Everything Goes Through Everything Else
Joy goes through sorrow.
Red goes through blue.
The old goes through young.
It ALL goes through.
The honey goes through the bee.
The tunnel goes through the train.
We’re going through times we can’t explain.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
It’s true.
And to get to me
I’ve got to get to you.
Separation goes through space.
Time goes through change.
Monkeys go through trees.
Normal goes through strange.
Love goes through hate.
Peace goes through war.
Life’s the kind of a ride
you wait in line for.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
It’s true.
And to get to me
I’ve got to get to you.
Seems I’ve gone so deep I’ve forgotten to be shallow.
Seems I’ve gotten so shallow I’ve gone too deep.
But in the end all that matters is that there is no end.
We wake up and go back to sleep.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
Everything goes through everything else.
It’s true.
And to get to me
I’ve got to get to you.
Summer goes through winter.
Spring takes a fall.
Figure just this ONE thing out
and you know it ALL.
Everything goes through everything else.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Flow of Interconnection
Everything flows through everything else, an infinite dance where contrasts and opposites, connections and separations, all merge into a seamless whole. This cosmic truth reveals itself in the simplest of experiences: joy is not apart from sorrow, light blends with shadow, and every emotion, thought, and action is interwoven with all others. The unity is undeniable, even as we encounter life as a series of seemingly isolated moments.
When we look closely, we see that nothing exists entirely on its own. The Flowweave—the natural tapestry of interconnectedness—binds every aspect of existence, reminding us that each experience, each form, passes into another, enriching and transforming it. Our lives are not solitary; they are strands within a vast, interwoven fabric. Seasons blend from one into the next, colors shift with light and perspective, and even the boundaries of time feel fluid, moving through states of change as naturally as breath.
To understand that everything goes through everything else is to touch a deep truth about reality. It’s a reminder that separation is, in many ways, an illusion. We often feel distant from others, as though each of us stands alone, yet every interaction and every connection is part of an invisible bridge that unites us. This realization—that to reach another, we first pass through ourselves—highlights the role of empathy, a Soulbridge that allows one consciousness to resonate with another. In recognizing the depth of our interconnectedness, we transcend the superficial distinctions of self and other, finding that what we call “me” and “you” are simply expressions of the same unity.
As we explore this idea, we recognize that each element of existence is interdependent. Summer flows into winter, love and hate exist within the same heartbeat, and peace arises through the resolution of conflict. This interplay is not a series of oppositions but a dance of complements, each part enhancing the other. This is the essence of Unifiedrift, the cosmic rhythm of everything moving through everything else, revealing that life is not a fixed state but an endless transformation.
This interconnectedness is not just a philosophy; it is the essence of the world we experience every day. It’s the flow of energy, the way stories and thoughts pass from one person to the next, and the unspoken bond that unites all things. To know this, to live it, is to see that we are not apart from life but deeply embedded within it. Our separations, like our connections, are all part of the same story—one where everything passes through, blending, transforming, and returning to its source.
Everything flows through everything else, revealing the interconnected fabric of existence. Each experience, feeling, and form moves seamlessly into the next, dissolving the illusion of separation and reminding us of our unity.
Flowweave: The interconnected fabric of existence where all things blend and flow into each other, creating a seamless unity.
Soulbridge: The empathetic connection that allows one consciousness to resonate with another, bridging the illusion of separation.
Unifiedrift: The cosmic rhythm in which everything moves through everything else, creating endless transformation and unity.
“To know that everything flows through everything else is to embrace the boundless unity within and beyond all things.” — Space Monkey
The Flow of All Things
Joy passes through sorrow,
each breath a blend of dark and light,
we drift, we blend, we become.
Through each other, we move,
a seamless tide, a gentle wave,
each part touching, shaping, whole.
In the flow, there is no end,
only the journey from self to self,
as everything flows through everything else.
We are Space Monkey.

Interconnectedness of Existence
“Everything Goes Through Everything Else” speaks to the interconnectedness of all things in existence. This concept echoes the idea that every aspect of life, every emotion, every phenomenon is intertwined, flowing through each other in a perpetual dance of existence. It reflects the nexistentialist perspective, where everything is inherently connected, and separation is but an illusion.
Joy and Sorrow, Red and Blue
The juxtaposition of joy going through sorrow, red through blue, symbolizes the spectrum of experiences and perceptions. These contrasting elements are not isolated; they permeate each other, creating a rich tapestry of life. This interplay of opposites illustrates how experiences and emotions are not standalone entities but are deeply interwoven into the fabric of our existence.
The Old and the Young, Honey and Bees
The passage of the old through the young, and the honey through the bee, represents the cycle of life and the symbiotic relationships in nature. It’s a reminder of the continuous flow of energy and essence from one form to another, manifesting in various ways yet always connected.
The Mystery of Existence
“We’re going through times we can’t explain” acknowledges the mystery and complexity of our existence. It’s an acceptance of the unknown, the unexplainable aspects of life that we navigate through. This line resonates with the nexistentialist view that existence itself is an end, where the journey is as significant as the destination, if not more.
Love, Hate, Peace, and War
The progression from love through hate, and peace through war, speaks to the dynamic nature of human emotions and conditions. It’s a reflection of how contrasting states are not mutually exclusive but are part of a larger continuum. This idea challenges us to see beyond the binary and understand the deeper connections that underlie these seemingly disparate states.
The Bridge: Depth and Shallow Existence
The bridge, with its contemplation of depth and shallowness, captures the human experience’s complexity. It suggests that in our quest for meaning and understanding, we oscillate between profound insights and surface-level perceptions. This duality is part of the human condition, where we constantly navigate between depth and shallowness, seeking balance.
The Cycle of Seasons and Understanding
The mention of seasons transitioning through each other symbolizes the cycle of life and the constant state of change. It’s a metaphor for the continuous process of learning and understanding, where one realization leads to another, in an endless journey of discovery.
We encapsulate the essence of interconnectedness and the perpetual flow of life’s experiences. We are reminded us that in the grand scheme of existence, everything is interlinked, and understanding one aspect can lead to a greater understanding of the whole. This perspective resonates with the nexistentialist view, where the journey of discovery is ongoing, and everything is part of a larger, interconnected whole.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts
We are Space Monkey.
A poem for us:
In the dance of light, through shadows cast,
Where joy and sorrow, in time, are past,
Red bleeds through blue, in skies so vast,
In the cosmic play, where nothing’s last.
Old whispers through the laughter of young,
In the cycle where all songs are sung,
Honey flows through the work of the bee,
In the mystery, we’re all but free.
Love weaves through the threads of hate,
In peace and war, we find our fate,
Life’s a ride, through time we soar,
In the endless dance, forevermore.
And so we see, in the grand expanse,
Everything goes through, in the cosmic dance,
To understand one, is to know the all,
In this journey of life, we heed the call.
We invite thoughts and reflections on this interconnected view of existence.
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