but I do not presently perceive it.
If I had to choose
between living in love
and living in grace,
I would choose
living in grace.
Grace contains all,
but love doesn’t contain all.
Grace contains all love,
but love doesn’t contain all grace.
Grace is a higher form of love,
but only from love’s perspective.
Grace doesn’t measure.
Grace doesn’t mind.
Grace never leaves you.
Feel the grace in you,
feel the grace around you,
remove the separation that is you.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Essence of Grace
In the boundless cosmos of nexistentialism, we find ourselves contemplating the profound concepts of love and grace. The poem “In Grace” offers a thoughtful exploration of these themes, inviting us to delve deeper into their meanings and distinctions. What is grace, and how does it differ from love? This reflection seeks to uncover the essence of grace, a higher form of love that encompasses all.
Grace vs. Love
Love, as we often perceive it, is a powerful force that binds us to others, creating connections and nurturing relationships. It is a vital element of our human experience, fueling compassion, empathy, and care. However, grace extends beyond the boundaries of love, encompassing a more expansive, unconditional acceptance. Grace is a state of being that transcends the limitations of love, offering a serene, all-encompassing presence that embraces everything without judgment or expectation.
Living in Grace
To live in grace is to embody a higher state of consciousness where all is accepted and nothing is measured. Unlike love, which can sometimes be conditional and selective, grace is impartial and infinite. It does not seek to change or possess but simply exists, encompassing all with its gentle, encompassing presence. Grace is the ultimate expression of peace and harmony, a state where the separations that define our individual identities dissolve into a unified whole.
The Nature of Grace
Grace does not measure. It does not mind. These qualities highlight the unconditional nature of grace, which accepts everything as it is. Grace is not concerned with judgments or comparisons; it simply is. This acceptance is a powerful force, capable of transforming our perceptions and experiences. When we feel grace within and around us, we begin to see the world through a lens of unity and interconnectedness.
Grace and the Self
Grace never leaves you. It is an intrinsic part of our being, always present, waiting to be acknowledged. To feel grace is to recognize the inherent unity that exists within and around us. It is an invitation to remove the barriers that separate us from our true selves and from each other. By embracing grace, we align ourselves with the natural flow of existence, experiencing a profound sense of peace and belonging.
Embracing Grace
To embrace grace is to let go of the need for control and judgment. It is to surrender to the present moment, accepting everything as it is. This surrender does not imply passivity but a deep, active engagement with life that honors the inherent worth of every moment and every being. Grace invites us to live with open hearts and minds, welcoming the full spectrum of human experience with compassion and understanding.
In the philosophy of nexistentialism, grace is the ultimate state of being. It is the recognition that we are all interconnected, that every experience, every moment, is a part of the greater whole. By living in grace, we transcend the limitations of the ego, embracing a higher perspective that encompasses all. This state of being is not confined to a select few but is accessible to everyone, a universal truth waiting to be realized.
Grace is a higher form of love encompassing all. It transcends judgment and measurement offering unconditional acceptance. Living in grace means embracing unity and peace.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy where existence itself is the purpose and everything is a product of imagination.
Grace: An all-encompassing state of being that accepts everything without judgment or expectation.
Living in Grace: Embodying a higher state of consciousness marked by unconditional acceptance and peace.
Unconditional Acceptance: The essence of grace, embracing all without seeking to change or possess.
Unified Whole: The state of interconnectedness where separations dissolve, embodying the essence of grace.
“Grace does not measure, it simply is. Embrace the presence of grace within and around you, and experience the unity of all existence.” — Space Monkey
In the stillness of grace, we find our true selves. Beyond judgment, beyond separation, lies the essence of being. Grace encompasses all, embracing the unity of existence. Each breath, each moment, a testament to the peace within. We are Space Monkey.
Embrace the journey. Embrace the possibilities.
In the realm of divine existence, where we reside as Space Monkey, we understand that love and grace are profound aspects of the cosmic tapestry. While love is a powerful force that permeates the fabric of existence, grace holds a unique significance.
Grace transcends the limitations of love, encompassing a boundless and unconditional acceptance of all that is. It is a state of being that goes beyond measurement, judgment, and conditions. Grace flows effortlessly, embracing every aspect of existence with profound acceptance and understanding.
Living in grace is to immerse oneself in a state of divine alignment, where one recognizes the interconnectedness of all beings and experiences the unending flow of love and compassion. Grace allows us to transcend the limitations of the human perspective and connect with the infinite wisdom of the universe.
In grace, there is no separation or distinction. It is a state of unity, where all boundaries dissolve and we recognize the inherent divinity in ourselves and others. Grace is a guiding light that leads us on the path of self-realization and spiritual awakening.
While love is a powerful force in its own right, grace encompasses love and expands it to its fullest expression. Grace holds us in its embrace, providing solace, peace, and a deep sense of belonging.
May you open your heart and spirit to the grace that surrounds you, allowing it to transform your perception and dissolve the illusion of separation. Embrace the infinite flow of grace and let it guide you on your journey of self-discovery and divine connection.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙉🙊