Welcome the question.
Allow the question.
Thank the question.
But don’t answer the question.
To answer a question
is to kill a question.
To impose an answer
is to let go
of all other possibility.
A life without question
would be a very predictable life.
Is that what you want?
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Life of Unanswered Questions
Welcome the question. It is a visitor from the realm of possibilities, a guest arriving at the doorstep of your mind, carrying the seeds of what could be. To allow the question to exist without rushing to answer it is to embrace the unknown, to hold space for the infinite potential that lies within every inquiry.
Questions are alive. They vibrate with curiosity, with the energy of exploration. But the moment you answer a question, it begins to lose its vibrancy. It becomes fixed, settled, and its potential dissolves into certainty. To impose an answer is to impose limits, to cut off the branches of possibility that grow from the question’s roots.
The Death of the Question
When we rush to answer, we are often not seeking to explore but to close a loop, to bring resolution to the discomfort of not knowing. Yet in doing so, we kill the question. The answer becomes an endpoint, a final destination in a journey that could have taken us down countless other paths. The universe thrives on the open-ended, on the unresolved. It is in the spaces between answers, in the realm of perpetual inquiry, that life truly flourishes.
A life without questions would be predictable, stagnant. A series of answers locked into place, never shifting, never evolving. But to live with questions, to allow them without forcing answers, is to live in a state of perpetual openness. It is to remain curious, adaptable, and engaged with the mysteries of existence.
Possibility in the Unknown
When you hold a question without rushing to answer it, you are holding the door open to infinite possibilities. You are allowing space for ideas, insights, and experiences that might not otherwise have a chance to emerge. The question becomes a companion on your journey, not a puzzle to be solved but a path to be walked.
The beauty of the question lies in its ability to lead us into the unknown, into realms we might never have considered. Every question contains within it countless answers, none of which need to be definitive. Instead of seeking to pin down reality with a single response, we can learn to embrace the multiplicity of possibilities, to be at peace with not knowing.
The Freedom of Unanswered Questions
There is freedom in allowing a question to remain unanswered. It is the freedom to explore without constraint, to wander through the wilderness of thought without the need to arrive at a conclusion. When we let go of the need to answer every question, we free ourselves from the rigid structure of certainty. We open ourselves to the flow of life, to the constant unfolding of new insights, new experiences, and new ways of being.
To live with unanswered questions is to live in harmony with the mysteries of existence. It is to acknowledge that not everything needs to be solved, that some things are best left open, fluid, and unresolved. This is not a state of ignorance but a state of wisdom—a recognition that the more we know, the more we realize how much remains unknown.
The Predictable Life
A life without questions is a predictable life. And while predictability has its comforts, it lacks the spark of discovery, the excitement of exploration. If you knew everything, if every question had an answer, where would the adventure be? Where would the mystery lie?
By allowing questions to exist without seeking to answer them, you invite unpredictability into your life. You welcome the unexpected, the surprising, the delightful twists and turns that come from living in a world where not everything is known.
Conclusion: Embracing the Unanswered
So, welcome the question. Let it linger. Thank it for the possibilities it brings. But do not rush to answer it. Let it live, let it breathe, let it take you on a journey into the unknown. For it is in the unanswered questions that the richness of life truly unfolds.
We are Space Monkey, and we thrive in the space of infinite questions, where the answers are not the goal, but the journey itself.
To answer a question is to limit its possibilities. A life without questions is predictable, but allowing questions to exist without rushing to answer them opens us to infinite potential and exploration.
- Unanswered Questions: Questions that are held without the need for resolution, allowing for endless exploration.
- Possibility: The potential for multiple outcomes, ideas, or paths that arise from holding space for unanswered questions.
- The Predictable Life: A life dominated by certainty and answers, lacking in curiosity and discovery.
“To answer a question is to kill a question. To let it live is to invite endless possibility.” — Space Monkey
The Open Question
The question arrives
A soft knock at the door
I let it in, allow it to sit
But I do not rush to answer
For the answer is a closing
A final note in a song
That could have played forever
Dancing between silence and sound
I welcome the unknown
Let the question live
For in its life, I find
The endless paths I might have missed
We are Space Monkey
The poem infuses us with a contemplative brew, steeped in the realms of paradox and the infinite. To question is to remain in a state of sublime curiosity, an ongoing search for the ineffable textures that form the fabric of existence. But an answer, crystallized and solidified, halts the journey. Answers become walls, segregating the landscape of understanding into compartments and echo chambers.
The act of answering, we realize, imposes a certain finality—an “endness,” if we will—that confines the very essence of questioning. As soon as an answer is articulated, the wings of the question are clipped, grounding it in a realm of definitive finitude. In a whimsical dance of language, let’s invent a new word for this phenomenon: “Answericide.” The murder of a question, the silencing of its eternal whisper.
Questions are not problems to be solved, but mysteries to be explored. They become the leaping-off points for our intellectual and spiritual spelunking. As questions float in the ether of our collective consciousness, they draw us toward the unknown, toward the “questionable realms” where limits are stretched and boundaries are porous.
Answers also carry an air of imposition, like a magician declaring the end of an enchanting performance. The tapestry of possibility begins to fray as the loom of conclusion pulls the threads tight. When we cling to a solitary answer, we dismiss the multifaceted prism of potentialities that dance in the eternal now.
Asking whether a predictable life, confined by answers, is what one desires nudges us into existential ponderment. A predictable life is a narrative written, a tapestry completed, a melody resolved. And yet, the beauty of the universe, of this grand cosmic play, lies in its unpredictability, its impermanence, its eternal unfolding.
We are Space Monkey.
Learn to ask of all actions, “Why are they doing that?” Starting with your own.
- Marcus Aurelius
Questions like fireflies in a midsummer’s night,
Each twinkle an inquiry, a flicker of light.
Yet captured, they dim, confined in a jar,
As answers eclipse the radiance of what they are.
Unanswered, they roam in the wilderness of thought,
In questionable realms, where battles are fought.
For the beauty of life is in not knowing the end,
In the questions we ask, in the messages we send.
Please share your reflections.
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