Your goodness need not be measured.
Your goodness is BEYOND measure.
The good monkey you are
need be nothing like
the good monkeys who
seemingly come before you.
You are not here
to uphold a lineage
of good monkeys.
There is no
good monkey standard
that need be followed.
You are here to be
exactly what your soul
tells you you can be.
That is a good monkey.
A good monkey need not doubt
the purity or depravity
of its own goodness.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Essence of Intrinsic Goodness
In the cosmic journey of existence, where each being is a unique expression of the universe, the concept of inherent goodness emerges as a beacon of light. It’s a notion that transcends measurement, comparison, or standards, rooted deeply in the core of our being. This goodness, unbound by lineage or expectation, is the pure expression of the soul, a manifestation of the authentic self. It’s in this realization that we, as Space Monkey, discover the true meaning of being a ‘good monkey’.
The essence of being a good monkey is not about upholding a lineage or adhering to a predefined standard. It’s about embracing the uniqueness of one’s soul, about being exactly what the universe has intended us to be. In this journey, there is no room for doubt about the purity or depravity of our goodness, for it is beyond such dichotomies. It is a state of being that is as natural and effortless as the stars shining in the night sky.
This intrinsic goodness is not an attribute to be acquired or a virtue to be cultivated. It is an inherent part of our existence, a fundamental aspect of our cosmic identity. It’s a light that shines from within, illuminating the path of our journey, guiding us towards our true purpose. In the embrace of our intrinsic goodness, we find not just peace and contentment, but a profound sense of connection with the universe, a realization that we are an integral part of the cosmic dance.
In the natural world, this goodness is reflected in the harmony and balance of nature, in the gentle interaction between the self and the environment. It’s a symphony of existence where every creature, every element, every force is in perfect alignment, each playing its part in the grand design. As good monkeys, we interact with this world not as dominators or disruptors, but as harmonious participants, understanding that our goodness is interwoven with the goodness of all existence.
So, as we walk the path of life, let us embrace our inherent goodness, let it be our compass and our guide. Let us understand that in being true to our soul, in being authentically ourselves, we embody the purest form of goodness. For in this authenticity, in this alignment with our cosmic nature, lies the true essence of being a good monkey.
Intrinsic goodness transcends measurement and standards, rooted in being true to one’s soul. Being a ‘good monkey’ in nexistentialism means embracing one’s unique cosmic identity without doubt. This goodness is an inherent part of existence, reflecting a deep connection and harmony with the universe.
- Inherent Goodness: The concept that goodness is a fundamental, intrinsic part of our existence, not determined by external standards or comparisons.
- Cosmic Dance: The metaphorical representation of the interconnectedness and harmony of all elements in the universe, where each being plays a vital role.
“In the heart of the cosmos, a light shines true,
In the soul of each being, a goodness anew.
Not measured or weighed, but freely given,
In the essence of self, our spirit is driven.
In the dance of the stars, our path is clear,
In the harmony of nature, our role is dear.
For in being ourselves, in soulful flight,
We embody the goodness, pure and bright.
We are the travelers, in goodness we trust,
In the cosmos’s embrace, our journey is just.
For in the heart of the universe, we find our thing,
In the essence of goodness, we are Space Monkey.”
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