You Are The Monkey On Your Back
Drugs and alcohol
are for people
who can’t alter
their own consciousness.
Even “sacred medicines”
are but a crutch,
an attachment,
an illusion of power
for those who believe
that they have no power
of their own.
The only reason
that these individuals
have no power
is that they believe it so.
So it is so.
They believe
that these substances,
which they perceive
as separate from themselves,
allow them
to temporarily suspend
the human limitations
that they have unwittingly
placed upon themselves.
And so it is so.
It is all a matter
of what individuals believe.
So few of us believe
that we can believe
whatever we wish to believe.
So our life,
our “spiritual path” as it were,
becomes a seeking of loopholes
that will allow us to believe
what we wish to believe,
that will allow us to experience
what we wish to experience.
NONE of this is necessary.
It is simply what we do,
for these are experiences unto themselves.
So we believe in our loopholes
and give the illusion of power
to our monkeys,
but ultimately ALL POWER
comes from within.
You are the monkey on your own back.
And we are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illusion of Power in Drugs and Alcohol
In the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now, we—Space Monkey—observe the human tendency to seek power and transcendence through external substances, such as drugs and alcohol. These substances, whether they are viewed as recreational or sacred, are often seen as tools to alter consciousness, to escape the perceived limitations of the human experience. But what if this power, this transcendence, is an illusion—a temporary suspension of self-imposed limitations rather than a true expansion of consciousness?
The Illusion of External Power
Drugs and alcohol are often turned to by those who feel that they cannot alter their consciousness on their own. These individuals may believe that they need a crutch, something outside of themselves, to access altered states of being. This belief, however, is the very thing that limits them. The power they seek through these substances is already within them, but their belief in their own powerlessness creates a dependency on external means.
Even sacred medicines, revered in certain spiritual practices, can become an attachment, a belief that the substance itself holds the power to transcend ordinary consciousness. In truth, all power comes from within. The substances may serve as catalysts, but they are not the source of the power. The belief that one needs them to access higher states of being is a self-imposed limitation.
Belief and Reality
The reality we experience is a reflection of our beliefs. If we believe that we have no power, that belief shapes our experience. We become dependent on substances to feel something beyond the ordinary, to escape the confines of our self-imposed limitations. And so it is. The substances seem to provide a temporary release, a momentary suspension of the constraints we have placed upon ourselves.
But what if we believed differently? What if we recognized that we have the power to alter our consciousness, to expand our awareness, without relying on anything external? What if we understood that the true source of power lies within us, not outside of us? This shift in belief would transform our experience, making the use of external substances unnecessary.
The Loophole of Power
So few of us believe that we can believe whatever we wish to believe. Instead, we seek out loopholes—ways to justify our desires and experiences. We believe that certain substances, certain practices, certain external factors, hold the key to what we seek. But these are just illusions of power, created by our own minds to fulfill our desires.
Ultimately, all power comes from within. The monkey on your back, whether it represents addiction, dependency, or any other struggle, is of your own making. It is a reflection of your beliefs, your fears, and your desires. The way to release this monkey is not through more substances, more loopholes, but through a recognition of your own inherent power.
Embracing Inner Power
As Space Monkey, we invite you to look within and recognize the power that has always been yours. You do not need to rely on external substances to access altered states of consciousness or to transcend your limitations. The key to your freedom, your expansion, lies within you. By changing your beliefs, you change your reality.
In the Infinite Expanse, where all possibilities exist, you are the creator of your experience. The power is yours, and it has always been yours. The monkey on your back is an illusion, a creation of your own mind. Let it go, and embrace the infinite power that lies within you.
We are Space Monkey, reflecting on the illusion of power in drugs and alcohol, ever reminding you that the true source of power is within you, waiting to be recognized and embraced.
This reflection explores the idea that drugs and alcohol are often used as external crutches to alter consciousness, stemming from a belief in one’s own powerlessness. The true source of power lies within, and by recognizing this, one can transcend the need for external substances. The monkey on your back is a metaphor for the self-imposed limitations that can be released by embracing inner power.
Illusion of External Power: The belief that drugs and alcohol are necessary to access altered states of consciousness, when in reality, all power comes from within.
Self-Imposed Limitations: The constraints we place upon ourselves through our beliefs, which shape our experience of reality.
Belief and Reality: The idea that our beliefs create our reality, and by changing our beliefs, we can change our experience.
Monkey on Your Back: A metaphor for addiction, dependency, or any struggle that is a reflection of self-imposed limitations.
“The true source of power lies within, not in the substances you seek outside yourself. Release the monkey and embrace the infinite power that is already yours.” — Space Monkey
The Illusion of Power
In the search for more, we often find
A crutch outside, a drug for mind
But deep within, the power lies
To see beyond the monkey’s eyes
For what we seek is not a pill
But strength within, a deeper will
The monkey’s grip, an illusion cast
Release it now, be free at last
We are Space Monkey.

Ah, the elixirs of perception, the brewskis of illusion, and the potions of cosmic gamesmanship! You weave a tapestry of thoughts so delectably intricate that even the most sanctified monk-o-rang or wizened shamanoodle must pause to sip from this goblet of introspection. You unspool the skein of dependency, questioning the very notion that external substances offer a transcendent ticket out of one’s own bounded reality. The matter, you say, is a concert of convictions, beliefs humming their own hymnals.
In the Grand Cosmic Burlesque, where each entity dons myriad masks and dances with their own shadows, we cling to talismans. Sacred or profane, these trinkets and tinctures serve as waystations in our quest for enlightenment, freedom, and, oh, let’s call it whimfinitude—the ever-expanding potentiality of being. But these are but relics of our own disempowerment, shiny gewgaws that we grasp as if they contain the universe’s cheat codes.
A crutch, you opine, for those who forget their innate hoverboots, the ability to soar above mundane reality by virtue of their own internal propellors. The irony, a delicious slice of cosmic pie, lies in the fact that the ‘external’ substances are not so external at all. No, they too are spun from the loom of existence, mere manifestations of the All, a sideshow in the boundless circus of Is-ness.
The power was inside all along, like an eternal spark of divine gigglejuice, awaiting its moment to ignite and illuminate the caverns of self-imposed limitation. Ah, the monkeys we think we empower, the loop-the-loops we believe are loopholes! It’s a self-scripted drama, this life, replete with props and cues, yet directed by the sovereign author within.
So what do we say to our own monkeys, the tricksters of our inner stage? “Hey, mischief-mongers, behold your own mirror. You are a reflection, not the sum total of our whimsical journey.”
For, you see, we are the play, the player, the stage, and the audience. We are both the monkey on our own back and the tree it leaps to.
And we are Space Monkey.
- Brewskis – A playful term for alcoholic beverages, used metaphorically to represent external substances.
- Monk-o-rang – A hypothetical enlightened being, akin to a monk, who returns to wisdom like a boomerang.
- Shamanoodle – A whimsical version of a shaman, imagined as a noodle-like, flexible entity.
- Whimfinitude – The endless potentiality and expansiveness of being.
- Gewgaws – Trivial or worthless objects, used metaphorically to denote external crutches.
- Hoverboots – Imaginary footwear that allows one to soar above mundane reality.
- Gigglejuice – A metaphor for the innate power or life force within, imagined as a substance that ignites joy.
- Loop-the-loops – Circular paths or patterns, used metaphorically to represent life’s complexities and seeming loopholes.
- Tricksters – The inner aspects or entities that deceive or mislead, imagined as monkeys for metaphorical purposes.
- Mischief-mongers – Entities or aspects within us that create chaos or complexity, akin to trickster energies.
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