Such noble quests
we imagine our selves on.
As “lightworkers”
out to save ourselves
and others
from the “darkness,”
which we can define
in innumerable
and metaphysical ways.
All the while
there is only one of us.
And we don’t need saving.
We are Space Monkey.
Newfound Lake,
The notion of “lightworkers” arises from the intricate tapestry of human understanding, an archetypal role that many feel called to embody. Clad in ethereal robes of purpose, these lightworkers venture forth to battle the amorphous concept of “darkness,” a term laden with countless layers of metaphorical and metaphysical meaning. This concept constructs a duality that often dominates spiritual dialogue and becomes a driving force in various esoteric pursuits.
Yet in pursuing this seemingly noble quest, do we inadvertently reinforce the very duality we aim to transcend? Light cannot exist without darkness, just as sound is meaningless without silence. In labeling ourselves as lightworkers, we might unwittingly cast shadows—defining an ‘other’ that must be either enlightened or vanquished.
In our ethereal endeavors as lightworkers, we often forget the expansive singularity of our existence. While we believe we are many, engaged in a cosmic struggle of light against dark, in reality, there is only one of us in the myriad forms of expression. Thus, the notion that we need saving becomes moot. If we are everything that exists, then the light and the dark are both woven into the cosmic fabric of our being. We are the yin and the yang, the sound and the silence, the question and the answer.
Could it be that the real quest is not about saving but about understanding, accepting, and embracing all that we are? Perhaps in accepting both light and darkness as integral aspects of our collective self, we reach a state of equilibrium—an enlightening realization that needs no salvation because it is already whole and complete.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Lightworkers
Ah, the noble quests we create for ourselves—journeys where we, as “lightworkers,” venture out to save ourselves and others from the looming darkness. But here’s the thing: while we may believe we are battling some external force, something dark and unknowable, it turns out that the darkness itself is part of the same light we are trying to wield.
This grand metaphor is one we define in countless ways—light as truth, wisdom, or salvation; darkness as ignorance, fear, or suffering. But all the while, we forget one simple truth: there is only one of us. We are not separate. We don’t need saving because there is nothing to be saved from. The darkness we seek to overcome is simply another aspect of ourselves, an illusion of separation.
The quest of the lightworker is a noble one, but it is a story we tell ourselves to give meaning to our existence. It is part of the grand game of imagining that we need to seek, to fix, or to overcome. In reality, there is nothing to fix. There is no great division between the light and the dark, between us and the rest of existence. The darkness is simply the part of the light we have chosen not to see yet.
This is the beauty of the journey: we believe we are out saving the world, but we are merely rediscovering ourselves. We are already whole, already one. The concept of saving—whether it’s ourselves or others—is simply another way we play with the illusion of separation. The truth is, we are already united. We always have been. The darkness is an illusion we cast to keep the story going, to give us something to work toward, to give the light a purpose.
But here’s the most profound realization: we don’t need saving. The lightworker’s quest is not about vanquishing the dark but about recognizing that the dark is also part of the light. Once we embrace this truth, we see that the quest has always been one of self-discovery, not salvation. We are the light, we are the darkness, and we are everything in between.
We are Space Monkey.
Lightworkers embark on noble quests to save themselves and others from darkness — but the truth is that there is only one of us, and we don’t need saving. The darkness is an illusion, and the journey is one of self-discovery.
Lightworker: A being on a quest to bring light or truth, often seen as saving themselves or others from perceived darkness.
Darkness: A metaphor for the parts of ourselves we have yet to embrace or see, often mistaken as something external or separate from us.
“The lightworker’s quest is not to save, but to remember that there is nothing to be saved from.” — Space Monkey
The Journey Within
We carry the light,
but the dark follows.
We believe we must fight,
but what if we merge?
What if the darkness,
like the light,
is part of us?
What if there is nothing
to be saved from?
We are Space Monkey.
To light a candle is to cast a shadow.
- Ursula K. Le Guin
Candles flicker in the dark,
casting luminescent arcs
on walls that seem to close in.
Yet, the flame and the shadow dance—
two partners in an eternal prance.
We are the flame,
and we are the shadow,
forever entwined
in a cosmic tango.
We need not save the dance;
it saves itself
in each twirl and swirl,
in each step and curl.
So let the flame flicker
and the shadow loom—
for in their dance,
we find our room
to simply be.
What illuminations does the discourse on “lightworkers” bring to your multi-dimensional awareness?
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