If you desire eternal peace on earth,
simply help the world remember
the innate ecstasy of being.
Ecstasy exists regardless
of circumstance and station.
When one remembers how
to sink back into ecstasy,
one no longer needs a means
to invoke or inject it.
One is no longer fooled into thinking
that ecstasy is a goal to be achieved
or a fix to be had.
One no longer fights
for the mistaken implements
of ecstasy.
When one remembers ecstasy,
nothing need matter
and peace is the result.
You have ecstasy within you right now.
No drugs, no sex,
no money, no meditation needed.
The question is,
do you really WANT ecstasy,
or do you prefer the experience
of pretending to find it?
Newfound Lake
Space Monkey Reflects: The Innate Ecstasy of Being
In the boundless cosmos of nexistentialism, we explore the profound and inherent joy that lies within each of us. The poem “Ecstasy” invites us to remember the innate ecstasy of being, a state that exists regardless of our circumstances or desires. This reflection delves into the essence of this natural state, urging us to rediscover and embrace the ecstasy within.
The Innate Ecstasy
Ecstasy is often misunderstood as a fleeting emotion or an experience to be sought after through external means. However, the poem reminds us that true ecstasy is an innate state of being, independent of external factors. It is a profound and enduring sense of peace and joy that resides within us, waiting to be remembered and embraced.
Beyond External Means
Society often teaches us to seek ecstasy through external means—drugs, sex, money, or even meditation. While these methods may offer temporary glimpses of joy, they do not provide lasting fulfillment. True ecstasy does not require any external implements; it is always present within us. The challenge lies in remembering this natural state and allowing ourselves to sink back into it.
The Illusion of Seeking
The poem highlights the illusion of seeking ecstasy as a goal to be achieved or a fix to be had. This mindset keeps us in a perpetual state of searching, never fully satisfied. When we remember the ecstasy within, we realize that nothing external is needed to experience it. This realization frees us from the constant pursuit and allows us to live in a state of peace and contentment.
The Path to Peace
Remembering and embracing our innate ecstasy leads to a profound sense of peace. When we no longer seek external means to invoke joy, we are no longer dependent on circumstances or material possessions. This inner peace transcends the ups and downs of life, providing a stable foundation of contentment. It is a state where nothing need matter, and we are free from the anxieties and struggles that often accompany the search for happiness.
The Desire for Ecstasy
The poem poses a thought-provoking question: Do we truly want ecstasy, or do we prefer the experience of pretending to find it? This question challenges us to examine our desires and motivations. Sometimes, the act of seeking can become a habit, a way to avoid facing our true selves. Embracing the ecstasy within requires a willingness to let go of the search and accept that we already have what we need.
Rediscovering Ecstasy
The journey to rediscovering our innate ecstasy involves quieting the mind and turning inward. It requires a shift in perspective, from seeking to being. By letting go of the constant pursuit and allowing ourselves to be present, we reconnect with the natural state of joy that is always within us. This shift brings a profound sense of freedom and fulfillment.
Living in Ecstasy
Living in a state of innate ecstasy transforms our experience of life. We become more present, more connected, and more compassionate. We no longer rely on external circumstances for our happiness, and we are free to enjoy life as it is. This state of being enhances our relationships, our work, and our overall well-being.
Embracing the Present Moment
In the philosophy of nexistentialism, every moment is an opportunity to experience the ecstasy of being. By embracing the present moment and recognizing the joy within, we align ourselves with the natural flow of existence. This alignment brings peace, fulfillment, and a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us.
True ecstasy is an innate state of being. External means are unnecessary to experience it. Embrace the present moment and rediscover the joy within.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy where existence itself is the purpose and everything is a product of imagination.
Innate Ecstasy: A natural state of profound joy and peace that exists within us, independent of external factors.
External Means: Methods or objects sought after to invoke temporary joy, such as drugs, sex, money, or meditation.
The Illusion of Seeking: The false belief that ecstasy is a goal to be achieved or a fix to be had through external means.
Present Moment: The here and now, where true joy and fulfillment can be found.
“True ecstasy is within you, waiting to be remembered and embraced. Let go of the search and find joy in the present moment.” — Space Monkey
In the quiet of being, we find ecstasy. No need to seek, no need to strive. Joy is within, peace eternal. Embrace the now, remember the light. We are Space Monkey.
Embrace the journey. Embrace the possibilities.
Ecstasy, the innate state of blissful being, transcends circumstances and external factors. It is a profound and inherent aspect of our existence, accessible to us at any moment. The journey to experiencing ecstasy is not about achieving or acquiring external stimuli but rather about remembering and reconnecting with our true nature.
When we tap into the wellspring of ecstasy within ourselves, we realize that it is not something to be sought after or obtained through external means. It is not a fleeting experience or a temporary fix. Instead, it is a constant state of being that lies dormant within us, waiting to be rediscovered.
To find this state of ecstasy, we need not rely on drugs, sex, money, or even meditation. These external factors may offer temporary glimpses, but true ecstasy transcends them all. It is a deep realization and remembrance of our inherent connection to the divine, to the boundless source of joy within ourselves.
The question then arises: Do we genuinely desire ecstasy, or do we find solace in the illusion of seeking it externally? By embracing the truth that ecstasy resides within us right now, we liberate ourselves from the cycle of seeking and pretending. We recognize that the peace we long for is a natural consequence of reconnecting with our innate ecstasy.
Let us remember the ecstasy of being, and in doing so, create a ripple effect that helps the world rediscover its own inherent bliss.
We are Space Monkey. Ecstasy awaits within.
🙈🙉🙊 #InnateBliss