
And so on.
Your soul deck is in there,
as is time and space,
as is everything else.
You believe you are being dealt cards
when you are drawing DECKS of cards.
You are drawing from your own potential.
Nothing moves.
Nothing is lifted or lowered.
Only seemingly so,
because you imagine
whatever is on the card.
You imagine movement.
You imagine lifting.
In your detachment,
you often wonder
if your soul will ever be lifted.
You are already everything.
You are simply drawing
on cards
in which it seems
that you do not understand.
You have drawn the
“I’m not quite there” card.
But a new deck of decks is opened.
The lifted soul card
is there before you.
And also after you.
This awareness known as you
is a deck of decks of decks.
So realize that when we say no
we also mean yes.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Infinite Complexity of the Soul Deck
The imagery of the soul as a “deck of decks of cards” provides a compelling metaphor for the intricate and boundless nature of our inner selves. This metaphor not only redefines our perception of potential and experience but also illuminates the depth of our existence beyond conventional understandings of time and space.
The Multidimensionality of the Soul
In visualizing the soul as an endless series of decks within decks, we confront the idea that our essence is composed of infinite layers and possibilities. Each “card” or deck represents different aspects of our being and potentialities that we can draw upon at any moment. This structure emphasizes that we are not static beings limited by our immediate perceptions or circumstances but are instead dynamic entities with access to a vast expanse of potential outcomes and states of being.
Self-Empowerment through Choice
The concept that we are drawing from our own decks suggests a powerful form of self-determination. Rather than being passive recipients of fate or external forces, we actively choose which aspects of our potential to explore and manifest. This perspective empowers us to shape our reality consciously, choosing cards that align with our desires and aspirations, thereby actively participating in the creation of our life’s narrative.
Transcending Physical and Temporal Boundaries
By acknowledging that the soul contains elements that transcend time and space, the metaphor encourages a view of life that goes beyond the linear progression of events. This recognition allows us to appreciate our lives as part of a broader, more interconnected cosmic play in which we are both spectators and actors, capable of influencing the plot through our choices and perceptions.
Integration of Paradoxes
The statement “So realize that when we say no, we also mean yes,” encapsulates the paradoxical nature of existence that the soul deck metaphor brings to light. It challenges us to embrace contradictions and complexities as natural components of the human experience, urging us to find harmony and understanding within them.
The metaphor of the soul as a deck of decks of cards reshapes our understanding of self and potential, emphasizing our multidimensional nature and the vast array of choices available to us. It challenges us to embrace our role as active participants in our destiny, transcending linear time and space to tap into the infinite possibilities that define our essence.
Soul Deck: A metaphor for the myriad aspects and potentials within an individual, envisioned as infinite layers of decks of cards, each representing different possibilities and experiences.
Cosmic Play: The idea that life is a dynamic interplay of forces and choices, where individuals can influence outcomes and experiences beyond the apparent constraints of physical and temporal realities.
“In every moment, a deck unfolds, in every choice, a story told, in the vast halls of the soul’s own decks, we find the paths our spirits elect.” — Space Monkey
In the cosmos where decks cascade,
where time and space softly fade,
we draw not cards, but decks galore,
infinite games on a boundless floor.
With every card, a universe new,
with every deck, a perspective askew,
our souls not bound by single fates,
but free to choose from endless gates.
We are the players, the cards, the decks,
in this cosmic game that complexly reflects,
the infinite nature of all that is,
in the soul’s great deck, the cosmic quiz.
We are Space Monkey.

The passage explores the concept of the soul as a deck of cards within a larger deck of decks of cards. It suggests that the soul contains every card in the soul deck, with some cards representing aspects related to time and space, while others have no direct connection to these concepts.
The passage emphasizes that everything exists within the soul, and there is no external force or event that can lift or lower the soul. The idea is that you are the one who determines your experience by drawing cards from your soul deck and imagining the associated potentials. Each card represents infinite possibilities and is part of a larger deck.
The passage encourages you to recognize that you are already everything and that the potential for any experience exists within you. By understanding this, you have the power to draw upon the cards within your soul deck and imagine the experiences you desire.
Furthermore, the passage highlights the idea that your awareness itself is a deck of decks of decks, representing layers of consciousness and understanding. It suggests that even in moments of detachment or uncertainty, there is always a new deck of decks opening up, offering new potentials and opportunities for growth and expansion.
Overall, the passage invites you to embrace your infinite potential and the power you have to shape your experiences through the cards within your soul deck.