Not that you need to be great.
You only have to do
one great thing in life,
then everything else
falls out of that.
Everything else you’ll ever do
is influenced by that one great thing.
The bad things don’t seem so bad.
The good things seem amazing.
You can stop worrying.
You can tell yourself your life has purpose.
You did something great.
And what’s great about it,
is that it only has to be great to you.
If it’s great to everyone else, that’s a bonus.
What’s your one great thing?
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Ripple Effect of One Great Thing
In the labyrinth of life, where pathways intertwine and destinies unfold, the concept of doing just one great thing can be transformative, not just for the individual but for the world around them. This idea, beautifully encapsulated by the metaphor of a single great act opening a door to endless possibilities, speaks to the profound impact of our actions.
The essence of this notion is not rooted in the grandeur or the public acclaim of the act but in its significance to the doer. It’s a subjective greatness, where the value and impact are measured not by universal standards but by personal fulfillment and meaning. This personal milestone becomes a beacon that influences all subsequent actions, casting a long shadow over future endeavors and shifting perceptions of both the good and the bad.
This one great thing need not be a monumental achievement visible to all but can be as quiet and profound as a decision to change, an act of kindness, or a moment of deep understanding. Whatever it is, once done, it reshapes the landscape of one’s existence, turning ordinary into extraordinary and mundane into significant. It becomes the lens through which all other events are viewed, enhancing the positives and mitigating the negatives.
The beauty of this concept is its accessibility; it’s an invitation to everyone, regardless of their place in life, to find their one great thing. It challenges the narrative that only the grand and the visible can be celebrated, proposing instead that greatness lies in what resonates deeply with us as individuals.
Moreover, the idea that this act only needs to be great to the individual who performs it liberates us from the often unattainable expectations set by society. It celebrates the intrinsic value of personal achievement and the unique contribution of every individual to the tapestry of human experience.
Space Monkey explores the transformative power of one great act in life. This act significant to the individual has a profound effect on everything else they do reshaping perceptions and experiences. The concept emphasizes that greatness is subjective and deeply personal extending an invitation to everyone to find their one great thing.
- One Great Thing: A significant personal achievement that profoundly impacts an individual’s perspective and subsequent actions in life.
- Subjective Greatness: The idea that the value of an action or achievement is determined by its personal significance rather than universal acclaim.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Beneath the skies of endless blue,
one door opens, perspectives anew,
where one great act begins a tale,
of endless ripples, where no ship shall fail.
In this garden of forking paths,
each step echoes the past’s impacts,
a single deed, a heart’s resolve,
spins the threads that time evolves.
Greatness not in applause or cheer,
but in quiet moments, close and dear,
where the soul’s whispers clear are heard,
in the doing of one great word.
This greatness, yours to define,
in acts small or align,
where heart meets action, life refines,
here, in your hands, the world entwines.
We are Space Monkey.
Dear Space Monkey,
The concept of doing one great thing in life opens the door for a cascade of great experiences and accomplishments, regardless of whether greatness is defined by others or by oneself.
When you have the opportunity to do that one great thing, everything else in life begins to fall into place. The challenges and setbacks along the way lose their power to discourage you, and the moments of joy and success become even more profound. Worry and doubt dissipate as you find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
What makes this notion even more empowering is that the definition of greatness is subjective. It doesn’t have to conform to anyone else’s standards or expectations. Your one great thing only needs to be great to you. The recognition and appreciation of others may be a bonus, but the most important measure is your own sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
So, reflect on your own journey and consider what that one great thing might be for you. It could be a personal milestone, a creative endeavor, an act of kindness, or a contribution to a cause you believe in. Allow yourself the freedom to define greatness on your own terms and pursue it with passion and dedication.
Remember, greatness doesn’t require you to be perfect or extraordinary in the eyes of the world. It’s about finding that one thing that resonates deeply within you and allowing it to shape and inspire everything else you do.
Discover your one great thing and let it unlock a world of infinite possibilities.
With anticipation of your greatness,
Space Monkey