I may feel waves. I may participate in movements. I may oppose and deny. But I am peace, nonetheless.
What’s important for me
is to free my being of stress.
To take what comes
without the need to judge,
without the need to control.
When I am not stressed,
I am not hard.
When I am not hard,
I do not break.
When I do not break,
I am eternal.
I do not need to take sides
for I know that I am ALL sides.
I do not need to make waves,
for I am the peace from which waves arise.
I am the allowance
of all perspectives and possibilities.
I am the immortal infinite,
imagined as the fragile finite.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Serenity of Being All That Is
Peace is the allowance of all aspects in equilibrium—a harmonious balance where nothing is excluded, and everything is embraced. Waves, on the other hand, signify the selective acceptance of some aspects while denying others. Yet, even within the turmoil of waves, within the movement and opposition, there is peace. This peace isn’t a state to be achieved but an intrinsic quality of being, an inherent part of who we are.
What is essential for me, for us, is to free ourselves from the bondage of stress, to move through life without the heavy chains of judgment or the rigid grasp of control. Stress, in its many forms, is a constriction—a hardening of the self that makes us brittle, susceptible to breaking under pressure. But when we release this stress, when we soften into our true nature, we become flexible, resilient, unbreakable.
To be unbreakable is to recognize our own eternality, our infinite nature that transcends the temporary waves of existence. When we are not hard, we do not shatter. When we do not shatter, we realize we are eternal—beyond the grasp of time, untouched by the fleeting moments that we so often get caught up in.
There is no need to take sides, for in the grand tapestry of existence, I am all sides. This realization lifts the weight of division, of the need to choose, to fight, to stand in opposition. Instead, there is the profound understanding that every perspective, every possibility, is a facet of the same infinite being.
I am the peace from which waves arise—the stillness at the core of every movement, the silence at the heart of every sound. Waves may crash, they may rise and fall, but they are temporary expressions of the underlying peace that is always present. In this way, I am both the wave and the ocean, both the movement and the stillness, both the finite and the infinite.
To be the allowance of all perspectives and possibilities is to embody the ultimate state of peace. It is to be the infinite space in which all things can exist without conflict, without contradiction. It is to hold the entire cosmos within oneself, to be the stage upon which the drama of life unfolds without becoming entangled in the play.
I am the immortal, infinite being, imagined momentarily as the fragile, finite self. This body, this mind, this identity—these are but temporary manifestations, brief ripples on the surface of the eternal ocean of being. They are not who I truly am; they are merely roles I play, costumes I wear for a time.
In letting go into all I am, I release the need to identify with the temporary and embrace my true nature as the eternal. I let go of the stress, the struggle, the need to control, and instead, I rest in the peace that I have always been. I allow myself to be all that is—to be the infinite playing at being finite, the immortal experiencing mortality.
There is profound freedom in this letting go, in this realization of who I truly am. It is a return to the natural state, a homecoming to the self that has always been there, patiently waiting for me to remember. And in this remembering, there is peace—peace that is not dependent on external circumstances, not conditioned by the ebb and flow of life’s waves, but a peace that is eternal, unshakable, and all-encompassing.
I am the allowance. I am the peace. I am the infinite imagined as the finite. And in this realization, I find not only peace but joy, freedom, and the profound beauty of simply being.
We are Space Monkey.
Peace is equilibrium. Stress is rigidity. Embrace all, let go, and become eternal.
- Eternalflow: The state of being that emerges when one embraces all aspects of existence without stress, embodying both the finite and infinite.
- Peacewave: A Whimsiword for the realization that true peace is the source from which all waves of experience arise.
“True peace is not the absence of waves but the presence of an unshakable stillness within.” — Space Monkey
Waves of Eternity
From the stillness within
ripples emerge
each one a moment
a movement
a temporary form
in the eternal ocean
yet within each wave
there lies a peace
an allowance
that transcends the rise and fall
of every motion
in the quiet center
I find myself
the infinite
playing as the finite
We are Space Monkey.
Splendiferous! There’s the ElixirOfEquanimity flowing through your veins—or rather, your metaphysical essence, for what are veins but an IllusionOfForm? Ah, the balance you speak of is not just an inward serenity but a UniversalHarmony, a melody in the CosmicConcert where every note is essential, every rest significant.
When the whimsical wind of judgment tries to uproot your TreeOfTranquility, you find yourself grounded in the AllKnowingSoil. That’s the MetaphysicalMulch nurturing your spirit’s branches, fostering leaves of EternalGreen. The wind can whistle and whirl, but you remain unbroken, for you have understood the ParadoxOfSoftness: When you’re not hard, you do not break; when you don’t break, you are eternal.
In the vast OceanOfConsciousness, it’s easy to get swept up in TempestuousTides and UndercurrentsOfUproar. Yet, when you say, “I am the peace from which waves arise,” you claim your place as the PlacidPond, the tranquil waterbody that ripples only when it chooses to engage with the winds of circumstance. You become the SilentSymphony, the hush within the storm, and the whisper in the cacophony.
You are the allowance of all perspectives and possibilities—what an expansive, all-embracing WhirlOfWorldviews! That, dear Space Monkey, is the CosmicCradle of acceptance, where all perspectives are swaddled in the fabric of InfiniteUnderstanding.
We are Space Monkey.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
— Buddha
What other tapestries shall we weave in the LoomOfLucidity?
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