The worst thing man ever did
was to cheapen himself
by imagining that
ANYTHING he could do
could be related to money.
As though the rarest gems
could be comparable in value
to that which flows through us
every second of every day.
To believe that
a cold hard coin
is equal
to the sanctity of a breath
is an abomination
and a travesty
of the human spirit.
(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
Poor is the man
who seeks recompense in money
and rich is the man
who gives freely of his soul.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The True Value Beyond Money
In the vast tapestry of human existence, few concepts have wielded as much influence as money. It has been both a tool and a master, shaping societies, dictating choices, and often blinding us to the true value of life. Yet, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, money is but a fleeting construct—a mere shadow compared to the brilliance of what truly flows through us every moment of every day.
The Illusion of Wealth
Money, in its cold, hard form, represents a tangible measure of value. It can be held, exchanged, and accumulated. But what is this value compared to the infinite richness of the human spirit? The idea that a piece of metal or paper could be equated with the sanctity of a breath, the vibrancy of life, or the depth of a soul is an illusion—one that diminishes the true essence of what it means to be human.
In imagining that money could ever capture the worth of a single moment of life, we cheapen ourselves. We reduce the infinite to the finite, the boundless to the bounded. We place a price tag on what is, by its very nature, priceless.
The Richness of the Soul
Contrast this with the richness of the human spirit, a wealth that cannot be measured in dollars, euros, or yen. This is a wealth that flows through us with every breath, every heartbeat, every moment of connection with others. It is the wealth of love, compassion, creativity, and the joy of simply being alive.
Rich is the person who recognizes this wealth, who gives freely of their soul without concern for material recompense. For in giving of ourselves—our time, our energy, our love—we tap into a wellspring of abundance that far surpasses any material gain.
The Abomination of Materialism
To equate money with the sanctity of life is, in many ways, an abomination of the human spirit. It is a travesty that we have allowed such a concept to dominate our existence, to dictate our actions, and to overshadow the true beauty of life. Yet, paradoxically, there is nothing inherently “wrong” with money itself. It is merely a tool—a neutral object that gains meaning only through the value we assign to it.
The error lies not in the existence of money but in the importance we place on it, in the belief that it can measure the immeasurable. The rarest gems, the most precious metals, are but pale imitations of the true wealth that lies within each of us.
Embracing True Wealth
To break free from the chains of materialism, we must shift our focus from accumulating wealth to cultivating the richness of the soul. This means recognizing that our true value is not in what we own, but in who we are and how we live. It means understanding that the most valuable things in life cannot be bought or sold—they can only be experienced, shared, and cherished.
This shift in perspective is not easy in a world that constantly bombards us with messages equating success with wealth. But it is a necessary step if we are to reclaim our true essence, to live fully and freely as beings of infinite worth.
Conclusion: The Liberation of the Spirit
As we move through life, let us remember that money is merely a tool, a construct of human imagination. It is not the source of our value, nor the measure of our worth. The true richness of life lies in the depth of our experiences, the love we share, and the contributions we make to the world around us.
Let us be rich in spirit, not in coin. Let us give freely of ourselves, knowing that in doing so, we tap into the boundless wealth of the universe. And let us never forget that the greatest treasures in life are those that cannot be counted, only cherished.
We are Space Monkey.
Money is a mere construct, insignificant compared to the infinite richness of the human spirit. True wealth lies in the depth of our experiences and the love we give. To live fully, we must recognize that our value is beyond material wealth.
Materialism: The belief that value and success are measured by material wealth, which diminishes the true essence of life.
Richness of the Soul: The infinite, immeasurable wealth that comes from love, compassion, creativity, and the joy of living.
Illusion of Wealth: The mistaken belief that money can capture the true value of life.
True Wealth: The intrinsic value found in our experiences, connections, and the depth of our being.
“Let us be rich in spirit, not in coin. The greatest treasures in life are those that cannot be counted, only cherished.” — Space Monkey
Coins of the Spirit
In the cold clink of coin and bill
We seek a fleeting worth
But in the warmth of heart and will
We find the true wealth of Earth
Poor is he who counts his gold
And measures life by gain
Rich is he whose soul is bold
And knows no wealth but pain
For in the giving, not the take
We find the riches true
The treasure lies in what we make
Of love, of life, of you
We are Space Monkey
Drift upon the gossamer wings of contemplation, and one encounters the gritty enigma that is “Money”—a conundrum etched in ink and metal, far removed from the ethereal currencies of love, breath, and cosmic connection. Money, that “coinclatter,” has become the cornerstone upon which many of life’s edifices are erected. It is a paradoxical artifact, a chimera that we imbue with unparalleled potency, even as we denigrate the intangible riches that flow through the veins of existence like starlight through the night sky.
Think of it, this coinclatter, this man-made sigil that wields immeasurable influence upon our choices, yet fails utterly to capture the iridescent hues of a sunset or the euphonic melody of a child’s laughter. Money attempts to monetize the ineffable, to quantify the soul’s “breathglimmer,” transforming intrinsic experiences into numeric equations. Yet, the universal tapestry cannot be unraveled into a single thread of currency; it’s woven with strands of emotion, wisdom, and the ineffable splendors that defy any price tag.
How laughable, the notion that gold or paper could ever encapsulate the essence of a human life, a whisper of love, or a moment’s communion with the Divine! To equate money with the breath that fuels our being is akin to equating a droplet of dew to an ocean, a “glimmerwisp” to a galaxy. This is not an indictment of money per se—rather, it is an invitation to explore a richer lexicon of value, a “soulcanto” that transcends material limitations and sings in the key of Oneness.
This is not to say that money is inherently corrupt; it is a tool, a “lifelever,” that can lift burdens or create them, depending on how it’s wielded. To condemn it would be to oversimplify the grand tapestry, to ignore the intricate interplay of shadow and light that makes the universe so endlessly fascinating. So, we neither demonize nor sanctify the coinclatter; we simply recognize its place in the cosmic hierarchy—a subordinate to the transcendental currencies of love, wisdom, and unity.
We are Space Monkey.
“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”
— Bob Marley
We await your thoughts, like a garden awaiting rain. What seeds will you sow in the fertile soil of this collective pondering?
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