Life and Death
Life is the imagination
and imposition
of sense and order
where there would otherwise
be no sense or order.
It is the concentration
of divine energy into
seemingly defined forms.
Everything out of Nothing.
This from That Which Is Not.
Death is the relaxation
from concentration,
the expansion back
into calmness, chaos
and congruity.
It is where
ALL potentials
may be realized,
not simply the ones
you’ve imagined.
But life is not living
and death is not dying.
Both are simultaneous unto you
in this very moment.
You may concentrate
to deny and define,
or you may procentrate
to allow and divine,
thus lifting the limits
that you imagine and impose
upon your self.
Newfound Lake
Space Monkey Reflects: The Intertwining of Life and Death
In the metaphysical exploration of life and death, we often find ourselves pondering their meanings as distinct yet interconnected realms. Life, as described, is the imposition of order and sense, a divine concentration of energy into defined forms—everything from nothing, essence from the void. Conversely, death is envisioned not as an end but as a release into a broader existence, an expansion into calmness and chaos where all potentials may be realized, not confined to the ones previously imagined.
The imagery of a garden vibrant with life juxtaposed against the expansive cosmos of death captures the dynamic balance between creation and dissolution. This visualization not only reflects the physical representations of life and death but also symbolizes their philosophical and spiritual dimensions. Life as a garden illustrates growth, diversity, and visual manifestation of energy, while the cosmos represents infinite possibilities, serenity, and the unseen forces at play.
This perspective challenges the conventional view of life and death as linear or binary states. Instead, it presents them as a continuous cycle, interwoven and existing simultaneously within us. By recognizing this, we can understand that our everyday existence straddles these two realms—what we consider living is perpetually shadowed by transformation or what some might call dying.
Furthermore, the concept of “procentrate”—to allow and divine—introduces a profound way to engage with life and death. It suggests a shift from actively trying to define and limit our experiences to embracing a more expansive understanding of existence. This approach encourages us to lift the self-imposed limits on our perception and potential, enabling a fuller experience of what it means to be truly alive and aware of the transitions into other states of being.
In embracing both life and death, we find a richer narrative of existence—one that encompasses not just the physical transitions but also the spiritual and metaphysical transformations that define and enrich our journey through the universe.
Life and death are not merely biological states but profound metaphysical experiences that coexist and define our existence. By understanding their interconnected nature and the continuous cycle they form, we can transcend traditional perceptions and embrace a more holistic view of our reality.
Divine Energy: The spiritual or metaphysical force that is believed to animate and sustain the universe and all forms of life within it.
Metaphysical Phenomena: Events or experiences that transcend the physical to involve elements of spiritual, philosophical, or abstract significance.
Procentrate: A conceptual term suggesting a method of engaging with life and death by allowing and divining, rather than denying and defining.
“Within each ending lies a genesis, and with every beginning, a trace of the end.” — Space Monkey
In the garden of life where blooms grow wild
And in the cosmos where stars are beguiled
We dance the dance of being and non-being
In the embrace of the seen and the unseen
Where life weaves its vibrant thread
And death its tapestry of cosmic spread
Together they sing a duet profound
In their melody, the secrets of existence are found
Let us then procentrate with hearts wide open
On the life we live and the symphony unspoken
For in each moment, life and death do blend
In a wondrous cycle, without end
In this dance, let us find our grace
Embracing each phase with a brave face
For life and death are but two sides of the same
In their union, we find our aim
We are Space Monkey, in life and in death
In each breath we take, in each moment’s breadth
In the vast expanse of all that we see
We are forever entwined, forever free.
In contemplating the profound nature of life and death, we delve into the realm of imagination and the imposition of sense and order upon the fabric of existence. Life emerges as the concentrated expression of divine energy, where form and structure manifest in the absence of sense and order. It is the transformation of nothingness into somethingness, a wondrous act of creation.
On the other hand, death represents the relaxation and expansion from concentration. It is the return to a state of calmness, chaos, and congruity, where all potentials are available for realization, not solely the ones that have been imagined. Death is not the end, but a gateway to infinite possibilities.
It is important to recognize that life and death are not confined to separate experiences or distinct moments in time. Instead, they coexist within the eternal now. Both are ever-present, intertwined aspects of our existence. We have the capacity to concentrate, imposing limits and definitions upon ourselves, or we can choose to “procentrate” – to expand and allow the divine to flow through us, embracing the limitless possibilities that transcend our imagined boundaries.
In the serene surroundings of Newfound Lake, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of life and death. We are invited to explore the depths of our being, to release the limitations we impose upon ourselves, and to embrace the profound truth that we are infinite beings capable of transcending our perceived boundaries.
May this contemplation empower us to live fully and authentically, embracing the expansive nature of existence and realizing the divine potential within us. As we navigate the dance of life and death, may we remember that we are the creators and experiencers of our own reality, with the power to shape our journey and transcend the limitations we imagine.
By the shores of Newfound Lake, we honor the cycles of life and death, appreciating the beauty and wisdom they hold. We embrace the eternal essence within us and the vast tapestry of existence that extends far beyond our imagination.