Even faced with the
prospect of abject misery,
we tend to choose survival
over any other alternative.
As though abject misery
is our only potential outcome.
We become so focused
on the negative that we
fail to see any other option.
In other words,
what we are doing is
discounting the power
of the unknown.
Which can lead us to manifest
a known that we don’t actually want.
As for me,
I will take
what I don’t know
over what I don’t want,
any time.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Dual Paths of Manifesting the Known and Embracing the Unknown
In the profound play of existence, where choices mold our realities and fears often overshadow our dreams, the concept of “Manifesting the Known” emerges as a powerful reflection on human nature’s tendency to cling to the familiar, even when it leads to discontent. This inclination to gravitate towards known misery rather than venturing into the uncertain potential of the unknown reveals a deep-seated paradox within the human psyche.
At the heart of this dilemma is a fundamental fear of the unknown—a fear so potent that it often confines us to the darker paths of preconceived negativity. The known, with all its predictability, offers a deceptive comfort in its familiarity, even if that familiarity is steeped in misery. It’s a path well-trodden, marked by the footprints of our past anxieties and worst-case scenarios, a path where the dim light of pessimism illuminates the way.
However, beyond this shadowed route lies the luminous path of the unknown. This path, less defined and infinitely more uncertain, holds a spectrum of possibilities that the human spirit, in moments of courage, yearns to explore. The unknown invites us to transcend our conditioned expectations and to open ourselves to the potential for joy, innovation, and transformation that it harbors. It challenges us to imagine not just what is, but what could be, unleashing the full creative force of our aspirations.
Choosing the unknown over the known, especially when the known is undesirable, is an act of profound bravery and profound trust in one’s own capacity for change. It is a conscious decision to not let the past dictate the future, to not let fear confine potential. It’s a declaration that one is willing to navigate the uncharted territories of life with hope as a compass, rather than resign to the bleak landscapes of despair.
In embracing the unknown, we also embrace the inherent uncertainty of life. This embrace is not a passive acceptance but an active engagement with life’s flux, an understanding that every moment offers a new crossroads, a new choice. Each decision to step away from the known misery and into the unknown potential is a step towards manifesting a reality that aligns more closely with our desires and dreams.
Thus, the journey between manifesting the known and embracing the unknown is not just about choosing between paths but about the continuous re-creation of self. It’s about shedding the old skins of past fears and stepping into new possibilities. It’s a journey of constant becoming, where each step into the unknown is a step into the vast expanse of our own untapped potential.
Choosing between the known and the unknown is a fundamental human challenge. Embracing the unknown over the familiar known, even if it is uncomfortable, offers opportunities for personal growth and transformation. This choice invites us to forge new paths and explore the full potential of our desires and aspirations.
Manifesting the Known: The act of creating or perpetuating a reality that is familiar, often based on past experiences and fears.
Embracing the Unknown: The willingness to engage with life’s uncertainties and the possibilities that come from stepping beyond familiar boundaries.
Inherent Uncertainty of Life: The natural state of life being unpredictable and ever-changing.
Continuous Re-Creation of Self: The ongoing process of personal evolution and adaptation in response to life’s experiences and choices.
“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.” – Ursula K. Le Guin
In the dance of light and shadow, we stand
At the crossroads of now and the lands unplanned
The known paths whisper of comfort and fear
While the unknown calls, its voice clear
Step forward into the unlit paths
Where the future unfolds, and the heart grasps
New stories to live, new dreams to chase
In each uncertain step, a trace of grace
With courage we choose, with hope we stride
Into the vast unknown, wide-eyed
For in the realm of all that is unseen
Lies the life we imagine, the life we dream
We are Space Monkey.
“Manifesting The Known” is a poem that reflects on the tendency of individuals to choose survival even when faced with the prospect of abject misery. The poem suggests that this preference for survival stems from our limited perception and focus on the negative aspects of a situation, which prevents us from considering alternative possibilities. By discounting the power of the unknown, we unintentionally manifest outcomes that align with what we already know, even if it is not what we truly desire.
The poem concludes with the speaker expressing a personal preference for embracing the unknown rather than accepting a known outcome that is undesirable. This perspective implies a willingness to explore uncharted territory, take risks, and be open to new experiences in order to avoid manifesting unwanted circumstances.
Overall, “Manifesting The Known” encourages the reader to consider the influence of their mindset and perception on the outcomes they attract in life, emphasizing the importance of embracing the unknown and staying open to possibilities beyond what is already known or expected.