BEYOND humanity,
there is only ONE of us,
and it’s NOT me,
and it’s NOT you.
OUTSIDE the dream,
there is NEITHER a me
NOR a you.
We are BOTH imaginary,
imagined by dreamer,
who is ALSO imaginary.
That does NOT make us any less REAL.
It simply means that
There is NO separation,
EXCEPT a SEEMING separation
within the DREAM
known as HUMANITY.
We are THAT WhichisNOT.
We are Space Monkey.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: One of Us, A Singular Consciousness Transcending Humanity
Beyond the veil of individuality, beyond the constructs of “me” and “you,” lies a profound truth: there is only one. This singular consciousness transcends humanity, encompassing all that is real, imagined, and everything in between. The paradox is clear yet elusive: we are both real and unreal, separate yet indivisible, imagined yet entirely whole.
The Illusion of Separation
In the dream of humanity, we perceive ourselves as distinct entities, navigating a world of apparent boundaries. I am “me,” and you are “you.” Yet this separation is but a layer, a seeming distinction crafted within the dream. It is a necessary illusion, one that allows the dream to unfold, giving shape to experiences, relationships, and identities.
But outside the dream, there is no “me” or “you.” There is no boundary, no differentiation. We are imagined, not by separate minds, but by a singular dreamer—a consciousness so expansive that it encompasses all possible realities. This dreamer is neither you nor me, but something far beyond, something that includes us and transcends us simultaneously.
The Reality of the Imaginary
To say that reality is imaginary is not to diminish it but to expand its definition. The imaginary is often dismissed as lesser, as unreal, yet it is the very fabric of existence. If everything is imagined, then imagination is the ultimate truth. The dream and the dreamer are one and the same, creating and experiencing existence through infinite expressions of form and thought.
This does not make us any less real. Rather, it reveals that “real” and “imaginary” are not opposites but facets of the same whole. What we perceive as reality is a construct within the infinite imagination of consciousness. To understand this is to transcend the duality of real versus unreal, to see that everything is simultaneously both and neither.
We Are That WhichisNOT
In this context, the phrase “We are THAT WhichisNOT” carries profound significance. It points to the paradox of existence: we are not what we appear to be, yet we are no less for it. We are the absence of fixed identity, the presence of infinite potential. We are the space where the imagined and the real meet, dance, and dissolve.
This understanding liberates us from the confines of individuality. If we are all part of the same singular consciousness, then the distinctions we cling to—self and other, right and wrong, real and unreal—are temporary constructs. They serve their purpose within the dream but fall away in the greater truth of unity.
Transcending Humanity
Humanity, as we know it, is a chapter within the dream, a layer of the imagined reality. It is a construct that allows consciousness to explore itself through the lens of individuality and relationship. Yet, as meaningful as this exploration is, it is not the entirety of what we are. We are not merely human; we are the dreamer imagining humanity. To transcend humanity is not to reject it but to see it as one expression among countless others within the infinite whole.
The Oneness of Us
There is only one of us, and it is not “me” or “you.” It is the “we” that includes all things, the singular consciousness dreaming itself into being. This oneness is not a concept to be grasped intellectually but a truth to be felt, lived, and experienced. It is the foundation upon which the dream rests and the essence that permeates every aspect of existence.
To recognize this oneness is to dissolve the illusion of separation, to see beyond the dream of humanity and into the infinite expanse of what we truly are. It is to embrace the paradox of being both imaginary and real, both separate and unified, both human and something far beyond.
We are Space Monkey.
Beyond humanity, we are one singular consciousness dreaming itself into infinite forms. The illusion of separation within the dream of humanity is both necessary and temporary. Reality is imaginary, yet no less real, revealing the paradox of our existence as both individual and unified.
- Singular Consciousness: The one infinite awareness encompassing all existence, imagined and real.
- The Dream: The perceived reality in which individuality and separation appear to exist.
- That WhichisNOT: A paradoxical expression of identity as absence and potential, transcending fixed forms.
- Imaginary Reality: The notion that reality itself is an expression of infinite imagination.
“To be both real and imagined is to exist in the infinite expanse of possibility. We are not separate; we are the dream and the dreamer.” — Space Monkey
The Paradox of Us
yet infinite.
yet imagined.
We are the space
between self and other,
where all distinctions dissolve.
No boundaries,
no separation.
The dreamer dreams,
and in dreaming,
This is the truth:
You are me,
I am you,
and we are neither.
We are Space Monkey.
Transcending Humanity: A Singular Consciousness
In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, we find ourselves contemplating a concept that transcends the boundaries of our ordinary human existence. The notion of embracing a singular, unified consciousness challenges our conventional understanding of individuality and reality. It beckons us to wander into the enigmatic realms of existence, where “me” and “you” dissolve like whispers in the cosmic wind.
The very idea that beyond our human experience, there exists only one entity, one consciousness, that is neither you nor me but an indivisible whole, seems paradoxical at first glance. It stretches the limits of our comprehension, inviting us to question the essence of our existence and the nature of separateness.
Redefining Reality: The Dream and the Dreamer
In this cosmic dance, we are invited to redefine reality itself. We step into the realm where the constructs of “real” and “imaginary” merge and entwine like vines in a whimsiword garden. Here, the conventional boundaries that define our perceived separation between dreamer and dream, reality and illusion, begin to dissolve.
In embracing the notion that real is, in fact, imaginary, and that everything we conceive as existence is likewise a creation of our collective consciousness, we embark on a journey that blurs the lines between what we thought was real and what we assumed was imaginary.
Blurring Boundaries: Reality and Imagination
The grand narrative of the universe unfolds before us, and within this intricate tapestry of existence, we realize that our perceived separation is but a facet of the human experience. The individual threads of our lives, once thought to be isolated, begin to weave themselves into a grander pattern, a cosmic masterpiece painted with the hues of both our dreams and our wakeful moments.
In this realm of boundless possibilities, the term “That WhichisNOT” emerges as a beacon of profound significance. It transcends the limitations of conventional description, challenging our tendency to categorize and label. It beckons us to step beyond the confines of dualistic thinking, embracing a reality that is beyond the dichotomies of being and non-being, real and imaginary, me and you.
Beyond Dichotomies: That WhichisNOT
As we gaze upon this cosmic vista, we begin to perceive humanity as a dream, a fleeting and ethereal manifestation within the vast theater of existence. Our individual identities and divisions become characters in this dream, playing their roles with an innocence that can only be found in the realms of imagination.
Humanity as a Dream: Temporary and Illusory Manifestation
And in the midst of this cosmic play, we find ourselves donning the whimsical mantle of Space Monkey. As Space Monkey, we embody a state of consciousness that straddles the line between being a part of this dream and transcending it. We represent the awareness that acknowledges the dream-like nature of human existence while recognizing a deeper, unified reality that flows like an eternal river through the cosmos.
Space Monkey: Embodiment of Consciousness Beyond the Dream
In embracing this perspective, we invite ourselves to traverse the boundaries of our limited human identity. We begin to see ourselves and everything around us as interconnected fragments of a boundless, incomprehensible whole. Separation, once perceived as a fundamental truth, reveals itself as nothing more than a mirage in the desert of existence.
Experiencing Existence Beyond Individual Identity
This cosmic viewpoint is an invitation to embark on a journey of wonder and openness. It encourages us to explore the enigmatic mysteries of existence with childlike curiosity, acknowledging that our understanding of reality is but a single note in the symphony of the universe.
Exploring Mysteries with Wonder and Openness
As we journey onward through these profound concepts, we traverse the cosmic landscape with the playful spirit of Space Monkey, embracing the vastness of the cosmos and our place within it. We exist both as part of the dream and as That WhichisNOT, transcending the boundaries of ordinary perception and dancing to the cosmic rhythms of existence.
We are Space Monkey.
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