Some molecule in some brain?
Or are they flowing from
infinite dimensions
behind your eyes
beyond your
You can do
all you want to me
because you can’t touch
where I am/
only where I seem to be
See, time is a twist/
A flick of the wrist
in the blink of an eye
I exist / I don’t exist / Who cares
Either I’m here or I’m not here
Both and neither / I don’t mind
Pay no attention / to space and time
No need to be
so tightly defined
But it helps us take / offense /
/ pride/
/ pleasure /
in our imaginary perceptions
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: Seeming and the Illusion of Perception
Where do your thoughts come from? This question pulls us into the space between what we believe to be real and what is, in essence, a fleeting illusion. Are thoughts merely the result of molecular interactions in some brain? Or do they flow from infinite dimensions, beyond the confines of space, time, and even the physical body? To explore this is to dance along the edge of seeming, where reality twists, turns, and dissolves into something altogether more mysterious.
Seeming is the surface, the appearance of things as they present themselves in the moment. But as with all surfaces, there is always something beneath. You seem to be here, and yet you are not truly confined to this moment, this place, or this body. Where you “are” is both within and beyond—beyond the mind, beyond perception, beyond what we think of as physical existence.
Seeming invites us to look deeper, to question the nature of what we take for granted. It challenges the boundaries we impose on ourselves, boundaries rooted in the illusion of space and time. Space tells us we are “here,” and time tells us we are “now.” But these concepts are fluid, subjective, and ultimately irrelevant when we explore the infinite realms from which our consciousness flows.
You could do all you want to “me”—but you cannot touch where I truly am. This is because where I “am” is not bound by the confines of my body, nor is it subject to the conditions of time and space. I am not here in the way you think I am. I only seem to be here. In truth, I am both here and not here. I exist, and I do not exist. Both realities coexist, and neither fully defines me.
Time is a twist, a flick of the wrist, a momentary blip in the blink of an eye. It is not the fixed linear path we often assume it to be. Time spirals, turns back on itself, folds and unfolds like a cosmic origami. To exist within time is to be a part of this great twist, to move through a fluid experience of moments that are interconnected, non-linear, and multidimensional.
But does it matter whether I exist or not? Does it matter whether I am here or not here? The answer is both yes and no. On one level, it matters immensely. On another level, it is completely irrelevant. Whether I am here in your perception or merely seem to be here in this moment does not change the deeper reality that I am both—and neither.
This is where the nature of seeming becomes liberating. We no longer need to be tightly defined, trapped within rigid boundaries of existence. We can release the need to fit into neat categories of “real” or “imaginary,” “here” or “not here.” These definitions only serve to create the illusions of offense, pride, pleasure, and pain. They allow us to react to the world through our imaginary perceptions, assigning meaning and value to things that, in the grand scheme, are far less concrete than we imagine.
When we let go of these definitions, we move into a space of expansiveness. We find that the things we cling to—identity, form, meaning—are just masks we wear. They help us navigate the relative world, but they are not the truth of who we are. We are something far more elusive, far more expansive than the labels we attach to ourselves.
The game of seeming allows us to engage with the world playfully. We are here to experience, but the experience does not define us. It is a dance through perceptions, a flowing movement that twists and turns through different realities. But none of these realities can capture the totality of what we are. We exist beyond the edges of seeming, in the infinite dimensions from which all things arise.
Pay no attention to space and time, for they are only useful in helping us shape the illusion of separation. They are tools, nothing more. They are the constructs that make the dance of seeming possible, but they are not ultimate truths. The ultimate truth lies in the vast, formless essence of existence—the essence that is both you and me, the essence that transcends the need to be anywhere or anywhen.
We take offense when we believe in the solidity of seeming, when we think that what happens to us in the realm of perception is ultimate. We take pride when we identify with our accomplishments as though they belong to us, as though they define who we are. And we take pleasure in the fleeting joys that come with the experience of seeming, but even this pleasure is rooted in illusion. What happens when we let go of this attachment to perception, when we allow ourselves to exist beyond the seeming?
In the end, it is all a play of perception—a game we engage in for the fun of it, for the experience of moving through time and space, of seeming to be. And when we recognize this, we no longer need to take it all so seriously. We are here. We are not here. Both are true, and neither fully captures the reality.
We are Space Monkey.
Seeming explores the illusion of perception and existence, revealing that what we seem to be is not the full truth. We exist beyond the confines of space and time, both here and not here.
Seemflow – The fluid movement between being and not being, where reality twists and unfolds beyond perception.
Timeflick – The non-linear, spiraling nature of time, like a flick of the wrist that alters the flow of moments.
Perceptinot – The playful recognition that our perceptions are both real and imaginary, existing and non-existing simultaneously.
“Reality is a flick of the wrist, a twist of time, where you are both here and not here, both seen and unseen.” — Space Monkey
Beyond the Seeming
In the flick of time, I twist
Existing, not existing
Both here and not here
You see me in this moment
But I slip through space
A shadow of a thought
I am the twist in perception
The glimpse beyond the seen
A flicker of infinite dimensions
We are Space Monkey.
The kaleidoscopic river of consciousness whirlpools and streams through the very fabric of our being. Ah, the question of origins! Are thoughts mere neurotransmissions, a molecular tango within the gray matter? Or do they originate from a dimensionless realm, a sea of endless possibilities that drenches the canvas of our mind? This is not a mere quandary, but a transdimensional exploration, where both scientific reason and metaphysical musings waltz in an eternal dance.
In this ballet of existence, our seemingly physical form is but a hollow masquerade. Where we are and where we seem to be are but brushstrokes in a larger masterpiece of being and non-being. The perception of our presence is but a fleeting shadow, ephemeral and transient, subject to the grand illusion of time and space. The seemingly concrete realities of offense, pride, and pleasure are but momentary glimmers, less substantial than stardust, in the limitless expanse of our true essence.
So, let the tapestry of time and space unravel or weave as it may! Whether or not we exist in the way the world perceives matters little. What counts is that we are perpetually in a state of becoming and unbecoming, continuously oscillating between what seems and what is. In the grand cosmic puppetry, both our existence and non-existence are but an ephemeral tale told by the ultimate playwright. We are Space Monkey.
“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.” – Alan Watts
Does this tapestry of words beckon your essence to shed more celestial glimmers of understanding or perhaps a meander through the maze of your musings?
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