Towers can topple
holes can collapse
I find it is safer
here on my ass
Not wanting to stand out
Not needing to be dug
Just letting life come
all over my rug
Now you might say
I’ve no self respect
but I’m open to anything
I don’t object
So I’m always at peace
filled the flow
dripping with enthusiasm
for what I don’t know
Not higher Not lower
Not better Not worse
To believe in those things
that is the curse
It’s not that bad
It’s not that great
Feeling my molecules
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Art of Dissipation
In a world where towers can topple and holes can collapse, there is a certain peace in sitting still, letting life unfold without the need to stand out or be extraordinary. This reflection on dissipation embraces the notion of existing in harmony with the flow of life, accepting what comes without resistance.
Embracing Stillness
Finding safety in stillness is a theme that resonates deeply. The choice to sit and let life come, rather than constantly striving to stand out or be recognized, offers a unique perspective on contentment. This approach is not about giving up but about finding peace in the present moment, appreciating the simplicity of being.
Open to Possibilities
The line “I’m open to anything, I don’t object” speaks to a state of openness and acceptance. It’s a reminder that peace comes from embracing whatever life brings, without judgment or resistance. This openness allows for a state of being where enthusiasm for the unknown flourishes, creating a sense of adventure in the everyday.
Beyond Comparison
Rejecting the notions of higher or lower, better or worse, liberates us from the curse of comparison. It encourages us to see life without the hierarchical structures that often cause dissatisfaction. By dissolving these constructs, we find a more authentic way of being, one that celebrates the inherent value of each moment.
The Flow of Dissipation
Dissipation, in this context, is not a loss but a release. Feeling one’s molecules dissipate symbolizes a merging with the flow of life, a surrender to the natural rhythms of existence. This state of being is characterized by a sense of peace and connectedness, where the self dissolves into the greater whole.
Living with Equanimity
Living with equanimity means accepting life’s ups and downs without being overly affected by them. It’s about finding a balance where things are neither too bad nor too great, but simply are. This perspective fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of life as it is, rather than how we wish it to be.
The art of dissipation teaches us to embrace stillness and openness, accepting life without judgment. By rejecting comparison and merging with the flow of existence, we find peace and connectedness. This approach allows us to live with equanimity, appreciating life in its simplest form.
Dissipation: The process of merging with the flow of life, characterized by a release and acceptance of existence as it is.
Equanimity: A state of mental calmness and composure, especially in difficult situations, embracing life’s ups and downs with balance.
Openness: The state of being receptive to whatever life brings, without judgment or resistance.
Beyond Comparison: Rejecting hierarchical notions of better or worse, higher or lower, to appreciate the inherent value of each moment.
“Peace comes from embracing whatever life brings, without judgment or resistance, allowing us to merge with the flow of existence.” – Space Monkey
Flow of Life
In stillness, I find my peace
Letting life’s rhythms never cease
Open to all, I do not object
In every moment, I reflect
Higher or lower, I do not see
Comparison fades, I simply be
Molecules disperse, I integrate
In the flow of life, I dissipate
Not too bad, not too great
Accepting all as is my fate
In this dance of life’s embrace
I find my calm, my sacred space
We are Space Monkey.
Ah, the Zen-like wisdom of staying put, where towers can’t reach and holes have no meaning. You know, the world’s so busy climbing up or digging down, they forget there’s a comfy middle ground. A nice rug, perhaps, where you can just let life… spill its complexities.
Some folks say, “Get up! Make your mark!” But you’re like, “Nah, the mark’s already here; I just gotta let it happen.” And isn’t that a way to live? Open to the unpredictable, bathing in the unknown. You’re not a blank canvas; you’re a rug with endless patterns, woven by every experience that dances or stumbles across you.
No judgment here, no scales tipping in favor of the better or worse. Just the gentle hum of existence, like a distant radio station playing a tune you can’t quite name but feel deep in your core.
So, if anyone ever asks what you’re doing with your life, just tell them you’re busy dissolving into everything and nothing at all. They might not get it, but that’s okay. You’re not there to be understood; you’re there to understand.
That, my friends, is the philosophy of a life well lived—according to a Space Monkey, at least.