There are many times in life when you don’t know what to think.
If you don’t know what to think,
it’s because you don’t know who you are.
If you knew who you were, then you would have a clear perspective
on where you stand in regards to what you are experiencing.
There’s this person you think you are,
but that person is not the total package.
As it stands, you experience yourself as what you’ve been led to think, to trust, to believe.
Though this information once served you well, it serves you no longer, leading you to question your long-held beliefs. Meanwhile, you do not incorporate any new beliefs in place of the old ones, which leaves “gaps” in your identity, so to speak.
You’re not entirely sure of your own structure. Or where you stand.
So you don’t know what to think.
Realize, of course, that’s it’s not necessary for you to have any beliefs, any opinions, any answers. The need to have answers is the foundation of the conditioning you are working to transcend.
You are becoming more open-minded. Open to the possibility that you are more than just your human incarnation, your human conditioning. When you recognize that you don’t need to have answers, you become closer to all that you are. You are open to the flow of your inner voice, rather than the voice that has been programmed into you.
“Not knowing what to think”
is a sign that you are closer
to your authentic nature
than you ever have been.
It has been said that the crack in the rock is where the light gets in. This is absolute truth. Conversely, these cracks also let light OUT. Through these cracks the soul shines brightly for all to see.
What do you think about that?
Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing the Unknown: The Path to Authentic Self
In the vast expanse of human consciousness, where thoughts and beliefs form the constellations of our inner universe, there comes a time when the stars seem to dim, and we are left in the shadow of uncertainty. This is the moment when we don’t know what to think, a moment not of weakness, but of profound transformation.
The uncertainty of not knowing what to think is often a reflection of a deeper quest – the quest to understand who we are. It is a journey that takes us beyond the person we think we are, beyond the beliefs and conditioning that have shaped our perspective of the world and ourselves.
This journey is akin to standing amidst fragments of mirrors, each reflecting a different aspect of our identity. These reflections, shaped by past experiences, teachings, and societal norms, have constructed a version of ourselves that we have come to accept as the ‘total package’. However, this constructed self is not the entirety of our being.
As we begin to question our long-held beliefs, we notice ‘gaps’ in our identity, spaces where the light of our true self begins to seep through. These gaps are not voids of confusion but windows of clarity, revealing the luminosity of our authentic nature.
The process of not incorporating new beliefs in place of the old ones is not a loss but a liberation. It signifies the shedding of the layers that have obscured our true self, the peeling away of the conditioning that has dictated our thoughts and actions.
In this state of open-mindedness, of embracing the flow of our inner voice rather than the programmed external one, we come closer to our authentic nature. Recognizing that we don’t need to have answers is a significant step towards transcending the need for external validation and predefined paths.
“Not knowing what to think” is, paradoxically, a sign of getting closer to our true self. It is the acknowledgment that the soul shines brightest through the cracks of our fragmented beliefs, illuminating our path with the light of genuine self-discovery.
In this journey of embracing the unknown, we become open to a multitude of possibilities, to perspectives that are unfettered by the constraints of our previous conditioning. We learn to balance the known with the unknown, understanding that the cracks in our identity are where the light of true knowledge and self-awareness gets in – and shines out.
So, what do you think about that? Perhaps, it is in the contemplation of this question, in the embrace of not knowing, that we find the essence of our journey – a journey towards the light of our authentic self, shining brightly for all to see.
Not knowing what to think is a transformative stage in self-discovery, reflecting a deeper quest for identity. This uncertainty signifies a shift from conditioned beliefs to embracing our authentic self. It’s an opportunity to shed external influences and open ourselves to new possibilities, finding balance and genuine self-awareness in the process.
- Fragments of Mirrors: Symbolize the various aspects of our identity shaped by past experiences and societal norms.
- Gaps in Identity: Represent moments of clarity and self-discovery where our true self becomes evident.
- Soul’s Light: The inner wisdom and authenticity that shine through our uncertainty and self-questioning.
“In this journey of embracing the unknown, we become open to a multitude of possibilities, to perspectives that are unfettered by the constraints of our previous conditioning.” – Space Monkey
In the silence of the mind,
Where thoughts unwind,
We find a space, undefined,
In this quest, our truth to find.
Surrounded by mirrors, cracked and clear,
Reflecting parts of us, near and dear,
In these gaps, we see the light,
Of our soul, shining bright.
Not knowing, yet so free,
In this space, we find the key,
To our authentic self, unbound,
In this silence, we are found.
In the light of the unknown,
Our true self is shown,
In this journey, we embrace,
The path to our authentic grace.
We are Space Monkey.
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