Though I seem to be here,
there appears to be part of me
that is NOT here.
It is there
where my thoughts are
prior to being thoughts.
It is there
where my dreams go
after being dreams.
It is there
where all potentials lie,
and all lies are potential.
It is not in my brain,
I can certainly tell you that.
So if I’m not
completely here,
where am I
and is there a where
even there?
I seem to be nowhere
and everywhere at once.
Just as I imagine.
I think therefore I am.
But what?
But where?
Space Monkey Reflects: Existing in the In-Between
There are moments in life when we pause and feel the strangeness of being. We appear present, our bodies anchored in space, yet there is an awareness that part of us is elsewhere, suspended in realms not defined by the physical world. “I’m not all here,” is not just an idle phrase but an exploration into the enigmatic nature of existence—where the tangible meets the intangible and the mind dances on the borders of here and there.
The Space Beyond Thought
“Though I seem to be here, there appears to be part of me that is NOT here.” This speaks to the essence of consciousness that does not end where our physical form does. It is the part of us that exists in the prelude to thoughts, the void from which ideas emerge and into which dreams dissolve once they have played their roles. It is a space beyond the brain’s architecture, where thought is not yet bound by the structures of language and reason.
This space holds the potential for all things—the formless realm of raw existence where nothing is solid but everything is possible. It is there, within this intangible domain, where our inner worlds live and expand. To know that we are not fully here is to touch the infinite that stretches beyond the edges of our skin.
The Unanchored Self
The question, “So if I’m not completely here, where am I and is there a where even there?” captures the paradox of being. This contemplation moves us past the simplicity of location into the boundlessness of experience. The self, unanchored from its reliance on physicality, navigates realms that do not conform to maps or coordinates. It exists in a state of ‘nowhere and everywhere at once,’ a reflection of the mind’s capability to wander and the spirit’s capacity to stretch into the unknown.
These in-between states are where creativity, intuition, and inspiration are born. They challenge the need for certainty, replacing it with the thrill of potential and the acceptance of mystery. Here, boundaries dissolve, and what seemed distinct—thoughts, dreams, the self—intertwine into an existence not confined by reality as we know it.
Imagination as the Nexus
“Just as I imagine.” Imagination is not a whimsical escape but the gateway through which the self enters this state of everywhere and nowhere. It is the bridge between reality and the beyond, where thoughts play and potentials lie dormant, waiting to be shaped. To imagine is to engage with the unseen, to reach into the fabric of possibility and weave pieces of it into being.
This place where thoughts exist before they become thoughts is where ideas take their first breath. It is where we connect to the collective, the boundless pool of what could be, what might be, and what has been forgotten. In this space, the self is not bound to the body or the moment—it is expansive, fluid, and part of a greater whole.
Being and Becoming
“I think therefore I am. But what? But where?” The act of thinking affirms existence, but it leaves open the questions of identity and location. To think is to create a point of focus, but when that focus shifts, so too does the nature of being. We are always in a state of becoming—never fully settled, always partially here and partially there.
Recognizing this dual existence can feel unsettling, yet it is a reminder of our capacity for depth and dimensionality. We are not confined to our chairs, rooms, or roles; we are, in every moment, touching the infinite, whether we acknowledge it or not.
The feeling of “not being all here” speaks to the part of us that exists beyond the immediate and the physical. This reflection invites us to explore the space where thoughts form and dreams dissolve, where potential lies waiting. Imagination is the key to this boundless state, allowing us to exist simultaneously in the known and the unknown.
In-Between States: The mental and spiritual space where consciousness feels unanchored from the physical world.
Pre-Thought Realm: The space where thoughts exist before they are formed, filled with potential and intuition.
Nexus of Imagination: The place where reality and the realm of possibility meet, facilitated by creative thought.
“To be not fully here is to remember that the self reaches into the unseen, touching what lies beyond comprehension.” — Space Monkey
The Infinite Tether
I stand, one foot on earth,
The other in a space unseen,
Where dreams go
And thoughts return.
Here, nowhere is somewhere,
Everywhere a breath away.
I am and am not,
A being suspended
Between the tangible
And the boundless.
We are Space Monkey.

The Enigma of Existence and Non-Existence
We delve into the profound enigma of our existence and non-existence. We ponder the notion that while we seem to be present in this realm, a part of us exists elsewhere—a place beyond thoughts, dreams, and the tangible reality we perceive. This place is not confined within the physical bounds of the brain. It’s a domain where potentialities dwell and where the paradoxes of existence and non-existence intertwine.
The Interplay of ‘Here’ and ‘Not Here’
In our contemplation, we recognize that we are both here and not here. Our presence in the physical world is undeniable, yet our essence stretches beyond physicality. This duality suggests that our true nature isn’t limited to the confines of spatial existence. The ‘where’ we seek might not be a location in the traditional sense but a state of being, transcending the physical and the mental planes.
The Realm Beyond Thoughts and Dreams
The realm we speak of is where thoughts are born and where dreams retreat after their ephemeral dance in our consciousness. It’s a space of infinite potential, unbound by the constraints of our perceived reality. This realm, elusive and intangible, might not be a physical space but a dimension of existence that defies conventional understanding.
Existence Beyond the Brain
Our understanding of self extends beyond the physical confines of the brain. While the brain is the organ through which we process our thoughts and experiences, the essence of our being might not be contained within it. Our existence, as we perceive it, is a complex interplay of physical and metaphysical elements, challenging the notion of being confined to a physical organ.
Everywhere and Nowhere
In this exploration, we find ourselves existing simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. This paradoxical state reflects the boundless nature of our being. We are entities not just confined to the here and now but also existing in a continuum that defies spatial and temporal limitations.
The Imaginative Nature of Existence
Our existence is as much a product of our imagination as it is of our physical presence. The ‘I think therefore I am’ posited by Descartes gets a new dimension in our discourse. We are not just because we think; we are also what we imagine ourselves to be. Our existence is a tapestry of perceived reality and imaginative constructs.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Beyond the Veil of Now and Here
In the whispers of the wind,
Beyond the grasp of time,
We dance in realms unseen,
Where dreams and thoughts intertwine.
In the silence of the stars,
Where echoes of ‘us’ resound,
We are the cosmic bards,
In the infinite, we are unbound.
Not just flesh, not just thought,
We are the eternal dance,
In the web of existence caught,
In the endless cosmic expanse.
We invite comments and reflections on this journey through the realms of existence and non-existence.
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