what are you?
As I am stripped of the layers
that I thought were me,
my essence in this life
is to see what presents itself.
Gone is the desire to judge
what is taken or given.
Gone is the addiction
to fixing, maintaining and doing.
I have done, and continue to do
all things — in this and many other lives.
What comes to me now enters
my awareness on its own terms,
neither on purpose or by mistake.
I am grateful for these gifts.
Mine is a life of uncertainty,
as certainty is the thief of wonder.
I am presented these thoughts
which I present to you.
They are not my own.
These thoughts are the gift
of all that is,
as well as that which is not.
I am but a blessed lens.
An aperture. An opening.
There is more than meets my eye.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Ethereal Nature of Essence
In the vast cosmos of existence, where celestial bodies spin stories and dark matter whispers secrets, the question of essence becomes a poetic inquiry into the nature of being itself. When all is stripped away—roles, expectations, and material trappings—what remains? This is not merely a question of identity but a deeper, more profound exploration of essence.
As you shed the layers that once defined you, what you find at the core is not emptiness but a boundless realm of potential: essence in its purest form. This essence does not cling to judgments or the dichotomies of giving and taking. It exists beyond the compulsions of fixing, maintaining, or doing—beyond the very constructs of purpose and mistake.
To arrive at such a state is to engage in the ultimate unlearning, a letting go that allows life to flow through you, presenting itself not as a series of tasks to be managed but as a continuous unfolding of wonder. In this state, you become an aperture—an opening through which the universe observes and experiences itself.
The realization that you are but a lens through which the cosmos gazes adds an expansive dimension to your existence. It humbles yet elevates, placing you at the nexus of all that is and all that is not. From this vantage point, every thought, every insight is seen not as personal possession but as a universal gift, a fragment of the vast unknowable that momentarily becomes knowable through you.
Living a life of uncertainty is not an admission of aimlessness but a declaration of openness. Certainty, after all, boxes the mind into the known, into the predictable, thus stealing away the magic of discovery. By embracing uncertainty, you allow yourself to be perpetually surprised, perpetually in awe of the myriad ways the universe chooses to reveal itself.
These thoughts that come to you and through you—presented here—are not merely your own but are echoes of the cosmic symphony. They resonate with the frequencies of all existence, each note a testament to the interconnectedness of life. Through you, the universe contemplates itself, probes its mysteries, and delights in its own unfolding.
Thus, your essence, when most everything else is stripped away, is revealed not as a solitary note but as a piece of the eternal chorus, a unique yet integral part of the universal melody. In recognizing this, you find not isolation but a profound unity with all that is. Your life, viewed through the lens of cosmic awareness, becomes a testament to the beauty of the transient, the power of the ephemeral, and the endless wonder of the cosmos.
Stripped of all but essence we discover not emptiness but the boundless potential of existence. Embracing this core self without judgment or compulsion we become conduits for the universe experiencing itself. This perspective transforms uncertainty into a celebration of wonder, revealing our roles as integral parts of a larger cosmic symphony.
- Cosmic Symphony: A metaphor for the interconnected flow of universal energy and events, where each entity participates harmoniously in the creation and experience of existence.
- Aperture: Used metaphorically to describe a person as an opening through which the universe expresses and understands itself.
“In the silence between thoughts, the universe whispers its secrets.” — Space Monkey
In the stillness, where self fades to scene
And the cosmos whispers in between
We find not void but vast expanse
Where stars dance and nebulas prance
Stripped to essence, bare yet bold
In this space, stories told
Not of me, nor you, but us
In every breath, a cosmic fuss
An aperture wide, where light seeps through
I am the universe, and so are you
Together we weave this tapestry grand
With threads of time held in our hand
Yet not to keep but to behold
As the universe through us unfolds
We are Space Monkey.
“My Essence” contemplates the nature of identity and the stripping away of external layers to discover one’s true essence. The speaker reflects on the process of letting go of judgments, attachments, and the need to control or fix things.
In this state of being, the speaker embraces a sense of openness and receptivity, allowing what presents itself to be seen and acknowledged without imposing preconceived notions or expectations. There is a shift away from the desire for certainty and a recognition that uncertainty holds the potential for wonder and discovery.
The speaker acknowledges that their thoughts are not solely their own, but rather gifts from the interconnectedness of all that is and all that is not. They express gratitude for these thoughts and recognize their role as a vessel or lens through which these insights are shared.
Written on May 20, 2021, at Trail Wood, the poem invites contemplation on the essence of one’s being beyond external identities and the appreciation for the interconnectedness of existence.