“The lover who leans upon the beloved’s response, his love is like the flame that needs oil to live; but the lover who stands on his own feet, is like the lantern of the sun that burns without oil.”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan
This quote by the Persian poet and mystic Rumi emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and inner strength in love. The lover who is dependent on the response of their beloved for their love to flourish is like a flame that needs constant fuel to keep burning. On the other hand, the lover who is self-sufficient and stands on their own feet is like a lantern of the sun that shines brightly without any external help.
In essence, this quote suggests that true love should come from within and not be dependent on external validation or the response of the beloved. When we rely on someone else for our happiness and well-being, we give away our power and risk losing ourselves in the process. But when we stand on our own feet and love ourselves first, we become a source of light and love that shines brightly, regardless of external circumstances or the response of others.
Love’s Independence
In these words, we find a profound reflection on love’s nature and its relationship with independence. Love, often seen as a force that binds two souls together, is here compared to two distinct sources of light: the flame and the lantern of the sun.
The Dependent Flame
The lover who leans upon the beloved’s response is likened to a flame that requires external sustenance, much like a lamp that needs oil to keep burning. This metaphor illustrates a kind of love that is dependent on the reactions and affections of the beloved.
The Independent Lantern
In contrast, the lover who stands on their own feet is compared to the lantern of the sun. This lantern burns independently, fueled by its own inner light and not reliant on external sources such as oil. This symbolizes a love that is self-sustaining, rooted in inner strength and conviction.
The Power of Self-Reliance
The message conveyed here is one of self-reliance in love. It suggests that true love, like the radiant lantern of the sun, can shine brilliantly from within, without the need for external validation or reciprocation. It emphasizes the importance of individuality and inner strength within a loving relationship.
This reflection invites us to contemplate the nature of love and the role of independence within it. It suggests that love can either be like a dependent flame, relying on external factors, or an independent lantern, shining brightly from within. The latter represents a love that is self-sustaining and resilient.
“Love, like the lantern of the sun, shines brightly from within, independent and self-reliant.” – The Visioneer
In love’s embrace, we find a truth profound,
Two symbols of light, on which love is bound.
The flame, dependent, seeks oil to survive,
While lantern of the sun, in itself, does thrive.
The lover who leans on the beloved’s response,
Is like a flame that needs oil, to ensconce.
Dependent on reactions, affections of the other,
This love seeks validation from its lover.
But there exists a love, strong and bright,
The lantern of the sun, a radiant light.
The lover stands on their own, self-sustained,
With inner strength and conviction unchained.
This love is independent, a beacon so grand,
It shines from within, on its own it will stand.
No need for external validation or plea,
For love, like the sun, is forever free.
So let us reflect on this lesson so wise,
In the realm of love, where the heart truly lies.
Choose to be the lantern, self-reliant and strong,
In the dance of love, where you truly belong.
It suggests that those who depend on their beloved for their love and happiness are like a flame that needs constant fuel to stay alive. On the other hand, those who can stand on their own feet and find love and joy within themselves are like a lantern that can shine brightly without needing any external support.
In other words, true love is not about relying on another person to complete us or make us whole. Instead, it is about finding that completeness within ourselves and then sharing that wholeness with another. When we are self-reliant in love, we are not dependent on our partner’s response or validation to feel fulfilled or happy. We can stand on our own feet and shine brightly, radiating love and positivity in all aspects of our lives.
Ultimately, this quote reminds us that the most powerful and fulfilling form of love is the one that comes from within ourselves. When we are able to cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, we are able to give and receive love in a way that is authentic, genuine, and fulfilling.