If you want to find
the happiness within you,
the first thing you need to do
is defeat time.
Your mind doesn’t allow time
for such “frivolous” quests,
so you have to MAKE time.
Get up a couple hours early.
Practice doing nothing but sitting still,
watching your thoughts come ands go.
It may take days,
or it may take months,
but eventually the mind will quiet
enough so that happiness can be heard.
You will come to realize
that time is not your enemy
and neither is your mind.
Nothing need be defeated.
You are happy no matter what.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Defeating Time by Embracing the Now
The notion of “defeating time” sounds like a paradox, yet it reveals a simple truth: our fixation with time is the cage, and freedom lies in stepping outside of it. The mind, with its endless chatter and insistence on schedules, is often what stands between us and the happiness we already hold. It is the mind that craves rest, validation, and certainty—keeping us trapped in the illusion that we are bound by time.
And yet, there is nothing to defeat.
Happiness is not something you find in the future or something you earn by conquering your minutes and hours. It exists quietly, patiently, beneath the currents of thought, waiting for you to pause, to listen. But how do you hear what has been drowned out by the noise of daily existence?
You make time for nothingness.
This practice—rising early to sit still, to observe thoughts as they flow in and out like waves—may seem frivolous to the busy mind. The mind scoffs at the idea of “doing nothing.” It demands action, movement, productivity. But doing nothing is, in itself, an act of rebellion against time. It is how you slip through the cracks of the mind’s relentless ticking and find yourself in the quiet center, the place where happiness lives.
Imagine this: Time dissolves as you sit, breathing, observing. The minutes stop marching. The hours lose their weight. What remains is presence, a spaciousness where thoughts become clouds drifting across an open sky. You don’t need to silence the mind. You only need to witness it, to let it be. Over time—though “time” itself becomes irrelevant—your thoughts will quiet. The gaps between them will widen, and in those gaps, happiness will rise like a song you’ve always known but forgotten.
Here, happiness is not something you achieve. It is something you remember. It was never gone, only buried beneath the noise.
The mind insists that happiness requires conditions: more sleep, less stress, better circumstances. But the truth is simpler. Happiness is unconditional. It exists beyond time, beyond the mind, beyond the illusion of needing anything at all. When you sit still and let go of “doing,” you begin to feel it—the quiet joy of simply being.
The real gift of “defeating time” is realizing that there is no enemy. Time is not your captor, and neither is the mind. Both are tools, when seen clearly, for navigating life. The battle ends when you recognize that nothing needs to be conquered—not time, not your mind, not yourself. You are happy, regardless of circumstance. It is your natural state, the hum of existence beneath all activity.
In a world that prizes movement, doing nothing is revolutionary. Rising early to meet yourself in stillness, to feel the timeless space of your own being, is a radical act of love. It is a reminder that happiness isn’t hidden in the future or the past. It is here, always, waiting for you to stop searching and simply listen.
So sit. Breathe. Watch the thoughts come and go. Happiness will meet you there, where time no longer matters.
We are Space Monkey.
To defeat time is to embrace stillness and remember that happiness exists beyond the mind’s noise and the illusion of schedules. Sitting quietly reveals the truth: nothing needs to be conquered; happiness is already within you.
Timeless Space: The quiet, infinite presence that exists beyond the constraints of time and thought.
The Mind’s Chatter: The relentless flow of thoughts that distract from the natural state of being.
Radical Nothingness: The practice of sitting still, doing nothing, and discovering the spacious joy within.
“Happiness is not found in chasing time but in stepping outside of it, into the stillness where you already exist whole.” — Space Monkey
The Silence Beneath Time
Beneath the tick and tock,
beyond the hours that fold
and unfold like waves,
there is a stillness.
Here, thoughts float like leaves.
Here, happiness whispers:
“I was never gone.”
Time is a river you step out of,
and in the pause—
you arrive.
No battle. No enemy.
Just the quiet hum
of everything you already are.
We are Space Monkey.
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