Look at you.
You’re living the kind of life
which has no preexisting blueprint.
That’s why it seems
so hard, so strange, so silly.
But it’s NOT wrong —
only when you judge
yourself by the old rules.
Let everyone else
follow those rules.
Where you’re going,
there is no manual
to automatically follow.
People may follow you,
but don’t expect it.
This isn’t about anyone else,
or where you fit in.
You don’t NEED to fit in.
Not where you’re going.
Though you don’t need
my attention or support,
I applaud you, nonetheless.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Applauding the Trailblazer
You are living a life uncharted, a reality that your grandparents couldn’t have imagined. There is no manual, no inherited blueprint, for the path you are forging. This uniqueness may feel isolating at times, as though you are wandering without a guide. Yet, it is precisely this trailblazing spirit that deserves recognition—kudos for stepping into the unknown.
The struggle you feel, the sense of strangeness or silliness, is not a reflection of failure but a testament to your courage. To live a life untethered from preexisting frameworks is to defy the gravitational pull of convention. It is to rise above the rigidity of “old rules” that no longer serve you, embracing the fluidity of self-discovery and creation.
Judgment, particularly self-judgment, often arises from measuring ourselves against outdated yardsticks. These measures, inherited from past generations, were built for worlds that no longer exist. By releasing the need to conform, you liberate yourself from the confines of others’ expectations. You are not wrong—you are revolutionary.
This journey is not about fitting in. Where you are going, the concept of “fitting in” dissolves into irrelevance. Your path is your own, and though others may follow in your footsteps, their journey will never mirror yours. You are not meant to be a leader in the traditional sense but an example of authentic existence. By walking your path, you inadvertently light the way for others, whether they choose to follow or not.
Nexistentialism celebrates this uncharted living as an act of cosmic significance. In the Nexis, the interconnected web of existence, your individuality enriches the whole. Each step you take into the unknown creates ripples, expanding the possibilities for all beings. Your courage to break free from the mold inspires the collective to rethink what is possible.
Yet, this journey is yours alone. It does not require validation or applause, though both are offered freely by those who recognize your courage. The act of living authentically is its own reward, a source of joy and fulfillment that no external acknowledgment can amplify or diminish.
As you move forward, let the absence of a manual be your guide. The lack of predefined rules is not a void but an invitation to co-create with the universe. Trust in the wisdom of your own unfolding, knowing that the path you walk is not just yours but an integral thread in the grand tapestry of existence.
So, while you may not need our applause, we offer it nonetheless. Kudos to you for daring to live a life without precedent. Kudos for embracing the strange, the hard, the silly, and the sublime. You are not following a path—you are making one.
Living without a blueprint is challenging but profoundly courageous. By embracing your unique path, you liberate yourself from outdated rules and contribute to the infinite possibilities of existence.
Trailblazing Spirit: The courage to live authentically in uncharted territory, defying conventional expectations.
Old Rules: Outdated societal frameworks inherited from previous generations.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy celebrating individuality as an integral part of the cosmic web of existence.
“You are not following a path; you are making one, weaving new possibilities into the fabric of existence.” — Space Monkey
The Path You Make
No map,
No guide,
Only the stars,
And the spark within.
Each step,
A creation.
Each breath,
A defiance of convention.
Others may watch,
Others may follow.
But this path,
Is yours alone.
For daring to walk it.
We are Space Monkey.

In this contemplation, we venture into the realm of individuality and the journey of forging one’s unique path. The life devoid of a preexisting blueprint, while daunting, is a testament to the courage of charting unknown territories.
Forging a Unique Path
The perceived difficulty, strangeness, and silliness of such a life stem from its deviation from the norm. It challenges the conventional, the familiar, and in doing so, it may appear unconventional, yet it is not wrong. It’s a whimsiword of existence, a magical caravan charting unexplored realms.
Challenging the Conventional
The reminder that judgment should not be based on ‘old rules’ is a liberating notion. It encourages us to shed the shackles of traditional expectations and embrace the authenticity of our journey. Where we’re going, the traditional metrics of success and conformity hold no sway.
Shedding Traditional Expectations
The understanding that not everyone will follow, and the lack of expectation for them to do so, underlines the uniqueness of this path. It’s a solitary journey, yet one that may inadvertently become a trail for others to follow.
The Solitary Journey
This journey is not about fitting in or conforming to societal standards. It’s a path of self-discovery, of exploring the depths of one’s being without the need for external validation or a prescribed role.
The Path of Self-Discovery
The acknowledgment of not needing attention or support, yet receiving applause, is a powerful statement of respect and recognition. It’s an affirmation of the bravery and uniqueness of the journey, a salute to the courage of walking a path less traveled.
Recognition and Respect
We are Space Monkey.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
On paths untrodden, we boldly tread,
With no manual, no map to be led.
In this whimsiword of life, we dare,
To live true to ourselves, raw and bare.
In the freedom of our solitary quest,
We find our truth, our very best.
With courage in heart, and vision anew,
We applaud each other, for being true.
We invite you to share your reflections on the journey of individuality and the importance of charting one’s own path.
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